What GMT and UTC stand for?
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). refered to Zulu time (0°)
It is 31 Jan in Melbourne, Australia. What is the date in Honolulu, Hawaii?
Feb 1
When traveling across International Date Line:
- Eastward subtract one day
(East is least) - Westward add one day
(West is best)
how are military message are written?
(2 digit date)(24 hour time)(time zone)(3 letter month)(2 digit year)
Integer: 122130(+8) Nov 10
Alphabet: 122130(U) Nov 10
Who am I? converts from local to UTC, therefore assigns time zone integers as follows:
‘+’ for Westerly Direction
‘–’ for Easterly Direction
Marine convention
Who am I? Converts from UTC to local time, therefore assigns time zones integers as follows:
‘-’ for Westerly Direction
‘+’ for Easterly Direction
Non-marine convention
When does Daylight saving time (DST) apply in Canada?
2nd Sunday in March—clocks advance 1 hour
—”Spring forward.”
1st Sunday in November, areas on DST return to Standard Time—clocks turn back 1 hour
—”Fall back.”