Camilla Queen Consort? Charles Wife Flashcards
During Battle of Britain the Air Force with this German name tried to smash englands defenses to prep for an invasion
Looft waff uh
A Calvary force of 3K polish hussars helped brewk the 1683 siege of Vienna by forces of this empire and to win the ensuing battle
Ottoman Empire
1862 battle of Fredricksberg union troops crossed this long named Virginia river then may have wished they hadn’t
The rap uh hannock river
490 BCs battle of marathon showed the Greeks foe thr first time that they could defeat a force of this mighty empire
Persian empire
First major combat engagement for helicopter transported US troops was the battle of IA drang in this conflict
Ya drang
Vietnam war
The name of this ocean liner was a Roman province that included what is now Portugal and western Spain
Exoplanets a bit bigger then ours are super earths ; 51 pegasi B a gas giant that orbits near its star is a hot this planet
Hammett is famous for his 1930 novel about this coveted title object that wqs made by Turkish slaves in thr castle of st Angelo
The Maltese falcon
Boyles law states that at a constant temp thr pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its this
Put this letter at the beginning of organization to get a monopolization technique named for a turn of thr 20th century financier
For JP Morgan
Tv spinoffs
The Winchester’s were paranormal parents
Tv spin-offs
Battlestar guh lack tuh cuh
Relevant or suitable it comes from a French phrase meaning to thr purpose
This word mew into pose for new with its silent B
In Ancient Greek theater Aeschylus reduced number of performers in this from 50 to 12
Leading ladies next in line
Janet gaynor
Judy garland
Barbara Streisand
Lady Gaga
From a star is born
On “Sesame Street”, He is quite the unusual looking creature. His head is said to resemble that of a mammoth or perhaps an anteater. He has no visible ears, and no tusks. His tail looks like that of a brontosaurus. He has a trunk,”, that drags along the ground.
Mr. Snuffleupagus (sometimes “Snuffy”)
bis is a character whose full name is “Aloysius Snuffleupagus”.
The man “inside” Big Bird on “Sesame Street” is
Caroll Spinney, who has been playing the character since 1969. That’s a long time, so Spinney has had an understudy named Matt Vogel since 1998.
She is a former professional basketball player who played in the WNBA with the Los Angeles Sparks. She is rather tall, and was the first player to dunk the ball in a WNBA game.
Lisa Leslie
The unit of electrical resistance is the
ohm (with the symbol omega) named after German physicist Georg Simon Ohm. Ohm was the guy who established experimentally that the amount of current flowing through a circuit is directly proportional to the voltage applied, (V=IR) a relationship that every school kid knows as Ohm’s Law.
Religion and literature
This city now in Turkey is the addressee of one of thr New Testament epistles and a setting for thr comedy of errors
F uh sis
Letter to the Ephesians
Also known as the “Showbiz Award Grand Slam
The acronym “EGOT” stands for “Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony”, and is a reference to performers who have won all four awards. Also known as the “Showbiz Award Grand Slam”, there are relatively few individuals who have been so honored. The first five to do so were:
Richard Rodgers in 1962
Helen Hayes in 1977
Rita Moreno in 1977
John Gielgud in 1991
Audrey Hepburn in 1994 (posthumously)
Also known as the “Showbiz Award Grand Slam
The acronym “EGOT” stands for “Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony”, and is a reference to performers who have won all four awards. Also known as the “Showbiz Award Grand Slam”, there are relatively few individuals who have been so honored. The first five to do so were:
Richard Rodgers in 1962
Helen Hayes in 1977
Rita Moreno in 1977
John Gielgud in 1991
Audrey Hepburn in 1994 (posthumously)
Squad car alerts, for short :
An All Points Bulletin (APB) is a broadcast from one US law enforcement agency to another.