CAM201 Cardiovascular Drugs Flashcards
Describe the cellular mechanisms of CCBs
Calcium channel blockers are L-type calcium channel antagonists. They inhibit calcium entry into the cell.
As antagonists, they prevent the normal intracellular pathways from occurring, resulting in relaxation of smooth and cardiac muscle.
Normal Smooth muscle cells: Normally, Ca++ enters the cell, and binds to calmodulin. Calmodulin then activates MLCK, which phosphorylates the myosin heads. This causes cross-bridge cycling and consequent contraction.
CCBs inhibit this pathway by blocking L-type Ca++ channels.
Normal Cardiac Muscle Cells: Normally, Ca++ enters the cardiac cell, and binds to troponin, which is attached to tropomyosin. When Ca++ binds to troponin, this results in a conformational change in troponin’s position, which reveals the myosin binding site on actin. Thus, cross-bradige cycling can occur, and contraction occurs.
CCBs inhibit this pathway by blocking L-type Ca++ channels
What are the types of CCBs and how do they differ?
How does this affect their indications?
CCBs are also Class IV Anti-arrhythmics (Verapamil is chiefly used for arrhythmias)
Dihydropyridines (Nifedipine, Felodipine, Amlodipine) act mainly on vascular smooth muscle (Angina, HTN)
Phenylalkylamines (Verapamil) acts mainly on cardiac tissues, primarily at the SA and AV nodes (thus good for supraventrilular arrhythmias).
Benzothyazapines (Diltiazem) act on both smooth and cardiac muscle, but do not affect cardiac muscle to the same extent as Verapamil. Angina, HTN, Arrhythmias.
CCBs: Chronotrope and Inotropes?
Negative inotrope:
- Reduced Ca++ entry into the cell results in engagement of fewer fibres, and thus reduced contractility
Negative chronotrope:
By delaying the ‘plateau’ phase (phase 2) of depolarisation, CCBs slow HR
CCB: Effect on the cardiac cycle
By inhibiting (slowing) the intake of Ca++ into smooth muscle and cardiac cells, CCBs extend the ‘plateau’ (phase 2) phase, effectively slowing re-polarisation and increasing the refractory period. This is how phenylalkylamines aid arrhythmias.
Describe the cellular mechanisms of BBs
BBs antagonise SNS activity by acting as competitive antagonists of B1 and B2 receptors on cardiac and smooth muscle, respectively. They prevent the binding of NA/A.
The net effect is a reversal of normal sympathetic activity. Thus, BBs cause contraction in smooth muscle, and relaxation in cardiac muscles.
Normal Smooth Muscle Cells: When A or NA binds to B2, this activates Adenylate Cyclase, which converts ATP to cAMP. cAMP up-regulates PKA, which consequentially inhibits the action of MLCK. Thus, myosin heads are not phosphorylated, cross-bridge cycling does not occur, and the smooth muscle relaxes.
BBs prevent this intracellular pathway by preventing NA and A from binding to B2. Thus, causing smooth muscle contraction.
Normal Cardiac Muscle Cells: When A or NA bind to B1, this activates Adenylate Cyclase, which converts ATP to cAMP. cAMP then up-regulates PKA. In cardiac cells, PKA increases Ca++ entry into the cell, resulting in contraction.
BBs prevent this intracellular cascade by preventing NA/A from binding to B1. Thus, causing Cardiac Muscle Relaxation.
What are the different types of BBs?
How does this affect their indications?
Non-specific BBs bind B1 and B2 equally: Propanolol, Carveidilol (which is also an alpha 1 antagonist), Sotalol (also a Class III).
Cardio-specific: bind B1 preferentially: Metoprolol, Atenolol, Bisoprolol, Nebivolol.
*At high doses, even B1-selective BBs will start to bind B2 as well
Generally speaking, non-selective BBs are contra-indicated in asthma, although all BBs should be used with caution.
BBs Effect on the cardiac Cycle:
As BBs decrease the rate of Ca++ into the cell by inhibiting SNS output, they slow the ‘pacemaker potential’ phase (phase 4) of the cardiac cycle. Thus they can also be used in arrhythmias - chiefly affect at SA and AV nodes.
