Calcium Channel Blockers Flashcards
what are the 3 main CCBs
verapamil diltiazem nifedripine all others are analogs of nifedipine all block calcium channels but are clinically different
CCBs act on 3 main tissues
verapamil +++
diltiazem ++
nifedipine 0/+
AV node and conduction system
verap, dilti +++
nife 0
Blood vessels
nife +++
vera ++
dilti +
medical uses of CCBs
atrial tachycardias - blocks excess impulses coming through AV node and conduction system (diltiazem or verapamil)
nifedipine-type cause vasodilation and reflex tachycardia (not an anti-arrythmic)
CCBs and angina
Diltiazem best for stable angina
CCBs are best for Prinzmetals angina b/c all CCBs relax vasospasm
CCBs in hypertension
higher the BP the greater the effect
good for all categories (B blockers aren’t good for elderly or african americans)
threatened miscarriage
proposed use of CCBs
migraine (verapamil some effect - blocks initial vasospasm)
tried for prevention of 2nd heart attack
Precautions in use of CCBs
dizziness and facial flush from vasodilation
decrease exercise tolerance with verap and diltiazem
CNS effects (insomnia, nervousness, increase effect of morphine)
short acting CCBs may cause MI - use amlodipine (half life of 39h)
anti platelet effect –> bruising and petechiae; bleeding in peptic ulcer
Molecular mechanisms of CCBs
bind inside channel:
verapamil - phenylalkulamine - voltage-res
nifedipine - dihydropyridine - voltage-sensitive
diltiazem - benzothiazepine - voltage-res
strong voltages in the heart displaces nifedipine, which is why it only has effects on the blood vessels and not the heart
Use dependence: can only get in when channel is open –> seen in verapamil and diltiazem (thats why it is better used when BP is high)
nifedipine blocks right away and is not use dependent
nifedipine type CCBs
not plugs
Bay K 8644 opens channels
verapamil may be a plug
functions of calcium channel subunits
a2d - cause faster opening/closing
beta - regulates trafficking a1 to membrane (also allows more current after small depolarization)
gamma - present in skeletal muscle channel
other calcium channel blockers
Mg++; weak channel blocker, sometimes used in arrhythmias
H+; strong competitor of calcium
barbiturates- block Ca++ channels