Cambridge Latin Course Unit 1 Flashcards
sum, esse, fui, futurus
to be, exist
pater, patris
father (m.)
māter, matris
mother (f.)
fīlius, fili
son (m.)
servus, servi
slave (m.)
coquus, coqui
cook (m.)
canis, canis
dog (m. or f.)
tablinum, tablini
study (n.)
atrium, atri(i)
atrium, reception hall (n.)
- in, on, at (+ abl.) 2. into, against (+ acc.)
triclinium, triclini(i)
dining room (n.)
hortus, horti
garden (m.)
culina, culinae
kitchen (f.)
via, viae
street, road (f.)
scribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptum
to write
sedeo, sedere, sedi, sessus
bibo, bibere, bibi, bibitus
laboro, laborare, laboravi, laboratus
dormeo, dormire, dormivi(ii), dormitus
intro, intrare, intravi, intratus
circumspecto, circumspectare, circumspectavi, circumspectatus
look around (searchingly), search about
cibus, cibi
food (m.)
mensa, mensae
table (f.)
What conjugation’s present active infinitive ends in -āre?
1st conjugation
What conjugation’s present active infinitive ends in -ēre? (Notice the macron).
2nd conjugation
What conjugation’s present active infinitive ends in -ere? (Notice the absence of a macron).
3rd conjugation
What conjugation’s present active infinitive ends in -īre?
4th conjugation
What is the first principal part of a verb?
Present active indicative
What is the second principal part of a verb?
Present active infinitive
What is the third principal part of a verb?
Perfect active indicative
What is the fourth principal part of a verb?
Perfect passive participle
salio, salire, salivi, saltus
sto, stare, steti, status
sterto,stertere, stertui, –