Call Type Codes Flashcards
Just occurred (within the last 15 minutes)
Report call (cold crime, no likelihood of immediate apprehension)
Medical aid needed
Out of service. Unit is temporarily not available for calls; usually reserved for restroom breaks.
Telephone call. Officer is just making a phone call or is being asked to make a call and is not available for dispatch.
Out of service.
In service.
Stolen vehicle. Though these calls are usually handled by the CHP, Rancho Cordova PD or any of the other incorporated cities however, there are instances when SSD response is required.
Attempted stolen vehicle. These calls are usually handled by CHP, Rancho Cordova PD or any of the other incorporated cities however, there are instances when SSD response is required.
Domestic violence with physical force.
The willful infliction of corporal injury resulting in traumatic condition upon any person with whom he or she is cohabitating or the father or mother of his or her child.
If the suspect is still with the victim, determine if the suspect knows the victim is calling for assistance. Determine the need for medical aid. Obtain a suspect/vehicle description in case the suspect leaves prior to the Sheriff Department’s arrival.
False report of an emergency
Violation of a court order.
Hit and run, felony (injury).
Vehicle accident where one part has fled the scene of an injury accident. This code is used by the Rancho Cordova PD.
Hit and run, misdemeanor (non-injury/property damage).
Vehicle accident where one party has fled the scene of a non-injury accident. This code is used by RCPD. Dispatch a unit if the citizen has the suspect’s license plate or knows the location of the suspect’s vehicle. Otherwise, refer to the Service Center for a counter report.
The unlawful moving of a person from one place to another against his/her will. In the case of parental abduction, the correct code is 277. Be sure to advise S1.
Determine if the victim is still missing. If the victim has returned, obtain their current location. Determine the possible destination of the suspect-victim. If still missing, obtain the victim’s description.
The felonious taking of personal property in the possession of another from his/her person or immediate presence and against their will by means of force or fear.
Determine what was taken. Determine the means in which the property was taken from the victim (i.e., “by gun or knife point”), simulated or not or by fear (i.e.: threats or intimidation).
Robbery attempt.
Robbery report - business.
Robbery report - Person
Robbery within 15 minutes and medical is required.
Robbery - silent alarm.
Home invasion. Robbery which occurs in someone’s home. Usually involves forced entry to commit robbery.
The felonious taking of a motor vehicle in the possession of another, against his/her will by means of force or fear.
Sexual assault.
Assault with intent to commit rape, sodomy, mayhem or penetration of the genitals or anus with a foreign object. When appropriate, in order to preserve avidence, advise the victim not to take a shower or change clothing. In addition, advise the victim not to eat, drink or smoke.
Driving while intoxicated. (DUI)
Any willful and unlawful use of force or violence upon the person of another. When the assault is against a spouse, cohabitating partner or the victim and suspect are natural parents of a child, where no visible injury or complaint or pain exists and the victim still wants to file a report, 242 is the correct call type. If the assault results in traumatic injury or there is a complaint of being sore and/or pain without visible injury caused by a physical force such as a slap, push or shove, refer to 13700. Reports are generally referred to Service Centers unless it involves domestic/family violence, workplace violence or required medical assistance.
Assault with a deadly weapon.
Shots fired at inhabited dwelling.
Discharging of a firearm into an inhabited dwelling, house or occupied building. “Inhabited” refers to any dwelling currently being used as a residence, whether it is occupied or not. Use of a BB gun or pellet gun is a vandalism (594) or no injuries occurred.
Shots fired at vehicle.
Discharging a firearm into an unoccupied dwelling (vacant house) or unoccupied parked car.
The act of sexual intercourse accomplished against a person’s will by means of force, duress, menace or fear of immediate and unlawful bodily injury to the person. Also includes “Statuatory Rape” for those who are under 18 years and consented. In order to preserve evidence, it is appropriate to advise the victim not to wash, change clothes, smoke, eat, drink or chew gum. Be sure to advise to S1.
Contributing to a minor.
Adults that convince/allow juveniles (those under 18 years of age) to commit crimes. Also, adults who allow those under 21 years to consume alcoholic beverages.
Child neglect/abuse/endangerment.
The infliction of cruel corporal punishment or injury. If Child Protective Services (CPS) requests an officer to respond with them to “assist” or investigate a possibly 273A, determine the age of the child and whether or not the suspect is with the victim.
