CAE december Flashcards
wall-to-wall fist fighting
street fighting
доходный дом
tenement house
получить диплом
to earn a degree
думать креативно (идиома)
to think outside the box
отбросить коньки
to kick the bucket
тщательный, дотошный
любящий проводить время вне дома, любящий гулять
очень уставший
run down
судебный адвокат (Британия)
вопреки всему, несмотря ни на что
against the odds
to foresee
to predict
CV (Curriculum vitae)
сделанный вполсилы
смочь что-то сделать, достичь успеха вопреки сложностям
to scrape through
у тебя все получится
you will rock
в те лихие дни
in those heady days
устрашать, обескураживать
to daunt
один в поле не воин
safety in numbers
стажировка, трудоустройство
work placement
пособие по безработице (Британия)
state benefit
быть наставляемым профессионалом по работе, чтобы получить опыт
to shadow sb
хотеть чего-то очень сильно
to set your heart on smf
большой шаг (прям и перенос), крупное позитивное изменение в жизни, связанное с развитием
a stride
личный руководитель на работе
line manager
иметь груз на плечах
to have a weight on yoour shoulders
поручиться за кого-то или что-то
to vouch for
a blot
разнообразный (по составу)
управлять кораблем, управлять в общем тоже
to steer the ship
steering wheel
быть у штурвала или руля, управлять
be at the helm
take the helm
задавать тон
set the tone
командовать, отдавать приказы (идиома)
to call the shots
Кто-то или что-то с большим количеством энергии силы и влияния
Ради чего-то
Во благо
For the sake of sb
Вести счёт
To keep a tally
- обнимать
2. принимать что-то с радостью
to embrace
разница, расхождение, разрыв или несоответствие между двумя штуками, которые должны быть одинаковыми
преуспевать в ч-л
to excel
что-то решающее
успех или крах
нить (нитка или как тема разговора, тред)
platitude (platitudinous)
to amplify
вид с высоты птичьего полета
a bird’s eye view
выполнить, добиться, достичь
to accomplish
справиться с чем-то негативным или принять это, не дав себя расстроить (collocation with “take”)
to take smh in (your) stride
шокировать, обескуражить человека так, что он растерян (collocation with “take”)
to take sb aback
to be taken aback by sb (passive)
не обращать внимания на что-либо (collocation with “take”)
take no notice of something
жалеть кого-либо, сжалиться над кем-то (collocation with “take”)
take pity on sb
получать удовольствие от чего-либо
=to enjoy smh) (collocation with “take”
to take pleasure in smh
воспользоваться чем-то, использовать в свою пользу (collocation with “take”)
to take advantage of smh/sb
возражать против (collocation with “take”)
to take exception to smh
гордиться = to be proud of (collocation with “take”)
to take pride in
главный приоритет
main priority
высокая зарплата
high salary
строгие дедлайны
tight deadlines
тяжелая рабочая нагрузка
heavy workload
сдавать эссе
to hand in your essay
оторвать кого-то или что-то с руками и ногами
разобрать как горячие пирожки
to snap up
*I applied for jobs, but interestimg ones had always been snapped up
сослужить свою добрую службу, быть полезным
to stand (me) in a good stead
*I learnt things that which have stood me in good stead later in life
из всех слоев общества
from all walks of life
неотъемлемая часть чего-либо
part and parcel of smh
неожиданно появляться
to crop up
very modern and with all the newest developments
_______-____ design/technology
Appearances can be ________.
deceptive / deceiving
possible to do
осуществимый, выполнимый
a ________ plan
to make continuous, small movements, especially if they do not have a particular purpose and you make them without meaning to, for example because you are nervous or bored:
Children can’t sit still for long without ______ing.
He cleared his throat and nervously _______ed with a pencil.
to fidget
If what someone says or writes is ____-_______, it is boring because it is too long.
нудный, многословный
a ____-________ explanation
to speak quietly and in a way that is not clear so that the words are difficult to understand:
She _______d something about being too busy.
to mumble
to pay all of the money that you owe
погашать долг, расплачиваться
I’m planning to ___ ___ my bank loan in five years.
to pay off
to make a continuous low sound:
Please excuse my stomach _____ing - I haven’t eaten all day.
урчать, грохотать
to ramble
to stand, sit, or walk with your shoulders forward so that your body is not straight
Stop ______ing and stand up straight.
more than a particular amount or level
более, сверх
He earns __ _______ __ £60,000 a year.
in excess of
Предварительный забег, практика перед настоящим испытанием
Practice run
a period of time when you do not work because of illness or holidays, or because your employer has given you permission to do something else
time off
in Britain, a lawyer who gives legal advice and help, and who works in the lower courts of law
= just near
in the immediate vicinity of
= to rely on
be reliant
использовать любую возможность
seize every opportunity
заводить контакты, знакомиться
make contacts
достигать своих целей
achieve your aims
преодолевать множество неудач
overcome a lot of setbacks
to give something to someone as their share of a total amount, to use in a particular way:
The government is _______ing £10 million for health education.
рапределять (средства)
to allocate
to understand something
понимать, усваивать
I find these mathematical problems difficult to _____.
a grasp
to speak to other people at work in order to exchange information with them
поддерживать или устанавливать связь
Our head office will ____ with the suppliers to ensure delivery.
to liaise
o reach someone in front of you by going faster than them:
I ran after her and managed to ______ ___ with her.
catch up
= to start your own business
to set up a business
to finally be somewhere or do something, especially without having planned it
If he carries on like this, he’ll —— — in prison.
оказаться, окончить
to wind up
= learn how to do something
постигать/знать все тонкости
to learn the ropes
= to decrease your stress level
to unwind
if something happens
An airbag could save your life __ ___ ______ __ an accident.
