Cancer Care: Why Nutrition Matters? Flashcards
Loss or absence of the sense of taste.
Weight loss and lessening of the body’s fat
and muscle stores that accompany advance
cancer, even without adequate nutrition; may be related to elevated levels of tumor necrosis
Cancer Cachexia
An agent (physical, chemical, or viral) that
induces cancer in humans and animals.
Impaired taste
Decrease taste acuity
Dryness of the mouth
ü Maintains desirable body weight
ü Provides essential nutrients to the body
ü Eating the right kinds of foods before,
during, and after treatment can help
you feel better and stay stronger
ü Helping to reduce cancer risk
ü Promoting healthy lifestyle during and
after the treatment
ü Improve patients tolerance in cancer
ü Minimize nutrition impact symptoms o r
side effects
ü Maximize the quality of life
Provide and sustain energy or strength to the
body during and after cancer treatment.
The best sources of carbohydrates – fruits,
vegetables, and whole grains – also supply
needed vitamins and minerals, fiber, and
phytonutrients to the body’s cells.
(Phytonutrients are chemicals in plant-based
foods that we don’t need to live, but that might
promote health.).
People with cancer often need more __
than usual.
q After surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation
therapy, extra __ is usually needed to
rebuild tissues and help maintain healthy
immunity to fight infections.
q An individual’s need for __ is increased
during times of illness and stress.
q Prevent severe malnutrition.
q Daily __ requirements are generally based
on the actual body weight.
Fats play an important role in nutrition.
q Fats and oils serve as a rich source of energy for
the body.
q The body breaks down fats and uses them to
store energy, insulate body tissues, and
transport some types of vitamins through the
q When considering the effects of fats on your heart and
cholesterol level, choose monounsaturated (olive,
canola, and peanut oils) and polyunsaturated fats(these
are found mainly in safflower, sunflower, corn, and
flaxseed oils and seafood) more often than saturated
fats ortransfats.
Common Eating Problems
- Appetite Changes
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Mouth Dryness or Thick Saliva
- Mouth Sores or Sore Throat
- Nausea
- Taste and Smell Changes
- Weight Changes
for Diarrhea Try a ___ ____ diet (one that includes water, weak tea, apple juice, peach or apricot nectar, clear broth,
Popsicles, and gelatin with no solids added) as soon as diarrhea starts or when you feel that it’s going to start.
Avoid acidic drinks, such as tomato juice, citrus juices, and fizzy soft drinks.
clear liquid
- Follow the food-handling tips
- Do not cross-contaminate
- Cook foods well (Avoid raw foods)
- Microwave cooking
- Read labels when grocery shopping
- Utensils and cooking equipment’s must be kept clean
Choose a variety of foods from all the food groups. Try to eat at least __ cups of fruits and vegetables each day; include citrus fruits and dark-green and deep-
yellow vegetables.
2 and 1⁄2
Limit your intake of red meat (beef, pork, or lamb) to no more than __ to __servings
a week.
3 to 4
Avoid salt-cured, smoked, and pickled foods (____).
* Choose ___ and dairy products.
including bacon, sausage, and deli
low-fat milk