In CA state courts are there required disclosures?
What must P do to take discovery from D in CA state court? When?
P must get a court order to take discovery from D within 10 days after D was served with process
What must P do to take a deposition from D in CA state court? When?
P must get a court order to take a deposition from D within 20 days after D was served with process
What is the time limit on a deposition in CA state court?
No presumptive time limit on deposition
How many depositions can a party take in CA state court?
there is no presumptive limit on the number of depositions to be taken in the case
Who can interrogatories be sent to in CA state court?
can only be sent to parties.
What type of interrogators are available in CA state court that are not available in federal court?
form interrogatories approved by the Judicial Council
How many form interrogatories can you send?
There is no limit to the number of form interrogatories that can be served on other parties.
What is the maximum number of drafted interrogatories allowed in an unlimited civil case? What if the receiving side does not want to answer these interrogatories?
The limit is 35. But, you can serve more with the declaration for the need for more. The receiving party then can seek a protective order
Is there a statutory limit on how many inspection demands (like requests to produce) can be served without court permission in an unlimited civil case?
In federal court, these can be used to get information from a non-party if accompanied by a subpoena. The basic California statute does NOT address using these to get information from a non-party. But it is possible to get discovery of things from a non-party. How?
You take the non-parties deposition and serve him with a subpoena duces tecum (requires them to bring stuff with them.
What if you want to get business records in CA state court, what do you need to do?
For business records, you can just subpoena them without taking a deposition.
What do you need to get for a medical examination in CA state court?
A court order
In CA, what kind of case can the D demand 1 physical examination of P?
Personal injury.
In California, if it is a physical exam, the lawyer for that person has the right to do what?
Attend the examination
In California, if it is a mental exam, the lawyer for that person can only attend with what?
A court order allowing it.
What is the maximum number of requests for admission that can be served on a party
in an unlimited civil case?
The limit is 35. But, you can serve more with the declaration for the need for more. The receiving party then can seek a protective order
How many times can you request the opposing part to admit the genuineness of documents?
there is no limit on the number of requests to admit the genuineness of documents.
In CA limited cases How many depositions can a party take?
In CA limited cases, How many interrogatories, inspection demands, and requests for admission can each party propound to another party?
It is a combined total of 35.
In a limited civil case, can the parties ever get additional discovery?
Only with a court order
In what type of case can you get unlimited discovery?
in unlimited cases only
In CA state court is there a standing duty to supplement discovery response?
No. The responses are fine as long as the information given was accurate and complete when given
What can the requesting party do in an unlimited case to get more information on answers made?
the requesting party can propound a “supplemental interrogatory” to elicit later acquired information bearing on answers previously made.
What other supplemental demand can a party make in unlimited cases? For what?
she can propound a “supplemental demand for inspection,” which demands inspection of later-acquired or later-discovered documents or things.
How many times can a party propound a supplemental interrogatory or supplemental request for production? When?
twice before the trial date is set, and once after.
The California Constitution recognizes a right of privacy, which can be claimed to limit what?
is the right of privacy, which can be claimed to limit discovery absolute?
How does a court determine whether to allow discovery?
It balances the need for information against the need to privacy.
In CA state court who must produce work product that is privileged?
It must be generated by the attorney or her agent.
How do you get expert witness information in CA?
Any party may request the simultaneous exchange of expert witness information. Then each party must exchange a list of experts to be called at trial, declare the nature and substance of testimony, and the expert’s qualifications.
What else can you demand form the expert?
You can also demand reports by the expert.
Can you take a deposition of an expert witness?
A party may then take her deposition
What if a party does not exchange expert witness information?
If a party does not exchange this information, the court may exclude its expert from testifying.
What must parties do before asking for court order in CA?
Parties generally must meet and confer to work out problems before seeking court orders.
What if a party refuses to meet and confer to work out problems before seeking court orders.
A party failing to do so is subject to monetary sanction of expenses, including attorney’s fees, incurred by the other party as a result of the failure to meet and confer.
By statute, a court may sanction any person – including parties and attorneys – guilty of misusing what?
the discovery process
Before sanctioning a person for misusing the discovery process what must the the person sanctioned be given?
person to be sanctioned must be given notice and a chance to be heard.
What six sanctions are included for misuse of the discovery process?
Sanctions include:
(1) monetary sanction (expenses and attorney’s fees incurred by other party because of misuse),
(2) establishment order,
(3) refusal to allow party to support its position with evidence at trial,
(4) striking pleadings,
(5) entering default judgment against D or
6) dismissing P’s cause of action.
What will the court consider when determining the sanction?
whether the abuse is willful
When a party seeks sanctions for discovery abuse, what must it indicate in the motion?
the type of sanction sought.
What may a party seek protective order for?
to protect against unwarranted annoyance, embarrassment, oppression, burden or expense.
Can a party object that ESI is not reasonably accessible because of undue burden or expense?
Yes and they must identify the categories of sources that are not accessible.