BBs: Chronotropes and Inotropes
Negative Inotrope (decreased contractility)
Negative Chronotrope
Because they decrease Ca++ entry into the cell, there is less cytoplasmic Ca++, and thus less fibres are engaged - this reduces contractility.
Because they slow the development of pacemaker potential, they also slow HR.
Describe the cellular mechanism of Alpha Agents
Alpha Agents antagonise SNS activity. They cause relaxation of smooth muscle.
Alpha 1 receptors are located in the walls of Smooth Muscle Cells. Under Normal Conditions, NA/A bind to A1. This results in activation of Phospholipase C, which activates Inosistol Triphosphase and Diacyglycerol. This results in an increase in intracellular Ca++ and contraction occurs.
Alpha 1 antagonists inhibit this intracellular pathway by blocking A1 receptors. This results in smooth muscle relaxation.
Alpha 2 receptors are located on the walls of pre-synaptic terminals. Under normal conditions, NA/A bind to A2, and inhibit Adenylate cyclase, thus ATP is not converted to cAMP, and PKA is not up-regulated. This results in inhibition of Ca++ intake. Decreased intracellular Ca++ results in decreased exocytosis of NA and A.
Alpha 2 Agonists mimmic this effect, to reduce the amount of NA/A exocytosis, to further ensure smooth muscle relaxation.
What are the types of Alpha Agents?
Alpha 1 Antagonists: Prazosin (Also Carveidilol which is a non-selective BB)
Alpha 2 Agents: Methyldopa, Clonidine, Monoxidine
What are the effects of Alpha Agents?
By causing smooth muscle relaxation, Alpha Agents cause systemic vasodilation, thus lowering blood pressure.
Because they are specific for A1 and A2 (not B1 and B2), they do this without causing cardiac interference.
Describe the systemic effects of Nitrates
Nitrates cause relaxation of smooth muscle. Thus, they are used for HTN but chiefly for Angina.
By relaxing smooth muscle, nitrates cause vasodilation. Low doses of nitrates cause venous vasodilation and high doses of nitrates cause venous and arterial vasodilation.
Vasodilation results in increased pooling in circulation, resulting in decreased return to the heart - reduced preload.
Vasodilation also results in decreased peripheral resistance (lowers BP) - reduces afterload.
Thus, the heart does not have to contract as hard, and myocardial O2 demand is reduced.
Concurrently, nitrates also cause dilation of coronary arteries, increasing blood flow to the myocardium.
Thus, nitrates can be used for Angina and HTN
Describe the Cellular Mechanisms of Nitrates
Nitrates are metabolised into NO, which enters smooth muscle cells.
Within the SMC, NO activates Guannylate Cyclase, which converts GTP to cGMP
cGMP then up-regulates PKG, which causes decreased Ca++ entry into the cell
PKG also causes dephosporylation of myosin heads, so that cross-bridge cycling cannot occur
Overall, this results in smooth muscle relaxation
Types of Nitrates and their indications
GTN: sublingual spray or tablet.
GTN is rapidly inactivated by first-pass hepatic metabolism, thus it is administered as a sublingual spray or tablet.
Tablets are more volatile, and thus the sublingual spray is more commonly used.
GTN is most commonly used to relive symptoms of Angina.
Regular GTN use can lead to a build of NO in the body, and subsequent desensitisation to the effects of GTN. A 12-hour free period is required to rectify this.
Isosobide Mononitrate/Dinatrate are administered as tablets, mainly for angina prophylaxis. They are metabolised into active compunds, thus are longer lasting and can be used as prophylaxis.
Types of Renin-Angiotensin System Inhibitors and their indications
RAS inhibitors = ACE Inhibitors, and Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers
Under normal conditions the RAS synergises with the SNS to increase BP
Evidence suggests that HTN often arises from inappropriate RAS activity, raising BP
ACEI and ARBS result in decreased circulating blood volume, vasodilation, and inhibition of mediators that lead to heart and vasculature hypertrophy and hyperplasia
They are first-line for HF, and are also commonly used in HTN