CAM4 Flashcards
Headache due to Invasion of Pathogenic Wind in the Meridians and Collaterals
Occipital - 3
Occipital: GB20, UB60, SI3
Frontal: ST-8, Yintang, DU23, LI4, ST44
Temporal: Taiyang, GB8, SJ5, GB41
Parietal: Du20, SI3, UB67, LV3
Headache due to Upsurge of LV Yang - 5
GB20, Du20, GB5, GB43, LV2
Headache due to Qi and Blood Def -6
Du20, Ren6, UB18, UB20, UB23, ST36
Facial Pain due to Invasion by Pathogenic Wind and Cold 1 pts
Regional PTs plus GB20
Facial Pain due to Excessive Fire in the ST and LV - 2
Regional Pts plus LV3, ST44
Facial Pain due to Deficiency of Yin and Excessive Fire-2
Regional Pts plus KD6, SP6
Facial Pain at Supraorbital Region: 4pts
Gb14, Taiyang, UB2, SJ5
Facial Pain at the Maxillary Region: 4pts
ST2, SI18, LI20, LI4
Facial Pain at the Mandibular Region: 5
ST7, ST6, ST5, LI4, Jiachengjiang
Deviation of the eye and Mouth -Bells Palsy -8
Symptom pts plus: SJ17, GB14, Taiyang, SI18, ST7, ST4, ST6, LI4
Deviation of the eye and Mouth Headache PT
Deviation of the eye and Mouth with difficulty frowning and rising the eyebrow -2
UB2 and SJ23
Deviation of the eye and mouth with incomplete closing of the eye-5
UB2, UB1, GB1, SJ23, Yuyao
Deviation of the eye and mouth with deviation of the philtrum: 1
Deviation of the eye and mouth with tinnitus and deafness -1