cancer Flashcards
what is a tumour?
a swelling of a part of the body, generally without inflammation, caused by an abnormal growth of tissue, whether benign or malignant
Localized growths of tissue
Abnormal cells growth
Structural and functional alterations
Invasion of nearby tissues
Migrate and colonize other organs via blood and lymph
Success of therapy and survival depend on extent and control of metastases
Cells require six characteristics to become fully malignant
Production of growth signals Lack of sensitivity to antigrowth signals Resistance towards apoptosis Immortalization Stimulation of blood vessel production Ability to invade and metastasize
cancer approaches
Approaches Epidemiological approach Study designs Exposures vs outcomes Distribution
Experimental approach
Identification of carcinogens via lab testing
Experimental animals, mostly rodents-long term
No universal criteria to translate this data to cancer risk in humans
Effects of chemical agents on end-points belonging to DNA damage, mutagenicity, chromosome testing- short term
Mechanical tests
Identification of intermediate steps in compound-specific carcinogenic process
Non-genotoxic carcinogens such as hormones and obesity with no bio-markers
Classification of carcinogenic chemicals by the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer
Group: 1
Evidence of carcinogenicity in humans:
-Derived from epidemiological studies; sufficient
Evidence of carcinogenicity in humans :Limited; agent is experimental carcinogen
Evidence of carcinogenicity in humans: Experimental agent; inadequate or non-existent evidence
Evidence of carcinogenicity in humans
:Non-classifiable as to its carcinogenicity in humans
Group 4
Evidence of carcinogenicity in humans:
Probably non-carcinogenic to humans
Risk factors leading to cancer
- Genetic predisposition (small percentage)
- Family
2.Tobacco smoking
Single major cause of human cancer globally- 30% of all cancers in HICs; less in LMICs because later start of tobacco epidemic
Diet and obesity
Exposure to aflatoxin( produced by fungi in tropical areas)
liver cancer
High intake of red meat and processed meat colorectal cancer
7.Occupation and pollution
8.Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation
-Acute lymphocytic leukemia
Acute and chronic myeloid leukemia
Cancers of breast, lung, bone, brain, thyroid
lung cancer histology
Histology Small cell carcinoma Non-small cell Squamous cell decreasing Adenocarcinoma increasing Large cell
Staging System?
way cancer is thought to
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer:
T = Main Tumor N = Regional Nodes M = Distant Metastasis
TNM Staging: Regional Lymph Nodes
No tumor spread to regional lymph
Spread detected in nodes close to
the tumor
Spread found in nodes in middle of
TNM Staging: Primary Tumor (T)
Based on Size of Tumor - bigger more chance
of breaking off and spreading
T1 < or equal 3 cm diameter
T2 >3 m diameter
TNM Staging: Distant Metastasis
MO No spread or metastasis outside
of chest
M1 Spread or metastasis present
outside of chest, for example in brain
or bone or liver
A etiology and risk factors of lung cancer
Tobacco smoke Increases risk by 20-40 fold, even for moderate smokers Cumulative risk of lung cancer is 16% Excess risk levels off in ex-smokers Exposure to involuntary smoking increases risk among non-smokers-20% excess risk compared to unexposed non-smokers Contribution of all aspects of smoking Average consumption Duration of smoking Time since quitting Age at start Type of tobacco product Inhalation pattern
Protective factor of lung cancer
Intake of cruciferous vegetables
High content of isothiocyanates
Ionizing radiation of lung cancer
Underground miners
Atomic bomb survivors
Radiotherapy for breast cancer or ankylosing spondylitis
Annual low dose CT scan among smokers
Lung cancer prevention
Control tobacco smoking, including involuntary
Reduction in exposure to occupational an environmental carcinogens-indoor pollution and radon
Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables