Calcium Channel Blockers Flashcards
Nifedipine (Procardia®) Nicardipine (Cardene® I.V.,Cardene® SR) Nimodipine (Nimotop®) Felodipine (Plendil®) Isradipine (DynaCirc®) Nisoldipine (Sular®) Amlodipine (Norvasc®) Clevidipine (Cleviprex®)
Calcium Channel Blockers
Class Adverse Effects
hypotension, peripheral edema, flushing, headache, dizziness, fatigue and gingival hyperplasia
Non-dihydropyridine agents can also cause
– bradycardia, AV block, systolic heart failure
Dihydropyridine agents can also cause –
reflex tachycardia
How are CCBs classified
into different groups based upon their chemical structure with each group differing in their pharmacology
Calcium Channel Blockers
Mechanism of Action
ALL CCB’s bind to their own unique receptor site on the α1 subunit of “L-Type” voltage-gated calcium channels and inhibit the transmembrane influx of calcium into cells through these slow voltage-gated calcium channels and thus decease intracellular calcium
How do CCBs differ in their tissue selectivity
CCB’s differ in their tissue selectivity, binding-site locations on the α1 subunit, and their mechanism of calcium conductance blockade
Non-Dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers MOA
nhibit the transmembrane influx of calcium ions into arterial vascular smooth muscle, cardiac muscle cells and cardiac conducting cells (SA/AV nodal tissue) BUT are more selective for myocardial tissue calcium channels (especially in AV nodal tissue)
1,4-Dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers MOA
Inhibit the transmembrane influx of calcium ions into arterial vascular smooth muscle and cardiac muscle cells, with a far greater effect on arterial vascular smooth muscle cells than on cardiac muscle cells
Verapamil MOA
Binds to the intracellular portion of the “L-type” channel α1 subunit preferentially when it is “OPEN” and occludes the channel
“Use-Dependence” or “Frequency-Dependence” of Verapamil
calcium channel blockade by verapamil is ENHANCED as the frequency of stimulation increases 9works better at higher HRs
Verapamil Characteristics
1) Is relatively selective for inhibiting the transmembrane influx of Ca2+ in the SA/AV nodal tissue and cardiac muscle; especially in AV nodal tissue
2) Less potent as a peripheral vasodilator than 1,4- Dihydropyridine class CCB’s but is more potent as a vasodilator than Diltiazem
3) Is a more potent negative chronotropic, inotropic and dromotropic agent than diltiazem
4) Reflex sympathetic tachycardia is blunted by verapamil
Verapamil causes peripheral vasodilation which …
⇓ blood pressure which triggers the baroreceptor reflex response but the reflex tachycardia is blunted by the DIRECT negative chronotropic effects of verapamil
Diltiazem MOA
Binds to the inner surface of the cell membrane of the “L- type” channel α1 subunit (binds at a different site than verapamil does) and blocks the channel mostly from the inside surface of the membrane by entering the channel preferentially when it’s “OPEN”
Use-Dependence” or “Frequency-Dependence of diltiazem
means that calcium channel blockade by diltiazem is ENHANCED as the frequency of stimulation increases (works better at higher HRs)
Dilatiazem Characteristics
- Is relatively selective for inhibiting the transmembrane influx of Ca2+ in the SA/AV nodal tissue and cardiac muscle; especially in AV nodal tissue
- Less potent as a peripheral vasodilator than 1,4- Dihydropyridine class CCB’s and Verapamil
- Is a less potent negative chronotropic, inotropic and dromotropic agent compared to verapamil
- Reflex sympathetic tachycardia is blunted by diltiazem
Diltiazem causes peripheral vasodilation which ___
⇓ blood pressure which triggers the baroreceptor reflex response but the reflex tachycardia is blunted by the DIRECT negative chronotropic effects of diltiazem
Non-DHPs Pharmacological Effect