= in case
в случае чего-либо
in the event of
British English informal used to emphasize that whatever someone says or does will not change the situation at all
Try and talk to her if you want, but I don’t think it’ll ____ ___ _____ ___ __ __________.
not make the blind bit of difference
= to not keep in touch
lose contact
to become mentally ill
I feel I’m —–ing – , always on the verge of tears”
дойти до нервного срыва
to crack up
to make someone nervous or upset, esp. when the person is trying to do something:
Don’t let that new tax form ——- you – it’s not as bad as it looks.
He was in such a ——- that he ended up fainting
волновать, волнение, смятение
good or safe and able to be trusted
—– advice/judgment
—– plan
здравый, исправный
или звук
If a group of people —– — a set of ideas, they support those ideas.
The party —– — low taxes and individual freedom.
стоять за что-либо, поддерживать
to stand for
something that you do because it will help you to achieve something else:
I didn’t particularly like the job - it was just - —– – – —.
средство для достижения цели
a means to an end
to improve your knowledge of something already learned but partly forgotten:
I thought I’d —– – (on) my French before going to Paris.
освежить (в памяти), улучшить
= to improve
to brush up
= to blend in
стать незаметным
to go unnoticed
to decide not to be part of a group or system
Britain wants to — — of the new European regulations.
to opt out (of)
В последнюю минуту
at the last minute
формальность, маленькая деталь
The case against him had to be dropped because of a legal ————-
Fire extinguisher
to hit someone with a vehicle and injure or kill them
сбивать кого-либо (машиной и т. д.)
[ often passive ] She was —–ed —- by a bus.
Tho wittiness saw him —–ing —- the pedestrian
to knock down
how could you —- —- such an offer?
= reject, reduce, don’t accept
+ убавлять (звук и т. д.)
to —- —- the volume
to turn down
to make someone feel stupid or unimportant by criticizing them
I’m tired of him —ting me —- all the time.
Vets hate having to — down pets - even if they are injured (= to euthanise)
усыплять, критиковать (осаждать)
to put down
1) to cause someone in a position of power to lose their job
to —– —- the government
свергать (=oust)
to bring down
= remove, write down
to —- —- Christmas decorations
to take down
= to keep, to restrain, to stay the same
1) to stop someone moving or escaping
не давать вырваться, держать
It took three officers to —- —- the suspect.
2) to keep the cost of something at a low level
не допускать роста, удерживать (цены и т. д.)
to —- —- prices/wages
It’s difficult for mothers to —- —- a full-time job.
collocation - to —- —- a job (
to hold down
the fog has —- —-
we expect them to —- —- in favour of the proposal
1) рушиться
A lot of trees —- —- in the storm.
2) снижаться
Prices always —- —- after Christmas.
3) выступать в защиту чего-либо
The government has —- —- on the side of military action.
to come down
1) decrease
the swelling will – —- in a few days
2) kneel
I want him to – —- on his knees and apologise!
3) accept, welcome
The new’s didn’t – —- very well
to go down
to decrease quickly
to plummet
to increase quickly
to soar
1) = to encounter, discover by chance
I —- ——- an old diary in her desk.
2) if an idea —-s —— well, it is easy for people to understand
Your point really —- —— at the meeting.
3) if someone —-s —— in a particular way, they seem to have particular qualities
He —-s —— as a very intelligent sensitive man.
to come across
The government must —- —- unemployment.
справляться с чем-то, решать проблему
to deal with
1) = Criticise, put down
to criticize someone in an unkind way
2) be —ting – something to be trying to say something in a way that is difficult for other people to understand
Do you see the point I’m —ting –?
3) = REACH to be able to reach something
We had to move the washing machine out to — – the wiring behind it.
4 INFORMATION to discover information, especially the truth about a situation
I was determined to — – the truth.
нападать, придираться, критиковать
to get at
I don’t earn a huge salary, but we — –
обходиться чем-то (малым), довольствоваться
to get by
Things will get easier as time –es –.
2) to form opinion
You can’t always – – appearances (= Judge)
протекать (время), проходить мимо
to go by
1) attack
The dog suddenly —- — me (past).
Jackson is –ing – his second gold medal here.
3) choose
I think I’ll – — the chocolate cake.
to go for
to —- —- words
забрать назад, возвратить
to take back
выбросы парниковых газов (release of gases like CO₂ that trap heat in the atmosphere).
Example: Reducing ———- — ——— is crucial to fighting climate change.
greenhouse gas emissions
——- —- energy
= eliminate or remove entirely
to —- — the emissions
to zero out
non-renewable energy sources
Green energy not is as cheap as —— —–
топливо (нефть, уголь)
fossil fuels
to increase what you are doing to try to achieve something
усиливать, увеличивать
Police have —-ped – their efforts to find the man.
to step up
an important discovery or development that helps solve a problem
a major ———— in the fight against cancer
A breakthrough
= risky
to intentionally organize something in order to achieve what you want
a carefully ———–d demonstration of support
To orchestrate
= compromise
a trade-off
to remove the same amount of emissions as produced
Net zero
Extremists were openly ——–ing violence
Those who ———- for doctor-assisted suicide say the terminally ill should not have to suffer
To advocate (for)
пагубные эффекты
pernicious effects
the effect that a person’s or organization’s activities have on the environment
To reduce your ———
environmental ———
искуственное мясо
Artificial meat
захватывающее зрелище
A mesmerizing sight
в унисоне, в полном согласии
In perfect unison
излучать свет
Just like a tiny star, the plasma —-s both —– and heat energy.
