CALT Vocabulary Flashcards
Core Features of Dyslexia
Diffculty with the following: reading words in isolation, accurately decoding unfamiliar words, oral reading (slow, innacurate or labored without prosody), spelling
Secondary Features of Dyslexia
Written Expression
Related Disorders of Dyslexia
The science of speech sounds, or the comparison of speech sound developpment accross diffrent languages.
Phonological Awarness
The sensitivity to the sound structure in spoken language. Phonological awarness progresses from rhyming, to syllable counting to detecting first, last and middle sounds to phonemic arareness - segmenting, adding, deleting, and substituting sounds in words
Phonemic Awareness
Awareness of the smallest unit of sound in the speech stream and the ability to isolate or manipulate the individual sounds in words. Phonemic awarness is one aspect of the larger category of phonological awarness.
Components of language
Phonology (speech sounds)
Morphology - the study of words, how they are formed and their relationship to other words in the same language
Syntax - the rules that govern the ways in whcih words combine to form phrases, clauses and sentences.
Semantics - the study of the meaning of words and sentences
Pragmatics - the relationship between natural language and users of that language. Conversational implicatures of language
Orthography - the writing system in a language
Simple View of Reading
Decoding x Language = Skilled Reading
Reading Rope
Word Recognition (sub componnents) + Language Comprehension = Skilled Reading
Sounds made with two lips
/p/, /b/, /m/ (same for Spanish and English)
Sounds made with teeth on the lower lips
/f/, /v/, same for Spanish and English
Sounds made with the tongue betwen teeth
/th/ voiced and unvoiced
Sounds made with tongue on the ridge behind upper teeth
/l/, /t/, /n/, /s/, r/, /rr/, /d/, z same for English and Spanish except for the /z/ (English only)
Sounds made with the tongue touching the roof of the mouth
/y/, /ch/, /j/, /sh/, /zh/
/sh/ and /zh/ are English only - /zh/ explosion
Sounds made with the back of the mouth
/g/, /ng/, /k/, Same for Spanish and English
Sounds made with the throat
h/ in English, /j/, /x/, in Spanish
6 Syllable Types
Open - ends in one vowel ; vowel sound is long
Closed - ends in at least one consonant ; vowel sound is short
VcE - vowel consonant e (silent e)
Vowel Team - two adacent vowels
R-controlled - vowel controlled r (ar, er, ir, ur, or) ; vowel makes unexpected sound
Final Stable Syllable - final cononant combination ; tion, le, sion, ture
Spelling patterns and rules
FFLLSS(ZZ) - double the f, l or s in a one syllable word with a short vowel sound
Rabbit rule - double the medial consonant (muffin, pollen, sudden)
Doubling Rule - hop + ed = hopped ; star + ing = starring, red + ish = reddish
Dropping Rule - bake + er = Baker, solve + ed = Solved, blue + ish = blueish
Changing Rule - y to i try + ed = Tried, silly + est = Silliest, penny + less = penniless