Calculus Flashcards
What is a Function?
A Function is a rule that assigns to each number in a set a unique second number. A function is also called a mapping, or transformation; both words
invoke the action of associated one thing with another.
The statement y = f (x) is an example of a generic function, which reads “y is a function of x”.
In the function y = f (x), x is known as the argument of the function or independent variable, while y is the value of the function or dependent variable.
Quadratic function
The generic formula for a quadratic function is
f (x) = ax2 + bx + c, where a, b and c are real numbers.
If the coeffcient a > 0 then the quadratic function is U shaped.
If a < 0 then it is n shaped.
The magnitude of a determines the steepness of the curve.
The coecient b determines the horizontal location of the curve.
The coecient c determines the vertical location.
Exponential Function
The exponential number is of great importance in nance and is found by computing the limit
e = lim (1+ 1/n)^n =
= 2,7182818
While the exponential function is e^n
Bonds expressed in terms calculus function
A bond’s yield to maturity depends upon the maturity of the bond and is normally a monotonic increasing function, YTM = f (T).
The price of a bond in turn depends upon the yield to maturity of the bond, with a lower price for a higher yield reflecting the risk associated,
P = f (YTM) .
Option expressed in terms of calculus
The value of an option at a given point in time is a function of a number of factors including: 1. The price of the underlying 2. The strike price 3. The time to maturity 4. Interest rates 5. Volatility of the underlying
What is Calculus?
Calculus is the branch of Mathematics that studies change and can be divided into two main areas: dierential calculus and integral calculus.
Dierential calculus calculates the rate at which a function changes as a response to a change in one or more other variables.
Integral calculus is used to calculate the areas and volumes of
bounded shapes.
calculus Maxima and Minima used in finance
There are many situations in which we need to nd the minimum or maximum of a function. For example, if we need to find the combination of assets to minimize portfolio risk or maximize the
probability of true parameters in a model.
The combination of the first and second derivative can be used to determine if a particular point on a curve is at a peak (maxima) or a trough (minima). Moreover, we can use calculus to determine if
a function changes from convex to concave and vice versa.
Given a function f (x), when f’ (x) = 0 then x is called a stationary point of f . This means the tangent to the function is horizontal at a stationary point, but can be a minima, a maxima or
a point of in inflection.
If the second derivative f” (x) < 0 then the function is said to have a local maxima at point x.
If the second derivative f” (x) > 0 then the function is said to have a local minima at point x.
If the second derivative f” (x) = 0 then the function is said to have a stationary point of in
ection at point x (saddle point).
Function of two variables,
partial derivative
Consider a function z = f (x, y), where x and y are independent.
Such a function can be dierentiated with respect to one independent variable, the others assumed to be fixed. This is known as partial dierentiation.
The partial derivative with respect to x is found by holding y constant and is denoted by fx or @z
@x .
Similarly, the partial derivative with respect to y is found by holding y constant and is denoted by fy or @z
@y .
Total Derivatives
The partial derivative tells us about what happen to a function, when only one variable changes and the others are kept static.
The total derivative examines what happens to a function, when all the variables change at once and is expressed in terms of the differential operator.
For f (x, y), the total derivative df (x, y) gives the incremental change in the function for a small change in both x and y and is given by
df (x, y) = f (x + dx, y + dy) - f (x, y) ;
where dx and dy are increments in x and y.