CAM304 Drug Names Flashcards
Cholinesterse inhibitor
Used for Alz D
Cholinesterase inhibitor
Used for Alz D
Contraindicated in severe renal failure
Cholinesterse inhibitor
Used of Alz D
NDMA receptor inhibitor
(limits overstimulation injury due to glutamate transmission and Ca++ overload)
Used in Alz D or Vasculat dementia
With cholinesterase inhibitor or in those whom do not tolerate them
contraindicated in renal impairment - urine excretion
Only tested in mice so far
LXR and RXR agonist -> which, along with PPARy, increases ApoE production -> increases AB (beta amyloid) clearnace from brain and increased cognitive performance in mice
Vitamin B1
Treatment of delirium
(thiamine deficiency can cause werneckes encephalopathy and korsakoff’s psychosis, especially in alcoholics)
has been sued for behavioural disturbances in dementis
extrapyrimidal side effects limit long term use
role in dementia management limited to control of hallucinations and delusions - limited use for other behavioural issues
How they wor & indication
Bind to GABAa receptors on Internuerons
Preventing normal inhibition of DA release from DA neurons -> increased DA release **this is their role in addiciont: increasing DA in VTA and Nuc etc.
Indicated for anxiety, sleep disorders, epilepsy
Used for alcohol withdrawal
Glutamate receptor antagonist: NDMA and mGluR5
Reduces neuronal hyperexcitability associated with alcohol withdrawal
Competitive opioid receptor antagonist
Used for alcohol and opioid addiction
In alcohol addiction: prevents good feelings associated with alcohol. Alcohol releases endogenous opioids enkaphalins and endorphins. Prevents these from having affect. No feel good drunk times, but alcohol impairment occurs anyway
In opiod addiction - DON”T use in someone still physically addicted because wil fuck them up with withdrawals. Use in someone already abstinant to prevent effect of any further opioid use. Remember can accellerate the loss of tolerance during abstinance and thus can potentiate overdose if opioids taken again after cessation of naltrexone treatment
Revents alcohol metabolism by blocking acetaldehyyde breakdown
Produces a range of negative adverse effects if alcohol taken
Potentially life-threatening interaction ensues
Only use in highly motivated patients aware of the risks
Only start administering after 24 hours since last alcohol, and cannot take alcohol for at least 1 week after cessation of treatment
Oral Opiod agonist designed to reduce incidence of ilicit opioid use
Thought easier to ween people off methadone compared to heroin or morphine
**CAN be just as dangerous as heoin to caution must be taken (S8)
Partial opioid agonst
Effective in reducing illicit opioid use
Lower overdose risk and less dependence compared with methadone
Effects can be reversed by high doses of naltrexone
Used for nicotine addiction
Possible action due to inhibition of neuronal reuptake of DA and NA
But can worsen psychiatric conditions
Prevents nicotine from binding to ACh receptors
Prevents pleasurable effects of smoking
Has partial agonist activity which reduces symptoms of withdrawal
Can worsen psychiatric conditions