Spousal battery report.
Violation of a domestic violence court order.
Domestic violence restraining order violations are dispatched if the suspect is still on the scene or close by. Requests for reports are referred to the Service Centers.
Sex crimes against children.
Lewd or lascivious acts with a child under age 14. This code is used for child molestation. If sexual intercourse is forced, the appropriate code type is 261.
Indecent exposure.
The willful and lewd exposure of his/her person or the private parts thereof, in any public place or in any place where other persons present will be offended or annoyed. As of April 1997, all indecent exposure calls will be dispatched.
Elder abuse.
Elder abuse is defined as causing pain and suffering to someone over the age of 65. However, dependent adults with physical or mental disabilities between the ages of 18-64 will also fall under these crimes.
Illegal dumping.
These calls can range from a simple disposing of garbage in another person’s dumpster to an illegal dumping of hazardous materials. As of July 2000, simple dumping on private property or into another’s dumpster is dispatched if it is in progress or has “just occurred” and there is suspect info. All other reports are handled at the Service Centers.
Any person who unlawfully fights in a public place, challenges another person to fight, any person who maliciously and willfully disturbs another person by loud and unreasonable noise, any person who uses offensive words in a public place which is likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction.
Will usually involve a retail or eating establishment. These may involve smoking in bars. Determine if it is verbal or physical situation, how many persons are involved, if any weapons and a brief summary of what the argument is about.
Loud noise.
Noise caused by loud stereos, chain saws, construction, kids playing, working on vehicles, etc. will be dispatched as of July 2000 even if the complainant wants to remain anonymous.
Family members - including roommates and anyone in a dating relationship. Determine if it is verbal or physical situation, how many persons are involved, in any weapons/dogs/children are in the residence. If the situation is physical, determine if any medical aid is required.
Fire crackers.
Noise caused by firecrackers or related fireworks or the illegal use of fireworks. Determine if the fireworks are airborne or in an area likely to cause a fire. Each year the department will issue a memo regarding the reporting and confiscation of fireworks during the 4th of July and New Year’s.
Determine the number of persons involved, the type of weapons used if any and if anyone is injured and in need of medical aid. Obtain descriptions of any person(s) involved, particularly those using weapons, any vehicles involved and the direction of travel if the subjects have left the scene.
Determine the number of juveniles involved and the nature of the disturbance.
Loud party.
Determine if possible the exact location and number of persons involved. If the complaint is regarding loud music only, it is handled following the protocol of 415E and dispatched.
Determine the nature of the situation and obtain descriptions of those involved. If the problem is civil in nature, officers will be dispatched to mediate the argument but will be referred to the legal system for settlement of the original problem. Patrol will not be dispatched to evict tenants.
Determine the address of the neighbor and whether it is a verbal or physical situation between neighbors or if the situation is escalating. If physical, ask if any weapons are involved or if anyone needs medical aid.
This involves vehicles driving erratically and jeopardizing the safety of the public. Determine location and description of vehicle(s) involved if occurring in RCPD jurisdiction. If outside of Rancho Cordova transfer to the CHP.
Any person who is armed with a weapon, who unlawfully fights in a public place, challenges another person to a fight.
Threats with a gun.
Any person drawing, exhibiting or using a firearm (loaded or unloaded) or a knife in a threatening manner will be dispatched.
Threats with a knife.
Terrorist threats/hate crimes.
Any person who willfully threatens to commit a crime which will result in death or great bodily injury to another person, with the specific intent that the statement - made verbally, in writing or by means of an electronic communications device - is to be taken as a threat even if there is no intent of actually carrying it out. Service center will not take report.
Any person who unlawfully enters a building with the intent to commit theft or a felony. This includes any building used for business or dwelling purposes, whether inhabited or not. The building need not be locked.
Burglary. Audible alarm.
Burglary. Attempt.
Burglary. Business.
Burglary. In progress, occupied dwelling.
Burglary. Residence.
Burglary. Silent alarm.
Burglary to vehicle. (Vehicle must be locked.)
If the theft is from a locked vehicle, including the hood or trunk area where access can only be made with a key or from the interior of the vehicle, refer the complainant to the Service Center for a report.
