CA: Foundation Flashcards
Revise for exam
Define Anatomy
The study of FORM and the gross structure of various parts of the body.
Define clinical anatomy
Emphasise on the practical application
“Rather than the nerve innervates the skin, its there is numbness here could it be a nerve”
Define Diagnosis
The process of determining the nature of the disorder and the pathological cause
MO & physio refer with this disorder
Define epidemiology
Distribution of diseases and determinants of disease.
“Shin pain is prevalent in recruits”
Define Aetiology
The study of disease causes including the Mechanism of injury (MOI)
Define pathology
Disease processes, this is due to this. Disease path.
Compare and contrast Signs vs Symptoms
The patient comes to us with symptoms, pain swelling, unable to weight bear.
We evaluate and determine the signs of a specific issue.
Define prognosis
Assessment of the future COA can include treatment plan and loose time line.
Define treatment
The intervention made by a clinician, with positive intent
Definie complication
A disease or condition arising during treatment.
Name the 6 types of connective tissue
Bone Cartilage Ligaments Fascia Retinaculum Tendons
What are the 5 types of bone & example of each
Long - femur Short - carpal irregular - vertebrae Sesamoid - patella Flat - scapula
There are two types of bone tissue, what are they?
Compact - hard outer shell (usually mature bone)
Spongey - inner core that partly or wholly fills the cavity
Compact bone has two layers, what are they?
Superficial - fibrous, blends with ligaments
Deep - growth repair
Define ossification
The process in which new bone is formed.
In spongey bone it forms fine threads of bone called what ?
What are the functions of the skeleton ?
Support Storage Movement Protection Hemopoiesis (production)
What composes the two separations of the skeleton?
Axial: skull, spine,sacrum ribs,
Appendicular: upper limb including shoulder girdle
Lower limb including pelvislc girdle
Describe cartilage
Cartilaginous fibres that are Aneural, avascular, protects bone and facilitates movement.
What are the types of cartilage ?
Hyaline or articular - articular surface of femur
Yellow elastic - epiglottis, pinnar
White fibrous - meniscus, labrum, intervertebral discs.
Ligaments connect bone to bone, name and describe the two categories ? (And their sub categories)
Capsular - blend with joint capsule, appear as thickening of capsule.
Accessory ligaments - broken into subcategories
Intra capsular - ACL
Extra capsular - LCL
Name the functions of ligaments? (5)
Direct normal movement Stabilise or control unwanted movement Prevent unwanted movement Proprioceptive role Protected by muscular reflex
Describe fascia and uts 3 major functions
Fascia is a sheet or band of fibrous tissue enveloping, separating or binding together muscles, organs and other soft tissues.
Describe the role of retinaculum
Broad single sheet of connective cells, which hold tendons in position.
- type 1: restricts side to side ROM (e.g knee joint)
- type 2: prevent tendons bowstringing away
(lateral ankle, peroneal)