- SA/AV node depolarization is dependent largely on Ca2+ movement
- Non-DHP’s decrease the rate of phase 4 spontaneous depolarization and slow the rate of phase 0 depolarization in SA & AV nodes
- Suppress (⇓) the automaticity of the SA node by reducing Ca2+ influx and decreasing rate of recovery of the channel in SA node (⇓ impulse generation - neg chromotrope)
- Suppress (⇓) the conduction velocity through the AV node and prolongs AV node refractoriness (⇑ its functional refractory period) by reducing Ca2+ influx and decreasing rate of recovery of the channel in AV nodal tissue - neg dromotrope which results in increased PR interval
The most marked effect of verapamil & diltiazem on nodal tissue is
⇓ the conduction velocity through the AV node and to ⇑ its functional refractory period. Verapamil & diltiazem are effective in automatic and re-entry tachyarrhythmias due to their ability to slow AV nodal conduction time and prolong AV nodal refractoriness
Cardiac Muscle Cell Pharmacologic Effects of Non-DHPs
Within the cardiac muscle cell, Ca2+ binds to troponin which eventually leads to actin and myosin interacting to cause cardiac muscular contraction. Therefore, blockade of the slow “L-Type” calcium channels results in decreased myocardial contractility
• Negative inotropic effect
• CCB’s alter the plateau phase (Phase 2) of the cardiac muscle cell action potential
Non DHPs effect of artery
-arterial vascular smooth muscle relaxation and cause little effect on venous resistance vessels at concentrations that produce arteriolar vasodilation
-Arterial vasodilation ⇓ afterload and ⇓ systemic vascular resistance which ⇓ systolic and diastolic blood pressure
- ⇓ coronary vascular resistance via coronary vasodilation,
which ⇑ coronary blood flow and ⇑ myocardial O2 supply
- ⇓ myocardial O2 demand
- Relax coronary artery vasospasms & ⇑ blood flow through fixed coronary obstructions
Verapamil, The “prototype” non-dihydropyridine CCB that is a synthetic derivative of ___ ?
as a racemic mixture
• L-enantiomer of verapamil is a specific & potent “L-type”
calcium channel blocker
• D-enantiomer of verapamil is devoid of calcium channel blocking activity but posses’ blockade of fast Na+ channels, accounting for the local anesthetic effects of verapamil
Clinical Uses
- Supraventricular tachyarrhythmia’s
- Vasospastic angina (as effective as beta-blockers)
- May be useful in the treatment of maternal and fetal tachyarrhythmia’s as well as premature labor, however, it may ⇓ uterine blood flow so it should be used with extreme caution
- Symptomatic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Essential hypertension
Verapamil contraindicated in in which SVTA rhythms?
1) Wolff-Parkinson-White and Lown-Ganong-Levine syndromes
Verapamil Pharmacokinetics
- Onset IV Effect is 1-3 minutes
- Protein binding: 90% (High)
- Metabolism occurs in the liver via multiple CYP 450
- Has an activate metabolite
- 5-10mgIV(0.075-0.15mg/kg)overatleast2min
- may give additional 10 mg IV after 30 min if no response or response is not adequate
- Liver disease: give 20 - 50% of normal dose
- Geriatrics: give slower IV over at least 3 minutes
Verapamil Cardiovascular
Adverse Effects
- Hypotension – The major adverse effect of IV verapamil
- Bradycardia
- 2nd or 3rd degree AV block
- Heart failure
- Neg inotrope
Other Verapamil Adverse Effects
- Constipation, peripheral edema, nausea
* Headache, dizziness
Clinical Uses
Same as Verapamil
- Absorption: Well absorbed but is subject to extensive hepatic first-pass metabolism
- Peak Effect: ~15 min IVP
- t1/2 = ~4 hours
- Liver disease can prolong t1/2, thus necessitating diltiazem dosage reductions in liver disease
- Protein Binding: 70-80%
Diltiazem Metabolism
- Via CYP450
- 2 active metabolites: desacetyldiltiazem and desmethyldiltiazem