The signing of the name of another or fictitious person or falsely altering or changing an official document. Create an event for dispatch if the subject is on scene, just fled and apprehension is likely or in custody (941A/J). Refer cold crimes to the Service Centers.
Petty theft.
Is the same as 487PC, however the value of the property taken is under $950. Put in a call for dispatch if in progress, or just occurred, whether or not there is suspect info. If the suspect is no longer on scene, or occurred more than 10 minutes prior, refer complainant to the Service Center for a report.
Grand theft.
Unlawfully taking the personal property of another where the value of the property taken is over $950 or any livestock taken. Create an event for dispatch if the crime is in progress or just occurred. Include suspect and and vehicle description and the property taken. For cold crimes and when the suspect is not on scene, refer to the appropriate Service Center for a report.
Receiving stolen property.
Any person who knowingly buys o receives or possesses any property which has been stolen or which has been obtained in any manner constituting theft or extortion, knowing the property to be stolen or who conceals, sells, withholds or aids in concealing or withholding any such property from the owner.
Theft of utilities. Unauthorized stealing of natural gas, electricity, phone or water service without the consent of the utility company.
The fraudulent appropriation of funds or property by a person to whom it has been entrusted. The victim must show an attempt to retrieve the property by sending a certified letter with a return receipt requested to the last known address of the suspect. If the property is not returned within 5 days for vehicles or 20 days for other property of receiving the receipt or if the letter is returned as undeliverable or unclaimed, the victim may then contact the Sheriff’s service center for a report (see Penal Code 484b and Vehicle Code 10855). If the property is a vehicle a call for service will be entered with an officer responding to take the report.
Mental subject.
A person who as a result of a mental disorder is harmful to him/herself or others or gravely disabled may be placed on a 72 hour safety hold and transported to a crisis center. Obtain a description, date of birth is possible and actions - including whether or not the person is being violent or has any weapons. Determine if the person is on any medications and what type and if the person has failed to take the medications. We generally will not transport subjects from one facility to another just because they are under a safety hold.
Defrauding an innkeeper.
The obtaining of food, accommodations, credit fuel or services without paying for the same with the intent to defraud the proprietor. Create an event for dispatch if the subject is still at the location or if “just occurred”. Obtain a physical description of the subject and vehicle. Determine if they are aware the Sheriff’s Department is responding and if the subject is being combative. If the subject is being detained, the appropriate call type is 941A/J. If the subject is gone for 10 minutes then refer the called to a Service Center for a report.
Any person who maliciously injures or destroys any real or personal property (immovable or movable), or who without the consent of the owner, willfully defaces the property of another. If the crime is in progress or “just occurred” whether there is suspect info or not, enter a call to be dispatched. Obtain suspect/vehicle descriptions and what damages are involved. Generally, if this is a cold crime refer to the Service Center for a report.
Cruelty to animals.
Any person who intentionally and maliciously maims, mutilates, tortures or wounds a living animal or maliciously and intentionally kills an animals. Enter a call for dispatch.
Bike patrol.
Directed patrol operation.
Foot patrol
Training exercise.
Report writing.
Incorrigible minor.
Any person under teh age of 18 years who persistently or habitually refuses to obey the reasonable and proper orders or directions of his parents, guardian or custodian. Create an event for dispatch. Obtain a subject description and determine if the subject is on any drugs or alcohol or is being violent.
Refusal to leave private property at the request of the owner or his/her respresentative or entry to areas posted as private property. Create an event for dispatch if the subject is still on the scene. If the subject is gone, refer the caller to the Service Center if the report is requested.
Stalking report.
Any person who willfully, maliciously and repeatedly follows or harasses another person who makes credible threats with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear for his/her safety or the safety of his/her immediate family. Determine if the subject is at the callers location. Obtain a description of the subject/vehicle and determine if the subject is known to the victim. Question why the caller thinks they are being stalked. Create an event for dispatch.
Child annoyance.
One who annoys or molests a child under the age of 18 years.
Soliciting for prostitution.
One who solicits or engages in any act of prostitution including any lewd act between persons for money or other consideration. Obtain subject description and the reason the caller believes he/she is a prostitute.
Disorderly conduct.
Any person who is under the influence of alcohol in a public place or unable to care for his/herself. If uncertain if under the influence, use call type 925 and indicate the subject is possibly drunk.
Obscene or harassing phone calls.
