Can't feel my face Flashcards
Origin: Posterior portion of alveolar process of maxilla and mandible opposite sockets of molar teeth, anterior border of pterygomandibular raphe
Inserts: Angle of Mouth
Nerve: Buccal Brances of Facial Nerve (CN VII)
Muscular branches of facial artery, buccal branch of maxillary artery
Corrugator Supercilii
Medial part of supra-orbital margin
Skin of medial half of eyebrow
Zygomatic and temporal branches of facial Nerve
Zygomatic and anterior branches of superfiical temporal artery
Depressor anguli oris
Continuous with platysma on oblique line of mandible
Angle of mouth into orbicularis and skin
Mandibular and buccal branches of facial nerve
Inferior labial branch of facial artery
Depressor labii inferioris
Continuous with platysma on oblique line of mandible
Angle of mouth into orbicularis and skin
Mandibular and buccal branches of facial nerve
Inferior labial branch of facial artery
Depressor septi nasi
Incisive fossa of maxilla
Septum and posterior part of ala of nose
Zygomatic and buccal branches of facial nerve
superior labial branch of facial artery
Digastric (Anterior Belly)
Digastric fossa of mandible
Intermediate tendon attached to body of hyoid
Nerve to mylohyoid
Branches of submental artery
Digastric (Posterior Belly)
Mastoid notch of temporal bone
Intermediate tendon attached to body of hyoid
Facial Nerve
Muscular branches of posterior auricular artery, muscular branches of occipital artery
Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis
Epicranial aponeurosis a level of coronal suture
Skin of frontal region, epicranial aponeurosis
Temporal branches of facial nerve
Frontal branch of superficial temporal artery
Levator anguli oris
Canine fossa of maxilla immediately below infra-orbital foramen and under cover of zygomatic head of levator labii superioris
Angle of mouth; fibers intermigle with orbicularis oris, depressor anguli oris, zygomaticus
Zygomatic and buccal branches of facial nerve
Superior labial branch of facial arter
Levator labii superioris
Maxilla above infra-orbtial foramen
Skin of upper lip
Zygomatic and buccal branches of facial nerves
Superior labial artery and angular branches of facial artery
Zygomatic arch
Ramus of mandible, coronoid process
Mandibular nerve (CN V3) via masseteric nerve
Transverse facial artery; masseteric branch of maxillary and facial arteries
Incisive fossa of mandible
Skin of chin
Mandibular branch of facial nerve
Inferior labial branch of facial artery
Canine eminence above and lateral to incisive fossa of maxilla
Aponeurosis on nasal cartilages
Zygomatic and buccal branhces of facial nerve
Superior labial, septal, and lateral nasal branches of facial artery
Skin below clavicle, upper thorax
Mandible, oral muscles
Facial nerve
Submental and suprascapular arteries
Fascia covering lower parts of nasal bone and upper part of lateral nasal cartilage
Skin between and above eyebrow
temporal and zygomatic branches of facial nerve
Angular and lateral nasal branches of facial artery
Fascia over masseter superficial to platysma
Skin at angle of mouth
Zygomatic and buccal branches of facial nerve
Superior labial branch of facial artery
Zygomaticus major
Zygomatic arch
Angle of Mouth
Zygomatic and buccal branches of facial nerve
Superior labial branch of facial artery
Zygomaticus minor
Zygomatic arch
Angle of mouth, upper lip
Zygomatic and buccal branches of facial nerve
Superior labial branch of facial artery
orbicularis oculie
Medial orbital margin, palpebral ligament, lacrimal bone
Skin around orbit, palpebral ligament, upper and lower eyelids
Facial nerve
facial and superficial temporal arteries
Orbicularis oris
Maxilla above incisor teeth
skin around lips
Zygomatic, buccal, and mandibular branches of facial nerve
Inferior and superior labial branches of facial artery.