To emit light
поддерживать баланс в экосистеме
To keep the ecosystem balanced
пищевая цепочка
food chain
The study considers respondents’ educational level and —-ling space as their socioeconomic indicators.
to dwell in
a long period when there is no rain and people do not have enough water
A severe ——- ruined the crops.
образец, экспонат
A specimen
= that is similar to
That is akin to
заинтересованная сторона, участник, владелец доли компании
Суеверное, консервативное сообщество
A superstitious, conservative community
——— of ozone layer
подводник, аквалангист, водолаз
меня преследует мысль
I’m haunted by the thought
to fill something or make it complete again
пополнять, снова наполнять
to ——– supplies
To replenish
a mixture of snow and rain
дождь со снегом
any substance that is harmful to the environment
feeling anxious about something that you are going to do
испытывающий тревогу
He’s a bit ———– about living away from home.
to complete something at or before the time when it must be done:
We have no hope of —-ing such a tight ——–.
успеть к дедлайну
meet a deadline
I felt ————– and lost.
feeling disappointed because something is not as good as you thought it was
She says she’s ————- with the music business.
A person who is ——— is confused.
рассеянный, забывчивый
He became increasingly ——— as he grew older.
She was ————- by the excitement of it all.
переполненный (эмоциями, информацией)
пассивный, неактивный
находящийся под давлением
чувствующий облегчение
I’m just ——— that she’s safe and well.
Обычным способом
In the conventional way
to make more effort than is expected of you:
He’s a nice guy, always ready to – — —– —- for his friends.
Go the extra mile (for)
If something or someone has —- —- —— after changing a lot, things are now the same as they were in the beginning:
Things have —- —- —— now that long skirts are back in fashion.
Come full circle
(только) верхушка айсберга
These small local protests are just — — – — ——.
Tip of the iceberg
the most important aspect of something
In radio, you have to keep the listener listening. That’s — ——- —-.
Various factors influence the success of the education system, but — ——- —- is that a lack of investment will affect future advancements.
The bottom line
the whole perspective of the situation
Although Al offers many benefits, — —ger ——- reveals potential issues involving privacy, job displacement and social inequality.
The big picture
Provide an explanation or information to make something easier to understand
A recent study —-s —– – the relationship between diet and mental health.
пролить свет на (не в прямом смысле, скорее показать что-то)
Shed light on something
потомки, будущее поколение
a priceless work of art that must be kept for ———-
to teach a dog to ——– a ball
It took four days to ——– all the bodies from the crash.
to retrieve
выражать осторожный оптимизм
to express cautious optimism
extreme suffering, especially mental suffering
страдание, мука
It’s the ——– of knowing that I can do nothing to help.
if you are ——-ed somewhere, you are left in a place where there are no other people and where you cannot escape → stranded
The car broke down and left us ——–ed in the middle of nowhere.
высаживаться в необитаемой местности из которой не выбраться
to maroon
a situation in which an employer forces an employee to leave a job
——— pay
выходное пособие, увольнительные
to make something more beautiful or interesting by adding something to it
украшать, приукрашивать
He ——–ed the story with lots of dramatic detail.
to embellish
(noun - embellishment)
having more than one possible meaning
двусмысленный, открытый для интерпретации, неоднозначный
an ———- statement
часто про искусство
———– admission of defeat
Непоколебимая решимость
Unflinching determination
Оглядываясь назад
“We are all smart – ———,” he said.
in hindsight,
высказаться, облегчить душу, ничего не скрывать
He had been feeling guilty and needed to ——– ——-
to unburden yourself
держать в себе (эмоции)
to ——- – your emotions/feelings
to bottle up
I need to — –, Mam.
to own up
Understand what someone really means, although it is not explicitly stated.
The comments in the questionnaire appear to be positive, but —-ing ——– — —–, it is clear there is some level of dissatifaction.
Read between the lines
Maintain a balance between two contrasting ideas/factors
Parents —- - —- —- between giving their children independence and providing support and guidance
Walk a fine line
Do something the easiest/cheapest way at the expense of quality.
It is clear that many local councils — ——– when it comes to infrastructure maintenance, resulting in poor quality road networks.
Cut corners
Something that appears to be negative at first but turns out to be positive
Being made redundant is often - ——— – ——-, as it forces the individual to try a different career which they may find more rewarding.
A blessing in disguise
An issue that people argue & disagree about over a period of time
A —- – ——— for many parents is how much screen time they should allow their children.
During the election campaign, taxes were a major —- – ——— between the main political parties.
A bone of contention
ярмарка, выставка (керамики)
ceramics fair
I ——-led at my mother’s ability to remain calm in a crisis.
+ at
to marvel at
шов, пласт
There is - —- of clay which runs through the area
a seam (of)
used to compare two things and show that they are different from each other
Students discuss ideas, – ——— – just copying from books.
важно AS
as opposed to something
to finally succeed in spite of problems
= triumph
As in most of his films, it’s the good guys who — ——– in the end.
win through
протоптанная дорожка
We followed the —- ——– tourist route from Paris to Chartres
+ ground, path, route
to ask questions in order to get more information about something
расследовать, выяснять
The investigation will ——- —- the company’s financial dealings.
the most recent study ——-d —- the well-being of 136000 people worldwide and compared it to levels of income
to inquire into
smelling strongly of something or having qualities (especially smells) that make you think of something else:
The album is a heartfelt cry, ——– of a time before radio and television.
The mountain air was ——— with the scent of pine needles.
благоухающий, напоминающий, навевающий, пропитанный
Noun - redolence
закончиться в мгнование ока
be over in a flash
a feeling of great happiness, usually because of your good luck or someone else’s bad luck
Rosa began laughing with —-.