Any person who telephones another with the intent to annoy by using obscene language, making threats to inflict injury to the person or his/her family or who makes repeated telephone calls whether or not a conversation ensues. If the caller knows the subject and they have stated he/she is enroute to the caller’s location and has reason to believe the subject is truthful, enter a call for dispatch. Obtain subject description, vehicle description and advise the citizen to call back if the subject arrives before the officers arrive. If this is a cold report, refer the citizen to the Service Center for a report.
Determine the nature of the accident, where it occurred and if there are any injuries. If non-injury and involves simple property damage advise citizen to make out counter report with RCPD if in their jurisdiction or refer to CHP or Sac PD.
Accident with injuries.
Accident without injuries but is creating a hazard.
Accident involving squad cars. Notify S1, CHP and medical dispatch if needed. S1 will make all other needed notifications.
Casualty/Sick/Injured person.
When receiving a call reporting a person as injured or sick and the problem appears to be strictly medical or fire related, advise the caller to remain on the line while they are transferred to fire/medical dispatch via AN1 speed dial button. Do not create an event for dispatch unless the circumstances are suspicious, fire requests assistance or a sick or injured child under the age of 4 years. If it is an injured child stay on the line and listen for any pertinent information which may be helpful to officers and detectives.
Attempted suicide.
When a call is received from a subject that has attempted suicide or from a caller who is with the subject, determine the method used, (gun, knife, poison, pills) and if the threat has actually been carried out. If the method used involves weapons, hanging or carbon monoxide poisoning then enter a call for dispatch stating the information obtained and advise the S1. If there is any injury transfer the victim to medical aid. Once connected advise the type of incident being transferred along with the SSD event number. If a weapon was involved determine the nature of the weapon and its current location. If a drug overdose is the method transfer the caller directly over to medical aid. SSD does not respond to overdoses unless requested to do so by fire or if the victim is violent.
When receiving a call reporting threats of suicide, create an event for dispatch using the call type WELCK. Obtain the subject’s description if known and the intended method. Obtain information if possible regarding the use of alcohol or drugs and the cause of the depression if the person is depressed. Do not request fire to respond until SSD is on scene and has evaluated the situation.
Fire - specify type.
Grass fire.
Structure fire.
Vehicle fire.
Injured animal.
Prowler - specify location.
A person seen or heard around a building or residence who is not actively trying to enter it. Obtain description if seen and location of subject (front, rear, which side). Determine if the victim is alone, has any weapons out or if there are any dogs in the residence. Obtain a description of the complainant’s residence or business. Determine what part of the residence or building the caller is in. Determine if there is anyone with the complainant. Also obtain descriptions of any vehicles that should be at the location. Remain on the line with the complainant unless requested to disconnect by the complainant.
Suspicious vehicle.
If the caller has obtained the license plate determine if it has been reported as stolen. If the vehicle is not in the system and the caller has been able to determine the steering column has been peeled, refer the caller to the CHP. If the vehicle is on private property the owner of the property may have it towed. If on the street, refer the complainant to vehicle abatement.
Suspicious vehicle.
If the caller has obtained the license plate determine if it has been reported as stolen. If the vehicle is not in the system and the caller has been able to determine the steering column has been peeled then refer the caller to the CHP. If the vehicle is on private property then the property owner may have it towed. If on the street, refer the complainant to vehicle abatement.
Suspicious vehicle (occupied).
Obtain the vehicle description and license plate if possible, the number and description of the occupants and what they are doing. Determine if the vehicle has been reported stolen and how long it has been at its current location.
Found person.
Usually involves small infants or gravely disabled adults found wandering. Enter description of found person in call. Check calls pending to determine if a subject with a similar description has been recently reported missing.
Missing adult over 18 years of age.
Missing juvenile 12-17 years.
Missing child 11 years of age or under.
Missing persons. Per the MOU w SPD:
If the “at risk” missing person was last seen in SSD jurisdiction an SSD officer will respond to investigate the missing person case even if it requires the SSD officer respond to an SPD location for the actual report under the following “at risk” circumstances:
- Juveniles 11 years and under or mental age 12 and under.
- Juvenile in the company of others who will likely endanger his/her welfare.
- Victim of a crime or foul play (kidnapping, sexual assault, etc.)
- Victim of a parental abduction.
