Caliban Flashcards
Thou didst seek to
Violate the honour of my child
‘Tis a villain sir,
I do not love to look on
I must
Eat my dinner
Would’t had been done… I had peopled else
this island with Calibans
I pitied thee
Took pains to make her speak
You taught me language
And my profit on’t is I know how to curse
Sometimes I am all wound with adders
Who with cloven tongues do hiss me into madness
Here comes the spirit of his
To torment me for bringing in wood slowly
A man
Or a fish?
He’s a present for any emperor that
Ever trod on neat’s leather
I’ll show thee every fertile inch of the island, and
I will kiss thy foot
Give him blows,
And take his bottle from him
Bit him enough; and after a little time,
I’ll beat him too
And that most deeply to consider is/
The beauty of his daughter
Sometimes a thousand twanging instruments
Will hum about mine ears
When I waked
I cried to dream again
What do you mean to dote
Thus on such luggage?
Two of these fellows you must know and own; this thing
Of darkness, I acknowledge mine
That’s a brave god, and bears
Celestial liquor. I will kneel to him
First possess his books for without …
Them he’s but a sot, as i am
I loved thee,
And showed thee all the qualities o’the isle
Thou didst not, savage, know thy own meaning
but wouldst gabble like a thing most brutish