Both trolls and sadists feel sadistic —— at the distress of others.
adj - gleeful
moving or speaking slowly and with little energy, often in an attractive way
вялый, томный
= slow, low in energy
a ——– manner/voice
His ———— glance, low voice and light half smile will forever remain in the history of cinema.
a small decorative object or toy, usually one with no real value:
Do we really need any more silly electronic ——s?
geegaw / gewgaw
someone who only has a small unimportant job in a large organization
a cog in the machine/wheel
be a small cog in a big wheel
not having enough space or time:
a ——– room/house
We have six desks in this room, so we’re a little ——–.
We can’t fit any more children in this classroom - we’re already ——– for space.
I have a very ——– schedule.
something you do to make something special, or that makes someone feel special
It’s those extra ——— ——– that make our service better.
(вносить make) что-то свое
personal touches
лишние деньги
cash to spare
an example of a particular type of event, situation, or behaviour
пример, случай
There have been several ———s of violence in the school.
I observed many such ——–s myself
Дать слово, дать возможность высказаться
give a say
done with a lot of skill
отличный, мастерский
a —– presentation
attractive but in a way that is not sincere or honest
ловкий, гладкий, прилизанный
He was a bit —– - I didn’t trust him.
дольновидный и мыслящий современно
to stop something from happening or continuing
подавлять, сдерживать
to —— a sneeze/yawn
Large supermarkets —— competition.
and although it’s a cliche to suggest that new ideas are more likely to emerge from chaos than from proscriptive order, innovation can be ——d by other aspects of the physical working environment.
to enjoy or be successful in a particular situation, especially one that other people find difficult or unpleasant
I wouldn’t want that much pressure, but she seems to ——- on it.
thrive on
a possible future effect or result of an action, event, decision etc
What are the ———–s of these proposals?
причастность, соучастие, значение, скрытый смысл, последствие
a process in which two people or groups become friendly again after they have argued
to seek a ————
the process of making two opposite ideas, beliefs, or situations agree
the ———— of facts with theory
to do something that needs to be organized and planned
We need to —– — more research.
A survey is now being —-ied — nationwide.
to do something that you have said you will do or that someone has asked you to do
Nicholson didn’t —– — his threat to take legal action.
He was unable to —– — simple tasks.
+ work, duty, research, test, survey, job, task
+ threat
to carry out
уйти с чем-то
And we —- —- with a true understanding of the value of the estuarine habitat.
come away with
= tailor, dressmaker
увидеть вблизи
to see up close
to give a large amount of money to a college, hospital, etc
жертвовать деньги
Donna’s parents plan to —– a scholarship fund in memory of their daughter
be —–ed with sth
to have a particular quality or characteristic
быть наделенным чем-либо
The country is richly ——ed with natural resources.
Employees welcome the chance to —– their own particular workspace with personal touches
inf / with smh
to endow
удовлетворять потребности
meet the needs
cramped offices with a lack of natural light aren’t ———– to happy working relations
be conductive to
Еще - foster, promote, contribute to, facilitate
A ———— space is very small.
ограниченный, узкий
It wasn’t easy to sleep in such a ——— space.
касающийся ограниченной сферы
The risk of infection is ——— to medical personnel.
confined (to)
pleasant and friendly
———- company, surroundings, atmosphere
дилетант, непрофессионал
If you don’t understand what the doctor says, ask to have it explained in ——’s terms
a layman
mysterious and known only by a few people:
He was the only person who understood all the ——– details of the agreement.
To clarify the —— for the layman
= a lot of
- —- – show business celebrities have pledged their support.
a (whole) host of
бороться с
he must ——- with a host of factors all at once
Two men ——–d with a guard at the door.
+ with
to grapple with
to destroy something or make it stop existing
My old school was —-ed —-.
to pull down
= give without expected payment
= reveal a secret
I think we should —- —- free samples of the new detergent
He’s offered to —- —- the secrets of his success
It was wonderful of her to —- —- some of the prize money for charity
to give away
= be in reserve, ready to use
= support
= not change your mind on what you’ve said
Ask the police to —– – in case we need them
A friend will always —– – you if you’re in trouble
I haven’t changed. I —– – everything I said.
to stand by
= be completed successfully
= experience
= examine, review
You’d better – ——- your notes again before the speech
She had to – ——– a terrible ordeal
The reforms should – ——- without any problems
to go through
= demand, require
Shall I —- — you on the way to work?
We intend to —- — an inquiry into the accident
Such hostile questions —- — firm answers
to call for
= recover from
= make people understand
They’ll never — —- their son’s death
It took him a long time to — —- his operation
It’s difficult message to — —- to an audience
to get over
= be hit by a vehicle
= quickly read
= move quickly to a place
That lorry has just — —- a cat that ran into the road
Can we just — —- the procedure one more time?
Could you — —- to the post office and get me a stamp?
to run over
= return from a journey
= move away
= be given back smh you have lent
We didn’t — —- from our holiday until Sunday evening
She’s still waiting to — —- all her tools she lent them
I wish they’d — —- out of the way of the procession
to get back
= be deceived by
= fall in love
How could I —- — such an obvious trick?
She tends to —- — the most unsuitable men
You didn’t think I’s —- — that story, did you?
to fall for
= tell sombody to go into a room
=write sb asking for information
= send people to a place to deal with a problem
Could you —- – your form as soon as possible, please?
I’ve decided to —- – for more information
They’ll have to —- – the army if the rioting continues
to send in
= go to bed
= submit work to the person who asked you to do it
I think I’ll —- – early tonight. I’m so tired
My students always —- – work of a very high standard
to turn in
= attract
= train arrives at a station
= drive to the side of the road (and often stop)
Championship matches usually —- – a large crowd
Shall we —- – at that restaurant over there?