- Life threatening medical condition requiring medication to sustain life.
- Mentally impaired, developmentally disabled or the mental capacity of the missing person must be considered in assessing the risk.
- Absent under circumstances inconsistent with established patterns of behavior.
Be sure to advise S1 or “at risk” missing persons. Where the “not at risk” missing person lives is the criteria used for what agency handles the report no matter where the reporting party is calling from.
Car clout/vehicle stripping in progress.
Anyone who willfully tampers with any vehicle or the contents thereof or who breaks or removes any part of a vehicle without the owners consent. Obtain a description of the vehicle, license plate if possible, number and description of subjects involved and their vehicle description. If in progress, create an event for dispatch.
Shots fired - general area.
Gunshots that are heard only. If the reporting party is not sure if the noise was from a weapon, vehicle backfiring or firecrackers then indicate that the complainant is not sure what they heard. Determine the number and type of shot heard (rapid fire, automatic, single shot, handgun, shotgun, etc.) Determine if there was anything else seen or herad at the time the shots were heard (someone yelling, vehicle leaving, etc.)
Illegal hunting.
Shots fired - in progress.
Shots fired - just occurred.
En route to another location.
Suspicious subject(s).
A person acting in a suspicious manner. Determine what it is that the person is doing that causes the complainant to feel they are suspicious. Obtain a complete description of the subject, if they have a vehicle with them and if the subject is carrying any kind of weapon.
Suspiciuos person (solicitor).
Suspicious circumstances.
An incident, situation or set of circumstances that are out of the ordinary for which no other call type is appropriate or for which there is such limited information that a determination of call type cannot be ascertained. Examples may be a suspicious package, an open door at a business or residence at an unusual hour with no other information available. Determine if the complainant can see or hear anything and obtain any description available.
Found property.
Obtain a description of property and where it was found. Determine if the property can be a hazard if left at its current location (drugs, paraphernalia, weapons). If the property is a hazard or is money create a call for dispatch. If the property is small (wallet, purse, credit cards) advice the caller that the service center will accept the property. If the property is large (bike, TV) refer the caller to the property warehouse to schedule a pickup.
Meet the officer.
Officer requests a meeting with another officer.
Meet the citizen.
Citizen requests to meet with the officer.
Citizen holding subject(s).
Obtain a description of the subject, why they are being held and being cooperative.
Security holding an adult.
Security holding a juvenile.
Shoplift program, security program, security holding a cited subject.
Combative subject(s) detained.
Incomplete emergency phone call.
A hang-up call where no information was given. Enter a call for dispatch, noting if anything was heard prior to hang up (screaming, struggle, arguing.) Determine if the call was from a residence, business, payphone and obtain a location from the ALI screen. If nothing was heard prior to disconnect then attempt to to call back into the location to determine if the call was a misdial, medical emergency or other problem. If it is a silent, open line with nothing heard in the background then attempt TTY. If the call was initiated at a payphone then attempt to contact the business where the payphone was located to determine if there is a problem.
If sounds of a 415 (struggle, fight) was heard before hanging up then do not call back into the residence.
Strike trouble.
Explosion heard.
Obtain the location where it occurred, time lapse and if any vehicles were seen leaving the area. Dispatch a unit to check the area. Try to determine if any smoke/flames were seen. If there is smoke or flames seen, create an event for dispatch, advise the S1 and fire department. If it is confirmed the explosion is an electrical transformer that blew up, transfer the caller to the fire department.
Bomb threat.
A report of a bomb threat made to a specific location either by letter, telephone or in person. Determine when the bomb is supposed to explode. Determine the reason for the bomb being placed. Obtain exact working of the threat. If the reporting party is the person making the threat, attempt to keep them on the phone and notify the supervisor so that the call can be traced. If on the phone with the suspect then obtain as much information as possible (gender, age, accent, background noise). If on the phone with the caller who is not the suspect, advise them not to use any radios or portable phones as these may have the same frequency as the bomb. The decision to evacuate or not is strictly up to the reporting party. Indicate in the event whether or not an evacuation will be taking place.
A report of a citizen finding a suspicious device resembling a possible bomb also falls under this category. Officers are dispatched to the scene to evaluate adn possible to evacuate the area. After the officer’s arrival a decision is made whether EOD will be needed. Be sure to advise S1.
Explosive device.
