Can't Hurt Me Flashcards
What kinda herrasement is Goggins exposed to and how does he fight it?
Goggins is exposed to racism and he tries to handle this by doing odd things to take focus of the racism. He is watching the Malcolm X speech and the leader of the nation islam calling for justice on black people in 1960.
Later on, we hear Goggins’ solution to this problem is simply getting upset with his goals so he doesn’t have time to give a fuck about Racism.
To address this problem, we can use Marc’s method of: “The subtle art of not giving a fuck”
What happens when Goggins get kicked of the Basketball team?
Goggins loses his only motivation but he thinks about other things that drive him every day and keeps up with school even though he is far behind.
How does Goggins motivate himself?
Goggins post-it notes reminds him of his daily tasks and he gives him self a talk on why he should do each of them
And he also uses his Cookie Jar when things get hard
How does Goggins handle his 3 month workout to attend the Seals
He start filling out hes time and if he skipps a workout he needs to do the entire week over.
What did Goggins do when doubting himself, getting angry, or being upset?
He redirected that energy into the tasks.
How to get used to discomfort?
Skriv ting ned som du er uncomfortable med.
Vælg en af disse ting og gør dem
Gør en ting hverdag du ikke har lyst til og skriv den ned. Når din opgave bliver for let så tilføjer du mere til den.
How did Goggins survive Hell week
- Han lod som om at officerene var fjender der ville have ham til at fejle hans prøve.
- Han fandt ud af hvad der virkelig ville hjælpe ham på hans vej og dik denne ting han havde brug for (I hans case var det skemaet over hvad de skulle)
- Ham og hans team visualiserede hvordan det var at komme ud på den anden side af Hell Week. På den måde kunne de bruge dere følelser til at masse på videre.
What does the term “Taking Souls” mean
It means acknowledging your opponents and using your feelings towards them to fuel your best work, take them by surprise, and earn their respect.
Hvad er Gogins formular til at komme iggenem svære situationer?
- Identificer udfordringer
- Identificer dine modspillere
- Vælg et projekt eller en opgave hvor du kan visse dine skills og sparke røv
- Brug dit had og negativ energi til at skube ind og bruge i opgven og kom iggenem den.
Hvad for Gogins til at blive i seal træning selvom han er i en hård tid?
Han indser at det ville være endnu værre for ham ikke at forsøge seal træning igen end det ville være at prøve og så fejle.
What is a cookie Jar?
Et Cooki Jar er en boks i dit hoved med alle de svære ting du er gået iggenem. En slags achiewement liste.
Du skal trække af denne når tiderne bliver svære for dig fordi det kan motivere dig iggenem svære tider.
What does it mean to push past your governor?
It means pushing past the 40% you got and giving 100%
How did Goggins get through hurt 100?
Dele hans løb ind i bider så han sagde til sig selv: Bare over til bakken og så jeg færdig. men istedet for at være færdig kørte han mere på.
How dig Goggins prepare the Badwater 135?
Visualised the route, drove it, researched on the internet and he trained a lot
How to dismantle your governor
Gå så langt som du naturligt kan.
Når du er på dit max så gå lige lidt over.
Eksempel: Du har studeret intensivt i 4 timer og kan ikke mere. Mas lige 30 minutter mere ind.
Et godt tip er at snak til dig selv at du godt kan klare det.
What is the number one excuse for not working out?
“I don’t have enough time”
What does Goggins do when he gives up on the world record for pull-ups?
He reflects on what was good and what caused the failure
How to reflect on failure?
- Tænk på din failure
- Skriv følgende ned:
Hvad var godt af hvad vi gjorder?
Hvordan håndterede du din fiasko?
Harmede din fiasko nogen relationer?
Hvordan påvirkede fiaskoen dit liv? - Lav en liste om de ting du ku have gjort bedre.
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