He saw the train —- – but no passengers got off
to pull in
= enter hopital as a patient
= for sun to go behind a cloud
= fit inside
He is in hospital. He had to – – for a minor operation
The watched the sun —- – behind the cloud
This stuff will never – –. The case is far to small
to go in
= work well with others in a group
= have enough time for an activity
= be contained in the space provided
I don’t really — – with the rest of the group
How does she manage to — – all the work? She’s so busy.
The hall’s full. We can’t — – any more chairs
to fit in
= allow in
My foot is wet! This shoe must — – water
The doorman only — – people who were wearing smart clothes
Without a ticket I was — – by a side door
to let in
= surrender, stop making efforts
= hand in
Keep going! Don’t —- – now! You’ve nearly finished!
Please —- – your homework by Friday morning
I have always said I’d never —- – to pressure. So the answer is still no!
to give in
= write to a TV station etc
= insert smh into a form
We want viewers to —– – with their ideas for new programmes
You forgot to —– – some of the details on this form
The competition asks you to —– – with a slogan of your own
to write in
открыться (психологически)
When Marvin realised I wasn’t angry he began to —- –
to open up
амбулаторное отделение
Outpatient clinic
пережиток прошлого
доказать, что они ошибаются
to prove them wrong
1) просеивать
2) скрупулезно анализировать
Police are —-ing through the evidence.
to sift
smh/ through smh
приносить свои плоды
приносить результаты
Charles’s diplomacy eventually —- —–.
to bear fruit
past - bore fruit
shy and easily frightened
a —– little boy
noun - timidity, adv - timidly
прекрасный, замечательный
a ——— opportunity
I thought she looked ——–.
либо ужасающий
a ——– increase in prices
a ——– storm
adv - terrifically
Признать вину
take the blame
not at all:
It is – – —– certain that we’ll finish the project by June.
This isn’t the last we’ll hear of it – — —–.
It’s – – —– uncommon for students at the school to go on to win Olympic medals.
by no means / not by any means
used after a negative statement to say that the next thing you mention is even more unlikely
The baby can’t even sit up yet, — —– walk!
let alone
+ inf
used to tell someone that it is very important that they do a particular thing, or do not do it
Don’t miss the train, ——— — –.
——– — –, slow down and take your time.
fixed phrase
whatever you do
——— flight/journey, etc
a fight/journey, etc away from a place that you will return to
полет/путешествие из дома куда-либо
outward (journey)
someone or something that has the same job or purpose as someone or something else in a different place
лицо, занимающее аналогичный пост в другой организации
Belgian officials are discussing this with their French ———–s.
not to know what to do or say:
I’m – - —- to know how I can help you.
It was unlike him to – – - —- for words.
Brian was – - —- to explain how the stolen computer got into the boot of his car
be at a loss (to)
Область (научных) исследований
Field of research
К его большому удивлению (ее, моему и тп)
—- – — ——–, he beat out two other offers and took ownership in early 2017.
Much to his surprise,
Пространственное распознавание
= how you navigate
Spacial recognition
Установить четкую связь между ___ и __
To establish a clear link between ___ and __
to spoil something or make it weaker so that it is less effective:
повреждать, ослаблять
A recurring knee injury may have ——-ed his chances of winning the tournament.
Soft diet ——–s neurogesis as opposed to food that requires mastication- chewing - or crunchy food
to impair
noun - impairment
to make something worse
усиливать, усугублять
Sunny weather ———–s the effects of pollution.
Calorie restriction will improve memory capacity, whereas high-fat food will ———— symptoms of depression
to exacerbate
stopping and starting again for short periods of time
———— rain
————- fasting - spacing the time between your meals
adverb - intermittently (с перерырвами)
Vitamin deficiency
Депривация сна
Sleep deprivation
иметь достаточно доказательств
To have enough evidence
the ability of something to produce the intended result:
The study is a serious attempt to understand the ——— of cash incentives as a way of promoting learning.
medical -
how well a particular treatment or drug works under carefully controlled scientific testing conditions:
The clinical report shows results of almost 95% ——— for the vaccine.
the state of not having, or not having enough, of something that is needed:
Pregnant women often suffer from iron ——–.
he blood tests revealed a ——— in certain key minerals and vitamins.
массовый рост, большое повышение
Massive increase
насыщенные жиры
(High) saturated fat
Это то, как мы устроены
That’s how we’re wired
very bad or painful
Her illness causes her ———— pain.
от всего сердца
bad, or not able to be trusted
нечестный, сомнительный
His friend’s a bit —–.
1 someone’s ——– is their health and happiness
Our only concern is the children’s ——–.
2 help that is provided for people who have personal or social problems
——– benefits/services/programmes etc
the provision of education and ——– services
The company’s ——– officer deals with employees’ personal problems.
благосостояние, благополучие, социальное обеспечение, достаток
something that is ———- has no words or signs on it to show where or what it is
an ———- grave
an ———- police car
official rules that do not seem necessary and make things happen very slowly
бюрократизм, волокита
Popular perception is that working conditions are now so over-regulated the only people likely to be injured at work are bosses, strangled by — —-
red tape
To “— ———- —- ———–” means to compare with something similar to give a clearer, more accurate idea.
put something into perspective
Намеренно, умышленно, целенаправленно
препятствовать, мешать
His career has been ——-ed by injury.
policies that will ——- rather than help families
to hinder
значимая связь (c друзьями и тп)
meaningful connection
= loving
——– time, space
Try and —– two or three hours a day to revision
= allocate
verb - to allot
исконный, первозданный
a natural ability to do something very well SYN talent
Jo has a —– for languages.
