Calculations and Significant Digits Flashcards
how exact can your results be?
your results can be no more exact than your worst piece of data
what are sigdigs in a result from addition/subtraction?
you keep up to the least accurate place
what are the sigdigs in a result from multiplication/division?
the number of sig digs in the term with the fewest number of sigdigs
leading zeros are
never sig digs
sandwiched zeros are
always sig digs
trailing zeros are
not sig digs unless there is a decimal anywhere in the number
how many sig digs do defined terms have
an infinite number of sig digs
significant digit (sigdig)
what makes up the significant digits of a measurement?
all of the “certain digits” and one estimated or “uncertain” digit
you must always make 1 estimate past what you can measure by the marks on your tool, even if…
that estimate is zero