Camp Precepts 1 Flashcards
What Scripture proves that we are to bethink ourselves and repent in the land of our captivity?
1 Kings 8:47
Give a Scripture that says not to trust in the philosophies of this world?
Colossians 2:8
Prove that the Israelites would be killed and led into captivity to all nations in 70 A.D.?
Luke 21:20-24
Prove with the Scripture that a wicked woman will do whatever it takes to trap you?
Ecclesiastes 7:26
Prove that the heathens will be destroyed for forcing us to build up the Western world and not rewarding us for it?
Jeremiah 22:13
Prove using one scripture that Esau the so-called white man is our enemy and hates our people?
Leviticus 26:17
Prove that only those Israelites written in the book will be delivered, use An Old testament Scripture?
Daniel 12:1
With two Scriptures prove we are not to follow foolish fables such as false holidays devised by man?
Titus 1:14, 2 Peter 1:16
Using three Scriptures, Smash the John 3:16 doctrine?
Acts 2:21-22, Joel 2:32, Acts 13:26
Prove with the Scripture what kind of physical condition our sisters are in today and why?
Isaiah 3:16-17,24
Prove with the Scripture that Christ did not pray for all the people in this world?
John 17:9
How do we avoid fornication, prove with a Scripture?
1 Corinthians 7:2-5
Give a Scripture that shows the differences between a wicked woman and a good woman?
Sirach 26:23-27
Give a Scripture that proves the heritage of Esau’s descendants?
Job 27:13-23
With a Scripture prove we are to trust in the goodness of our race?
Sirach 26:20-21