+ for
Я не создан для этого
Я не гожусь для этого
=I don’t have a flair for that
I’m not cut out for this
——— ——— is knowledge that is straightforwardly expressed and shared between people.
явное знание
explicit knowledge
—– ———— is the knowledge, skills, and abilities an individual gains through experience that is often difficult to put into words or otherwise communicate.
tacit knowledge
To come from or have been born in a particular place:
My mother —-s —- Dublin.
Both the varieties of football that originally —ed —- Britain, the Rugby and Association games
быть родом из
to hail from
soon or in a short time
вскоре либо быстро
—— —- a large crowd had gathered outside the building.
It’s likely that the law will be abolished ——- —-.
fixed phrase
before long
быть пораженным чем-либо (негативным)
a country ——— by famine
He’s badly ———- with/by a skin disorder.
be afflicted with/by something
a type of cloud that ——-s rain
An epidemic on this scale is without ———.
noun -
legal ———
to precede
noun - precedent
собираться, созывать, заседать
The committee ———s three times a year.
собрание, заседание
a ———- for science fiction fans
(либо = custom (behaviour that is
to convene
noun - convention
понятно излагать, объяснять
the writer —s ——- the view that there is an altruistic purpose in creating a piece of fiction
put sth across
Sales are better than ———–.
Перенять управление
To take over the running
There has been a sharp —— in sales.
A —— in a world economy
Воздержаться от
Please ——— from talking during the performance.
To refrain from
Хищная птица
Predatory bird
Мимолетный, временный
Бродяга тоже
A ———- —- is a movie, song, video game, or other entertainment release that was not successful when it was released, but later on became a success.
Sleeper hit
Our main ————- to the new factory is that it’s noisy.
I have no————-, if you want to stay an extra day.
Objection to
Вести дискуссию о
Have a discussion about
Voters are beginning to take ——— —him as a serious candidate.
Take notice of
Настаивать на
Insist on
Тире дефис
Рекламное описание
a short description of a book, film, etc., written by the people who have produced it, and intended to make people want to buy it or see it:
The ——- on the back of the book says that it “will touch your heart”.
A ——— song, tune, or phrase is easy to remember.
легко запоминающийся
Призвать в армию
Изменить мнение
He’s annoying to argue with because he keeps ——-ing his ———.
To shift (your) ground
Слоняться без дела, шататься, болтаться
Decide what you want in life - don’t just ——— ——-.
To muddle along
Из неблагополучной семьи
Deprived background
= learn how to deal with something
Get the hang of something
Разделять домашние обязанности
To split domestic chores
Бросить учебу (универ)
To drop out of university
= finish (idiom)
To call it a day
= to have a difficult period
To go through a rough patch
Я решил не предаваться жалости к себе
I decided against indulging in self pity
пузырь лопнул
The bubble burst
Бодрый, жизнерадостный
1) If a reason, argument, etc is —————, it makes you believe it or accept it because it is so strong.
неопровержимый (=true)
————— evidence
2) very exciting or interesting and making you want to watch, listen, etc
захватывающий (=exciting)
a ———— story
unhappy and disappointed
[ + to do sth ] I was ———— to discover that he’d lied to me
a feeling of unhappiness and disappointment
смятение, замешательство
To our ———, it started raining.
a field of grass, often with flowers
пленительный, очаровательный
a ————— performance
оплата в рассрочку
pay installment
to choose one person or thing from a group to criticize or praise them
выделять кого-либо/что-либо
The report ———d him —-for special criticism.
The whole team played well - I don’t want to ——— —- any one player.
To single sb out
———— — popular opinion, I don’t dye my hair
Contrary to
неопрятный, растрепанный
Заросший некультурный
Her hair was long and ———-.
to keep changing your opinions, activities, or job
постоянно менять
Chop and change
produced quickly without preparation
сделанный на скорую руку
In a ——- —- ——- way it solved the problem.
Rough and ready
воспитывать, обучать
He was an inspiring leader who ———-d the talents of his colleagues.
ухаживать, выращивать
The rains ———- the newly planted crops.
Существенный, значительный, большой
—————- change/increase/amount/building
to not go to school or work when you should, or to leave school or work earlier than you should
сачковать, прогуливать
Young people do not refuse to go on these training schemes because they want to ——-
To skive (off)
Начать карьеру
embark on a career
visually/hearing ————
unable to see or hear as well as most people
с повреждениями зрения/слуха
Глухой слепой
Noun - impairment
не ошибитесь
Make no mistake
в мгновение ока
In the blink of an eye
to be so satisfied with what you have achieved that you make no effort to improve
почить на лаврах
Just because you’ve passed your exams, that’s no reason to —- – —- ——-.
rest on your laurels
the more we’ve tried to ——- this finding, the more evidence we find to support it
сущ - отречение
Despite his repeated ——–s, he seems ambitious for power
to disavow
noun - disavowal
очень преклонный возраст
Very advanced ages
начинать (буквально садиться на борт)
Приступить к делу
Embark on (a study, career, journey, project)
эмоциональные конфликты с высокой степенью накала
Hotly charged emotional conflicts
—–ing face
to frown
мелочи, пустяки
Trivial matters
быть надежным в будущем
To future-proof
бодрствовать (учиться, работать) всю ночь
Pull the all-nighter
an advantage that comes from a difficult or unpleasant situation:
When things look black, there’s always a —— ——-.
луч надежды, нет худа без добра
silver lining
———- —- is an ambitious, challenging target that often lies far beyond current capabilitiesis an ambitious, challenging target that often lies far beyond current capabilities
Moonshot goal
осуществление, реализация
that plan never comes to ——–
Отличительная черта
Well, brain shrinkage is a ——– ——- of cognitive decline in dementia.