Explosion - Medical required.
Explosion/bomb threat - report.
Officer needs help.
Officer is in life and death situation. Be sure to advise S1.
Officer needs help/shots fired.
Officer is in life and death situation involving shots being fired at him/her. Be sure to advise S1.
Ace vehicle activation.
Auto Crime Enforcement
Determine the type and specify the nature of the alarm.
Clearance code if alarm is cancelled.
Clearance code if the alarm is a good activation.
Clearance code for alarms that checked clear.
Assist outside agency.
Request assistance from an outside agency. (Fire, SPD, CHP, Fish & Game). Create a call for dispatch. The priority of the event is dependent on information obtained from the outside agency but is pre-set in the CAD as a priority 3. Determine the nature of the request and how many officers are requested.
Attempt to contact.
A request to respond to a given location to advise citizens of information or to obtain information from them. Determine the nature of the request, name of the person to be contacted, name and phone number of the person/agency making the request. If no one is at the location, determine if the requesting agency wants a note left with instructions.
Attempt to locate.
A request to attempt to locate a suspect and/or vehicle associated with an incident eithe rfrom another department member or another agency. Determine the nature of the request and indicate what type of action is to be taken if suspect and/or vehicle are located. Obtain suspect and/or vehicle description and list any outstanding warrants. Determine if there is any history and whether drugs, alcohol or weapons were involved. Obtain the name, phone number and agency of the requesting person.
Attempt to pick up.
A request to arrest or detain a subject known to be at a specific location. Determine want for pick up and full description. Most felony wants and runaways will qualify for this.
Aware alarm.
Alarm is worn by victims of domestic violence who are being stalked and have death threats against their lives. The alarm is worn as a necklace. When the alarm is activated the alarm company will call us for an immediate dispatch. Check the hazard file for any information and include the information in the event.
Casualty report.
Stake out.
Information received from other departmental divisions to advise specific districts that surveillance will be conducted in a particular area. Obtain which division, unit call numbers, number of vehicles involved, description including license plates and any pager and cell phone numbers. Obtain length of time on the stakeout and advise them to call back when clear. If the units are in an outside agency’s jurisdiction, advise the outside agency we have units in their area. If the stake out is involving outside agencies or a private investigator enter these call types as INFO.
Follow up.
Meal break - lunch.
Crime scene investigation.
A separate CSI event must be created when field units request follow up on their call. All CSI calls shall include the name of the victim, address, phone number, report number, the related event number and officer’s badge number. If the victim is at a hospital obtain an address and phone number of where the victim will be should they leave the hospital prior to the arrival of CSI.
Crime scene investigation - high priority.
Quick CSI response due to the destruction of the evidence, department involved vehicle accidents, officer involved situations. Obtain approval of a field supervisor.
Crime scene investigation - burglary, business.
Crime scene investigation - residential burglary.
Used when the DART team is called out for service.
Failure to yield.
Situation where officers are trying to pull over a vehicle using lights/siren but the vehicle is cruising at a normal speed and not pulling over as required by law.
Hazardous materials.
Hazardous substances spilled on a private property or being released into the air. Items spilled on a roadway or freeway are the responsibility of CHP. S1 should be advised of the situation.
Hazardous situation.
In these situations, there is a threat to life. The situation can range from a horse in the roadway to a downed power line. Other resources or agencies will generally be needed to assist.
General information.
Although similar to a BOLO, this information is short termed, dispatched for units to review and then cleared out of the CAD. This type of call is used frequently to alert officers that a misdemeanor crime has occurred in the area but the complainant doesn’t wish officer contact, only that the area nearby be checked.
The call should indicate that if a report is needed the service center will be doing it later. Should only be used for other agencies that will be in our area, ETS tags and ACE events. All other BOLO information hall be entered into the CAD BOLO system (MBOLO).
Incident/Information report.
Knox box reset.
Enforcing writ.
Lojack tracking.
Used when a LOJACK vehicle hit is received.
Not applicable - no crime.
Panic alarm.
This is similar to a robbery alarm except it is in a residence. These may be used by citizens having a medical emergency. Create a priority 1 call for dispatch. Obtain the location, inside phone number and name of residents and name of alarm company and call back phone number.
Private investigator information.
Problem-oriented policing.
Used to on-view the POP units when they go out into the field.
