Canada to 1867 Terms Flashcards
a country or area under the control of another country and occupied by settlers from that country
a form of government where the people are represented by elected officials
the formation of Canada;
when Canada became its own country through the British North America Act
a group of people that have the power to rule in a territory or country
aboriginal / indigenous people
people inhabiting or existing in a land from the earliest times or from before the arrival of colonists
eg. First Nations in Canada
The three levels of government in Canada
Responsibilities of the Municipal Government
matters such as public transportation, fire
protection, local police, local land use, libraries, parks, community water systems, roadways
and parking.
Responsibilities of the Provincial Government
matters such as education, health care and road regulations
Responsibilities of the Federal Government
national and international matters, such as national
defense, immigration, foreign affairs, postal services and criminal law
When people don’t agree with the government so they organize and fight, this action is called rebellion
Upper Canada
was a an English colony, in current day southern Ontario
Responsible Government
a government that will care about its people will not give up the people; and must answer to the people
To improve a society or government institution through changes
Family Compact
Upper Canada
Moderate Reformer