Hallmark feature
профанация, кощунство, богохульство
behaviour that shows you do not respect God or holy things
It was part prayer, part ———
эмоционально неуравновешенный
People with conceal depression
will often throw themselves into their work
in order to find meaning in their lives
and make sense of their suffering. Their response is a tendency to lash out
and become ————- ———.
Emotionally unhinged
Переход на летнее время
Daylight savings time
Злокачественная раковая опухоль
A malignant cancerous tumor
to show by your actions and not just your words that you support or believe in something
It’s time for the governor to — — —— —– — —– –.
Делать, жить в соответствии с тем, о чем говорят, угрожают или обещают, особенно (но не всегда), когда речь идет о трате денег.
put one’s money where one’s mouth is
said to warn someone to be careful how much money they spend, because there is only a limited amount:
“Mum, I’d like a new bike.” “I’ll have to think about it - —– ——– —- – —–, you know!”
деньги не растут на деревьях, на дороге не валяются
money doesn’t grow on trees
money in the form of coins or notes but not a cheque or a credit card
hard cash
to pay too much money for something:
We —- ——- — —- to get the car fixed.
платить бешеные деньги
pay through the nose
to pay for yourself rather than allowing someone else to pay
платить за себя самому
pay your (own) way
to regularly spend large amounts of money:
He says his wife —–s —– —- —–.
spend money like water
the spending of money by a family, company, or country:
A recent survey showed that in 53 percent of families, women —- (= control) — —– ——
Диктовать расходы определенной группы, такой как семья, компания, страна и т. д.
(hold) the purse strings
to cost too much:
It only costs $2. That’s not going to —– — —-.
Быть очень дорогим
break the bank
The benefits far ———— this minor challenge
To outweigh
утепленный пенопластом
Insulated with foam
Have a ———- (глубокая) story to tell
Делать прививку, вакцинировать
To inoculate
Вызывающий беспокойство
Ужасная идея
Appalling idea
Упорно добиваться
To persevere
Должно быть, мне тогда было три
I must have been 3 at that time
Извилистый, замысловатый
————— idea, explanation, sentence
Довольный, удовлетворенный
= she’s not dating anyone
She’s not seeing anyone
Погрузить себя в сон
Put yourself into sleep
Держать себя в руках, сохранять самообладание
To hold your nerve
Приготовиться к чему-то
Собраться с духом
——- ———— for some serious detective work.
I——-d my—— for bad news.
To brace yourself for
very unpleasant or rude
оскорбительный, мерзкий
He was loud and ————-
—-———- person
always wanting to be with someone and not wanting to do things alone
a ——- child
to complain in an annoying way
ныть, жаловаться, капризничать (дети)
She’s always ——ing about something.
To whine
to tell someone in an official way that they have done something wrong
делать выговор, отчитывать
[ + for + doing sth ] He was ————-ed for disclosing confidential information.
To reprimand
done very quickly, usually too quickly and without thinking enough
поспешный, опрометчивый
a ——- decision/remark
worried or nervous and not able to relax
скованный, напряженный
something you say about an embarrassing experience that other people will not forget
я никогда не заглажу свою вину/мне никогда этого не забудут!
I’ll never live it down
≠ adventurous
Управлять автомобилем
To steer the car
to enter a business or organization at a low level, but with a chance of being more successful in the future:
Making contacts can help you —- - —— — - —— when it comes to getting a job.
To get your foot in the door
Подсесть на что-то
Get hooked
to get a feeling of excitement, energy, and pleasure out of something:
I —- - —— out of public speaking.
To get a buzz out of
also get a buzz from sth/doing sth
Калечащая тяжелая работа
Backbreaking work
Бороться с холодом
Combat cold
Бороться с холодом
Combat the cold
глубоко в лесу
deep in the woods
глубоководный дайвер
deep-sea diver
глубоко под землей
deep underground
передается от отца к сыну
handed down from father to son
тяжелый физический труд
hard physical labour
жара и громкие звуки
the heat and noise
недостаток кислорода
lack of oxygen
to become lost
lose your way
вскапывать поле плугом
plough a field
искусное мастерство (ремесло)
skill at making things:
The jewellery showed exquisite ————.
skilled craftsmanship
гордиться своей работой
take pride in your work
соблюдать строгие меры предосторожности
take strict safety precautions (against)
подводные раскопки (археология)
underwater archaeology
нарушение, ущемление
= minor crime (типа административное правонарушение)
an ————- of copyright
to break a law or rule
They ——–d building regulations.
an official record of crimes that a person has committed:
They fired him when they found out he had a ——– ——–.
криминальное прошлое
criminal record
to say in a court of law if you are guilty or not guilty of the crime you have been accused of
(не) признавать себя виновным (на суде)
He ——ed not ——- to five felony charges.
plead guilty
нарушение правил парковки
the policeman fined them for ——– ——–
parking offence
used when speaking to mean “and other similar things”:
They sell televisions and radios — — —- —-.
and all that jazz
When cows or other animals —–, they eat grass.
Cattle —–d in the meadow.
крупный рогатый скот
Косяк рыб
A school of fish
animals that are kept on a farm
домашний скот
to collect a lot of something, usually so that it can be used in the future
делать запас
to ——— food
стадо овец
a flock of sheep (NO S)
a large group of animals such as cows that live and eat together
a —- of cattle/deer
If people or animals are herded somewhere, they are moved there in a group.
собирать вместе, сгонять в стадо
[ often passive ] The passengers were quickly —-ed onto a bus.