Posting property (civil division).
Folsom Dam Patrol.
Pickup evidence.
When a hospital/outside agency has evidence that needs to be picked up by an officer, determine the type of evidence and whether a patrol officer, detective or CSI should be dispatched.
Pick up report.
Occurs when a group home/related agency calls in with a missing persons report that needs to be picked up by an officer. Create an event for dispatch.
This is a dispatch quick event type. A pursuit differs from failure to yield in that the driver demonstrates a clear desire to evade the officers. This includes pulling away, running stop signs and traffic lights, driving the wrong way on a one-way street and even ramming officers trying to box the suspect’s car in.
Used to on-view a unit who is completing a recovery or when a citizen is requesting a RCPD unit to recover their previously stolen vehicle, boat or other vehicle.
When an officer needs to be dispatched for a report call, specify the type of report needed, when and where occurred and if suspect is still on the scene.
ETS activation.
The department has several locations in the county and city where tracking devices are hidden in packets of money and other property. When the items is moved the device activates and send out a radio signal. Tracking units are able to follow this signal, arrest the subjects and recover the stolen property.
ESP activation.
The department has several locations in the county and city where tracking devices are hidden in packets of money and other property. When the item is moved, the device activates and can be tracked by field units using GPS information. Tracking units are able to follow this signal, arrest the subjects and recover the stolen property.
Service center phone report.
Search, directed operation.
When officers are serving a search warrant or an arrest warrant, they will notify dispatch of the location(s) they will be searching. Create an event showing what type of search it will be, the number of officers involved, their radio call numbers and a call-back number or pager number.
Serving civil process.
Special assignment.
Request for an officer to keep the peace while the reporting party responds to a location to make contact with another party there is potential for violence. Advise the reporting party they must be within one to two blocks of the location. Determine the reason for the stand by. SSD will respond if an emergency change of clothing, medications and baby items are needed. Also, SSD will respond if a party requests a standby to keep the peace while attempting to pick up children on court ordered visitation if there is a past history of physical threats. Determine if there are any weapons at the location and if alcohol and/or drugs are being used. If there is a question of whether a unit should be dispatched, get of approval of S1.
Stranded motorist.
When an officer stops to render assistance to a motorist along the roadway, he/she will advise of the location, the description of the vehicle and the number of occupants.
Used when detectives or units are working a special sweep project such as 647B, truancy or probation.
Test event.
This call type is used as a training aid for trainees and for trouble-shooting CAD problems.
Tow request.
This call type identifies that a unit is not available for calls due to waiting for a citizen’s tow, or a tow for their own unit that has broken down. Generally, if the tow is for their squad care the call type will be 107, indicating they are out of service. The event should include the location needed, the County Vehicle number or license plate number, a description of the vehicle (if not a squad), the name of the towing company (once determined) and the tow truck’s ETA.
When a unit is transporting a subject to a location the unit generally advises dispatch of their beginning mileage, the number of persons being transported and the mileage when they reach their destination. Occasionally a sexual assault victim may need transportation back home after their evidentiary exam at the hospital.
Restraining order service.
Tarasoff warning information.
Transport unit request, specify.
Although not available at all time of day, North and South patrol hires reserve officers to transport their arrestees to various locations. These T.S. units will need the unit requesting the transport, the number of persons involved, the gender of the subjects and whether they need transport to the jail, juvenile hall or detox.
Vehicle stop.
Although similar to a 917A (suspicious vehicle), this is another dispatch quick event format. The unit will advise where the stop will be, the license plate number, the description of the vehicle, the number of occupants and whether they will need more units to assist.
Wave down.
Occasionally, a unit will be flagged waved down by a citizen with a problem or concern. The officer will advise dispatch of their location and a description of the subject and their vehicle.
Welfare check.
A request to check the welfare of another person. Citizens that live in the area shall be asked if they have attempted to make contact with the subject. If it is determined that the subject had prior medical problems, the complainant shall be advised that an officer will be dispatched to the location and an ambulance dispatched upon the officer’s request unless the complainant heard the person request help. Generally S1 should approve such requests.
In Progress (occurring while on the phone)
Attempt to call back
911 call taker
664/902a - attempted suicide
664/261 - attempted rape and so on
Auto Crime Enforcement
Electronic Satellite Pursuit
Electronic Tracking System