CAMs Flashcards
FAT soluble vitamins
Stored in adipose tissue
Can be TOXIC or OD
Water soluble vitamins
not stored
excreted in urine
Vit A
vision, bone growth, reproduction, immune function, cell division
deficiency = night blindness, DEC immune function
teratogenic in HIGH doses
lower levels in chronic ETOH or malabsorption syndromes
Vit D
critical to bone health (growth and remodeling)
required to absorb Ca from digestive tract
deficiency = brittle bones, misshaping of bones
oral corticosteroids INC risk of deficiency
TOXICITY = hyperCa or hyperphosphatemia
Vit E
boosts immune system, vasodilates, prevents clotting
HIGH doses INC risk of bleeding
Vit K
component blood clotting
synthesized by intestinal bacteria
given to newborns within first 2wks of life
warfarin interferes w/ vit K
INR >10 w/ no bleeding = give oral Vit K
INR HIGH w/ bleeding = give IV Vit K
Thiamine B1
critical for many body functions
Deficiency in alcoholics
SEVERE deficiency = wernicke’s encephalopathy (thiamine 500mg Tid IV x2 days; 500mg IV or IM daily x5days, then 100mg PO daily until no longer at risk)
Riboflavin B2
essential component of 2 major enzymes
ultraviolet and visible light deactivate riboflavin
Deficiency (rare): vegetarian athletes, pregnant/lactating women, infants, vegans
USES: migraine HA, CA prevention/tx
Niacin B3
cell metabolism; making/repairing DNA
lower VLDL, LDL, TG
benefit those not on a statin
Deficiency: pellagra
AE: flushing, raises serum BG, indigestion
Pyridoxine B6
protein and RBC metabolism
glucose regulation
deficiency: microcytic anemia, dermatitis w/ mouth sores, cracked lips, depression/confusion, weakened immune function
Meds cause deficiency: Anti-TB, anti-epileptics, theophylline
USES: for N/V during pregnancy
Folic Acid B9
tissue growth and function; production RBCs and DNA
Deficiency: INC demand (pregnancy/lactation), meds, malabsorption, ETOH, dialysis, liver disease
recommended for women of child-bearing age
Deficiency: macrocytic-normochromic anemia, neural tube defects
Cyanocobalamin B12
RBC formation, neuro function, DNA formation/regulation
role in synthesis of fatty acids and energy production
Deficiency: megaloblastic anemia, fatigue, loss of appetite, neurological change
body store in liver
supplementation: nasal sprays, injectable, oral
Ascorbic acid Vit C
biosynthesis of collagen = tissue repair
involved in protein metabolism
deficiency: scurvy
AE: osmotic effect in bowels = GI distress, N/V/D
Common cold: help prevent
St. John’s Wort
tx mild depression
DEC depression sx
DEC menopausal sx
topical: INC wound healing
AE: photosensitivity, INC BP
Interactions: MANY
do NOT take w/ meds that affect serotonin
member of pepper family
USE: anxiety (small effect)
linked to SEVERE liver disease
FDA WARNING: Liver damage