строительная площадка
construction site
building site
to be good at gardening and making plants grow well
быть умелым садоводом
have green fingers (or have a green thumb)
пойти по стопам
follow sb’s steps
to repair or decorate a building so that it looks attractive
ремонтировать, приводить в порядок
do up
низшие слои общества
lower strata of the society
конечная цель
ultimate goal
type of apartment that doesn’t have elevator
walk-up apartment
быть на седьмом небе от счастья
live on cloud nine
приводить в силу или действие
to ——- a new tax law
to know enough about something to able to use it effectively:
He has a basic ——— – English.
She demonstrates an impressive ——— – the facts of the case.
= be fluent in, владеть чем-то (уметь хорошо)
have a command of
(strong, good, impressive etc)
to feel angry and upset about a situation or about something that someone has done
негодовать, возмущаться, быть задетым чем-либо
[ + doing sth ] I ——– having to work late.
He ——–s the fact that she gets more money than he does.
to resent
суть, основной смысл
выложиться по полной, из кожи вон лезть
to go all out
сильный ветер
(of weather) pleasantly warm:
a —— summer evening
приятный, благоухающий
= what attracted me
что привлекло меня
what drew me
раскошелиться (на целое состояние) especially when you do not want to
So far they’ve —-ed — £500.
to fork out (a fortune)
to provide money for something, especially when you do not want to
выкладывать деньги на что-либо
He has asked the bank’s 160,000 shareholders to —– – another 90 billion roubles to finance modernisation.
to stump up
быть чересчур, слишком
be over the top
в изобилии
At the flea market, there were quilts, furniture, and books ——-.
adj only after a noun
completely – used especially to emphasize that something is very bad, or that a feeling is very strong
You look ——- miserable.
It’s ——- ridiculous.
Not surprisingly, the bank has ——– failed in its mission to help the developing world.
продолжать упорно что-то делать
illigal + socially disapproved
an ——- love affair
not having had sex, or without sexual thoughts or intentions
целомудренный, платонический
a ——- relationship
чопорный, ханжеский
having old-fashioned and unchanging morals, especially relating to sexual matters
= idea or belief
notion of
containing a lot of careful detail or many detailed parts:
You want a plain blouse to go with that skirt - nothing too ———-.
a young member of a rich and famous family:
He’s the —– of a very wealthy newspaper-publishing family.
———- food or drink has a pleasant taste:
a very ———- wine
The meal was barely ———-.
———- lie
с уверенностью предположить
надежное предположение
safe assumption
I can safely assume that….
one of the parts or layers into which something is separated:
The report shows that drugs have penetrated every ——– of American society.
= is affected by
feels the effects of
perfect, or without any mistakes
a ——– performance
the wide part of a river where it goes into the sea
устье, дельта
оставаться нетронутым
to remain intact
сдача в аренду розничной торговли
retail letting
практическое применение
Practical application
———- activities are very difficult and make you very tired.
a ———- bicycle race
поставщик и розничный торговец
supply and retailer
смелое предположение
bold assumption
когорта, параллель, поток (в универе)
рынок труда
labour market
a dream, a hope, wish, or aim
an aim/a goal/an objective
a role/duty/function etc
a requirement/condition/obligation etc
a promise/pledge etc
to fulfil
выйти на работу (стать рабочим классом)
enter the work force
смена деятельности лучший отдых
a change is as good as rest
быть лишенным
be deprived of
старого пса новым трюкам не научишь
you can’r teach old dog new tricks
леопард не может изменить свои пятна
Человек остается верным своей природе, даже если он притворяется или утверждает обратное.
a leopard can’t change its spots
Это все меняет!
that makes a change!
приблизительная оценка
rough estimate
расхищение средств
преданный фанат
devoted fan
≠ regular
in a bad situation where you do the same things all the time, or where it is impossible to make progress
(погрязнуть) в рутине
He seems to be stuck in a — at the moment.
mental —
to bring together different pieces of written information so that the similarities and differences can be seen:
to collate data/information
to collect and arrange the sheets of a report, book, etc., in the correct order:
The photocopier will collate the documents for you.
a list of places that you plan to visit on a journey
The President’s ———— includes visits to Boston and New York.
involvement in a situation that people want to be private
She could not bear the ———— into her private life.
= accustomed, is used to
Be in habit of
= by no means, not at all
Ни в коем случае
On no account
Об этом не может быть и речи
Out of question
Предлагать что-то сделать
Offer to do
suggest doing
= harmful for
Detrimental to
She’s a very ——- eater.
Промокнуть до нитки
Get soaked to the bone
get soaked to the skin
= cutting edge
a game or joke that makes people who do not know each other feel more relaxed together
never late or always at the same time:
In this country the trains are ———- — ————
As regular as clockwork
= want to
I’ve been ——ing to take up a new language
Long to
Быть в ступоре
To be rooted to the spot
= set something right
I am determined to take whatever action is necessary to ——— the situation/the error/mistakes
To rectify
Достать, дотягиваться
I’ll never ———— to anything
To amount to
≠ efficient
Без музыкального слуха
Tone deaf
Do avoid cleverly and illegally
Ships were registered abroad to ————- employment and safety regulations.
To circumvent
Метод пробки для ошибок
Делать наугад
Hit and miss
Зависит от человека
Depends upon the person
to damage the reputation of a person or group by saying or writing bad things about them that are not true:
Mr Turnock claimed the editorial had ——-d him.
Порочить репутацию
Игра не стоит свеч
Crime doesn’t pay
Небольшое преступление
Petty crime
Преступление совершенное в состоянии эффекта
Crime of a state of emotion
A hit of passion
Преднамеренное преступление
Pre-meditated crime
Преступление в состоянии аффекта
Crime of passion
нет никакой защиты от несчастья
there is no fence against ill fortune
= accused of
Charged with
= take apart
To dismantle
Отговаривать от
Talk out of
Принять решение
Make up your mind