Can't Miss Diagnosis Flashcards
Have a high index of suspicion for these dxs. Know what to do if they are on the ddx.
PE - classic vitals? - What to do?
HR up, BP nl/down, RR up
LMWH or heparin (with bolus), CT angio; if hypotensive STAT echo; consider lysis in massive/submassive
CVA, acute hemmorrhagic - classic vitals? - What to do?
HR down, BP up, altered breathing
STAT head CT, call neurosurgery
Cardiac tamponade - classic vitals? - What to do?
HR up, BP down, RR variable
check puls paradoxysm if > 15 STAT echo, call CCU, bolus fluids
Tension PTX - classic vitals? - What to do?
HR increased, BP decreased, RR increased
Call CT surg for chest tube. If arresting, 14g to 2nd intercostal space at midclavicular line
Ischemic bowel - classic vitals? - What to do?
HR variable, BP variable, RR increased
“pain out of proportion to exam”, often hypoglycemia, check lactic acid, call gen surg, consider CT angio of abdomen
Severe sepsis - classic vitals? - What to do?
HR increased, BP decreased, RR increased
Fluids, fluids, fluids, broad spectrum abx as early as possible, 2x BCx peripherally, Cx any indwelling catheter, UCx, CXR, If BP doesnt respond to fluids –> MICU
Acute coronary syndrome - classic vitals? - What to do?
no classic vitals, all variable
ECG, STAT trop/CK-MB, aspirin 325, Plavix load, atrova 80, heparin drip with bolus, O2 if stats < 93, nitroglycerin, morphine, call CCU
Aortic disection/ acute hemorrage - classic vitals? - What to do?
HR increased, BP up early down late, RR increased
2 large bore IVs, IVFs, blood, platelets, call surg
Status epilepticus - classic vitals? - What to do?
no classic vitals, all variable,
Ativan IV 1mg q1min (0.1mg/kg max); page neuro; stat electrolytes, phenytoin or keppra load, intubate if any decreased in oxygenation