Cambridge Q's Flashcards
at what point is a person “dead”?
how can reindeer tell the difference between spring and autumn?
how is a city like a cell?
how many genes are there in the genome of a rice plant
how would you design a better brain
Very oxygen dependent, change it so it doesn’t
if I was given a magic wand and I could eradicate all third world problems
but would have to stop all medical research and development, would I do it?
if urine was emptied into the intestine instead of the bladder, what would
if you are in a boat in a lake and throw a stone out of the boat, what happens to the level of the water?
o if you could invite any 2 people alive or dead to a dinner party, who would
they be and why
what does the letter b stand for in b-lymphocyte?
what is your opinion on spontanteneous human combustion?
why don’t we just have one ear in the middle of our face
I’m going to play devil’s advocate. how do these prions actually affect the
calculate what volume of wine can be drunk to reach the legal
concentration of alcohol in the blood for driving.
how does the body try to remove or recognise poison?
how many moles of h2o is there in that cup of water? (tutor randomly pointed at his cup on the table)
how many people believe in evolution in the united states?
o how would I solve the aids crisis in south Africa -
how would you design an experiment to disprove the existence of god
Doubt it’s possible, as im sure others have attempted before
why can you not see many stars when you stand on top of a mountain?
for which disease do you think it is an advantage to be a carrier of cystic
sickle cell anaemia
the malarial pathogen life cycle involves red blood cells. So the sorts of genetic diseases where the carrier trait might be protective are those altering these such as sickle cell trait and certain thalaessemias. pure_joy - sounds like you are thinking of the same thing = “sickle cell” is named for the way the cells chaaracteristically change shape and the “anaemia” part is less effective oxygen transport.
Balanced polymorphisms & pathogen evolution was one of my interview topics. Got harder when they asked for explanations or “advantages” of other conditions that aren’t discussed in that way in the GCSE text books though.