Calculations to Memorize Flashcards
%Transferrin saturation
%Saturation = (serum iron/TIBC) * 100
UIBC = TIBC - serum iron
TIBC (µg/dl) = serum transferrin (mg/dl) X 1.43 according to Harr
or TIBC = serum iron + UIBC
Unconjugated/indirect bilirubin
Unconjugated bilirubin = Total bilirubin - direct bilirubin
LDL/Friedwald equation
LDL-C = Total cholesterol - HDL - (triglyceride/5)
Albumin/Globulin (A/G) ratio
Glomerular filatration rate (ml/min)
urine creatinin/plasma creatinine X volume
Laurie’s way: (urine creat/plasma creat) X (urine volume/time min) X (1.73/BSA)
Creatinine clearance
creat clearance = (urine creat/plasma creat) X (volume/time (min)) X (1.73/BSA)
Beer’s law
A = Ebc
E = molar absorptivity
b = length of light path
c = concentration of analyte
Corrected WBC counts when nRBC < 10
Corrected WBC = (WBC X 100)/(nRBC + 100)
Manual hemocytometer count (cells/ml)
- cells/ml = (avg # cells/volume counted) X df
OR - cells/ml = (avg #cells/ # primary squares) X 10 X df
MCV (fL)
MCV = (Hct X 10/RBC in millions
MCH (pg)
MCH = (Hgb X 10)/ RBC in millions
MCHC (g/dl)
MCHC = (Hgb/Hct) X 100