Can OpenercPatented 46 Years After Canned Foods Flashcards
Les Kelly’s list of cars he wanted to buy at certain prices in 26 evolved into what guide
Kelly blue book
What line dance created in 1976 by Richard silver begins with a series of grapevines to the right and left
The electric slide
Who best out Elmo the elephant and newt the GNU to become an enduring cereal mascot
Tony the Tiger
Measures at 134 degrees the highest officially recorded temperature occurred in what country
Which daughter of ol blue eyes achieved success with the song these boots are made for walkin
Nancy Sinatra
2 largest of Britain’s Channel Islands
Gern z
What creatures would you typically find living in a formicary
The town of macondo is at the center of ehat novel
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
100 years of solitude
What common kitchen tool is required to perform an allumette batonnet or brunoise
Female scientist famous for her work with chimpanzees
Book title
Good all
In the shadow of man
Dr David Livingstone a Scottish missionary is famous for exploring what continent
What is the name of the oldest track and field competition in the US hosted annually since 1895 at this Uof P field
Penn relays at Franklin field
What fast paced hasbro game involving lights and sounds challenges players to remember and repeat a color pattern by pressing the red green yellow and blue buttons in the correct order
What is the name of the pollen producing male part of a flower which contains these 2 parts
Stay men
Contains the anther and filament
Audrey II is the name of the villainous blood sucking and human eating plant in ehat famous musical
Little shop of horrors
A weeping willow tree serves as a spiritual advisor to what Disney princess
Earned a Pulitzer Prize for this newspaper in 73 for investigative reporting on what famous scandal
Woodward and Bernstein
Washington post