Caesarean Section Flashcards
What is a Caesarean section?
The delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the abdomen and uterus
What % of deliveries in England are by c-section?
What is caesarean section regionally associated with?
Local deprivation and individual social class
What factors affect the likelihood of caesarean section?
- Place of birth
- Induction of labour beyond 41 weeks in uncomplicated pregnancy
- Consultant obstetrician involved in decision making
- Electronic fetal monitoring
How does place of birth affect likelihood of Caesarean section?
Planned home delivery or in a midwifery-led unit reduces likelihood
How does induction of labour beyond 41 weeks affect likelihood of Caesarean section?
Reduces the risk of perinatal mortality and therefore Caesarean section
How does the involvement of consultant obstetricians in decision making affect the likelihood of Caesarean section?
Reduces it
How does electronic fetal monitoring affect the likelihood of Caesarean section?
Increase it
How can the planning of Caesarean section be classified?
- Elective (planned)
- Emergency
How may categories of emergency Caesarean section are there?
Why are there different categories of emergency Caesarean section?
To ensure babies are delivered in a timely manner in accordance to their or their mothers needs
What is a category 1 emergency Caesarean section?
Where there is immediate threat to life to the woman or fetus and baby should be born within 30 minutes
What is a category 2 emergency Caesarean section?
Where there is maternal or fetal compromise that is not immediately life threatening and baby is usually born within 60-75 minutes
What is a category 3 emergency Caesarean section?
No maternal or fetal compromise but early delivery is needed
What is a category 4 emergency Caesarean section?
Where delivery is timed to suit the woman or staff
What are the indications for a category 1 emergency Caesarean section?
- Cord prolapse
- Fetal distress in the first stage
What are the possible indications for category 2 emergency Caesarean section?
- Failure to progress
- Transverse lie in labour
What are the most common reasons for emergency Caesarean section?
- Failure to progress
- Suspected/confirmed fetal compromise
What are the most common indications for elective (or emergency) Caesarean section?
- Breech presentation
- Other forms of malpresentation
- Twin pregnancy
- Maternal medical conditions
- Fetal compromise
- Transmissible disease
- Primary genital herpes in third trimester
- Placenta praevia
- Maternal diabetes
- Previous shoulder dystocia
- Previous 3rd/4th degree perineal tear
- Maternal request
What other malpresentations can be an indication for Caesarean section?
- Unstable lie
- Transverse lie
- Oblique lie
What is unstable lie?
A presentation that fluctuates between oblique/cephalic/breech/transverse etc.
When is twin pregnancy an indication for Caesarean section?
When the first twin is not cephalic presentation
When are maternal medical conditions an indication for Caesarean section?
When labour would be dangerous for the mother
When is fetal compromise an indication for Caesarean section?
- Early onset growth restriction
- Abnormal fetal Doppler
- When thought fetus would not cope with labour
What is an example of a transmissible disease that would be an indication for Caesarean section?
Poorly controlled HIV
Why is primary genital herpes in the third trimester an indication for Caesarean section?
There has been no time for development and transmission maternal antibodies to HSV to cross the placenta and protect the baby
When is maternal diabetes an indication for Caesarean section?
When baby is estimated to have fetal weight >4.5kg
When is a previous 3rd/4th degree perineal tear an indication for Caesarean section?
When the patient symptomatic and there is appropriate assessment