Caesar Flashcards
When did Julius Caesar become ruler of the Roman world?
46 BC
When was Julius Caesar born?
100 BC
What happened to Caesar in 58 BC?
He was given command of the Roman armies in goal (modern France).
When did he raid Britain?
55 BC
How much money did Caesar make Gaul pay in tax every year?
400,000 gold pieces
How much gold did Caesar steal from Rome in Ib
When was Julius Caesar due to end his time as governor of Gaul?
49 BC
Who was Caesar hated by?
The patricians, the senate and the consuls
Who was Caesar popular with?
The plebians and poorer people of Rome
Why did the rich people of Rome hate him?
Because they wanted Rome to be run the old way with the senate and the consuls in charge.
What day did Caesar have to be beware of?
The Ides of March (the 15th March)
When was Caesar stabbed to death.
15th of March 44BC
Who stabbed him to death?
A group of leading Romans.
Who led the murder?
A former friend called Marcus Brutus
How many dagger wounds did Cesar having his body when he died?