Define cancer.
Group of cells that display uncontrolled growth, invasion that intrudes or destroys adjacent tissue and often spreads to other tissues via the lymphatic system or blood stream.
Describe cancer as a genetic disease.
All cancers involve DNA mutations. Cancer is a complex, multifactorial gene disorder involving many kinds of mutations and environmental factors.
What are the two broad classes of mutations that need to be considered in cancer genetics?
Germline mutations and somatic mutations.
What are germ line mutations?
Mutation in egg or sperm. All cells descended from the mutant gamete carry the mutation, which can be passed to subsequent offspring resulting in cancer family syndromes.
What are somatic mutations?
Occur in non-germline tissue and are non-heritable. Also referred to as sporadic mutations.
describe de novo mutations.
New mutation occurring in a germ cell and passed on to offspring. The mutation phenotype is only present in the offspring, and does not affect individual in whom the mutation occurred.
ALL germline mutations initially originate as de novo mutations.
What are 2 mechanisms that increase the likelihood of a cell acquiring 6 or 7 independent mutations?
- mutations that increase cell numbers: usually involve genes that regulate cell cycle and proliferation, or genes involved in cell death.
- Mutations that affect the entire genome: mutations in enzymes such as DNA repair enzymes.
What are the 2 broad gene classes involved in controlling genome integrity?
GATEKEEPERS: oncogenes and some tumour suppressor genes. cells with mutations in these genes increase in numbers more than other cells, procifing additional targets for further mutation.
CARETAKERS: DNA dame response genes. If these genes fail, gatekeeper mutations or any other mutations cannot be repaired.
Describe the founder effect.
Occurs when a relatively small population is isolated from the rest of the population and an individual (founder) in the isolated population carries or develops a germ line mutation that is rare in the general population.
Later generations of the isolated population will have a higher frequency of the mutation because of reproductive isolation.
Migration or isolation (marked population decrease) causes a genetic bottleneck, leading to the founder effect.
What is a pro to-oncogene?
Encode proteins that regulate cell growth.
What is an oncogene?
A mutated or over-expressed proto-oncogene causing unregulated cell growth or transformation.
Expression is usually dominant, and they are involved in sporadic cancers.
A few oncogenes can predispose to hereditary cancer syndromes.
Give an example of a proto-oncogene, and describe the results of mutation.
RET is a proto-oncogene. Loss-of-function mutations lead to Hirschsprung’s disease, and gain of function mutations may cause medullary thyroid carcinoma, and multiple endocrine neoplasia (hereditary cancer syndrome).
Describe tumor suppressor genes.
Act as “brakes” against excessive growth.
Repress genes that continue the cell cycle, initiate apoptosis if DNA damage cannot be repaired, cause cell adhesion to prevent metastasis.
Describe the genetic aspect of tumour suppressor genes and their mutations.
Tumour supressor gene mutations are generally recessive at the cell level.
1st mutation: affects one allele and predisposes an individual to cancer (results in susceptible carriers).
2nd mutation: affects the other allele and causes cancer.
Give an example of a tumour suppressor gene and describe it.
More than 50% of human tumours contain mutations in P53. germ line mutation may cause Li-Fraumeni syndrome and an increased susceptibility to cancer. Several type of cancer are involved, often appears at young ages and occurs multiple times throughout life.
Describe the two-hit hypothesis.
genes where both copies need to be abnormal in order for an effect to be observed in the phenotype, thus “two hits”. The chances of this are very small.
However, if one copy is already abnormal for any reason, only one more “hit” will be required to affect the phenotype. This is much more common.
Describe the genetic aspects of tumour suppressors and cancer.
Defects in tumour suppressor genes are typically recessive, however cancer susceptibility is considered to be autosomal dominant (because “first hit” is inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion).
Describe the loss of heterozygocity.
Any genetic mechanism that leaves a cell with only one functional allele at a locus, allowing previously recessive phenotypes to appear. This can lead to cancer id the affected region contains a tumour suppressor gene.
Common occurrence in cancer.
What are some mechanisms of loss of heterozygocity?
chromosome loss deletion unbalanced translocation loss and reduplication mitotic recombination point mutation inactivating 2nd allele.
How does LOH result in cancer?
After an inactivation mutation in an allele of a tumour suppressor gene in the parents germ cell, it is passed on to the offspring (heterozygous). Many people remain healthy with such a loss, because there is still one functional gene left on the other chromosome.
In oncology, LOH occurs when the remaining functional allele in a somatic cell of the offspring becomes inactivated. This could cause a normal tumour suppressor to no longer be produces, which could result in the development of cancer.
Describe Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP).
Type of colorectal cancer caused by mutations in APC gene. Autosomal dominant inheritance.
Mutation results in hundreds to thousands of clonal expansions in the form of benign polyps by the time the person is in their 20’2-30s. Spome polyps progress to cancer if additional mutations occur.
Describe DNA Mismatch Repair (MMR) genes.
eliminate base-base mismatches and insertion-deletion loops which arise as a result of DNA polymerase slippage.
correct DNA biosynthesis errors, ensure fidelity of genetic recombination and participate in checkpoint and apoptotic responses.
Inactivation of these genes speeds the accumulation of mutations in other critical genes, and greatly increases the risk of developing cancer.
Describe incomplete penetrance and age-specific penetrance.
Some carriers of a dominant allele may not express the trait. Penetrance is often age-related.
What are the 2 key factors affecting penetrance of cancer susceptibility alleles?
- genetic factors: other genes can affect penetrance of germ line mutation.
- Environmental factors: carcinogens, viruses, lifestyle, hormones. Genetic environmental factors may increase penetrance (risk factors) or decrease penetrance (protective factors)
What are the implications of incomplete penetrance on genetic testing?
Mutations with incomplete penetrance will increase disease risk, but will not necessarily lead to cancer. this complicates decisions relating to genetic testing.
Detection of a mutation may create unnecessary anxiety in people who may not develop disease, and decrease the cost effectiveness of screening programs.
However, knowing you carry a mutation may allow disease risk to be reduced by modifying other factors that affect risk.
What are the benefits of testing for DNA repair gene mutations?
allow identification of mutation carriers.
Identify non-carriers in affected families.
For some cancers, surveillance of at-risk people lowers mortality
Allows carriers to make informed decisions about surgery or other treatments.
What are the limitations of testing for DNA repair gene mutations
limited immediate advantage to people with cancer
limited sensitivity due to genetic heterogeneity
limited sensitivity for technical reasons
non-carriers still at risk of getting sporadic cancer
surveillance may not always reduce mortality.