Cadences Flashcards
PAC (Perfect Authentic Cadence)
V or V7 moving to I. Both chords in root position. Soprano on root on I chord.
IAC (Imperfect Authentic Cadence)
V or V7 moving to I, but with either an inverted chord or the soprano not finishing on the tonic.
HC (Half Cadence)
A cadence that ends on a V chord. The V chord can be approached from a number of other chords (I, ii, IV, V/V, etc.)
PC (Plagal Cadence)
IV moving to I. Also know as the “church” cadence. Named for the “Amen” commonly used at the end of a hymn.
DC (Deceptive Cadence)
A cadence that creates the expectation of going to I but substitutes another chord instead. Common substitutes for I are: vi, IV6, bVI, and occasionally IV or V/ii.
V or V7 moving to I. Both chords in root position. Soprano on root on I chord.
PAC (Perfect Authentic Cadence)
V or V7 moving to I, but with either an inverted chord or the soprano not finishing on the tonic.
IAC (Imperfect Authentic Cadence)
A cadence that ends on a V chord. The V chord can be approached from a number of other chords (I, ii, IV, V/V, etc.)
HC (Half Cadence)
IV moving to I. Also know as the “church” cadence. Named for the “Amen” commonly used at the end of a hymn.
PC (Plagal Cadence)
A cadence that creates the expectation of going to I but substitutes another chord instead. Common substitutes for I are: vi, IV6, bVI, and occasionally IV or V/ii.
DC (Deceptive Cadence)