C8 Flashcards
Working Group to Review the System of On-site Supervision of Banks
Chairman: S. Padmanabhan, 1995
Working Group on Consolidated Accounting and Other Quantitative Methods to Facilitate Consolidated Supervision
(Chairman: Vipin Malik, 2001
Working Group on Monitoring of Systemically Important Financial Intermediaries (Financial Conglomerates)
(Convener: Smt. Shyamala Gopinath, 2004)
the High Level Steering Committee for Review of Supervisory Processes for Commercial Banks
(Chairman: K C Chakrabarty, 2012),
Inter-Regulatory Working Group on FinTech and Digital Banking
Chairman: Shri Sudarshan Sen, 2018)
Working Group on digital lending including lending through online platforms and mobile apps
(Chairman: Shri Jayant Kumar Dash, Executive Director, 2021).
there are currently _________ core principles covering supervisory powers and responsibilities, supervisory expectations of banks, emphasising the importance of good corporate governance and risk management, as well as compliance with supervisory standards.
attributes of good supervision? An IMF Staff Position note titled “The Making of Good Supervision: Learning to Say ‘No’”,
First, Good supervision is intrusive. Second, Good supervision is sceptical but proactive. Third, Good supervision is comprehensive. Fourth, Good supervision is adaptive. Finally, Good supervision is conclusive.
First, Good supervision is intrusive
i.e., the supervisor should have a thorough understanding of the supervised entity’s business model, its risk culture and governance structure. A hands-off approach is not advisable when it comes to bank supervision
Second, Good supervision is sceptical but proactive.
Supervisors should not take things for granted and question bank’s actions even in good times.
Third, Good supervision is comprehensive.
Supervision should not be restricted to only the bank and its core activities. It should encompass subsidiaries, off-balance sheet vehicles or structures, etc. Often the risk may emanate from the periphery rather than from the core and the supervisor must be vigilant.
Fourth, Good supervision is adaptive.
Given the high level of innovation in financial industry, the supervisors should continuously upgrade their skills to stay in touch to identify emerging risks.
Finally, Good supervision is conclusive.
Supervisors must follow-through and ensure that supervisory findings are taken to a logical conclusion.
In order to bring about good supervision, according to the IMF note, two supporting pillars are necessary:
the ability to act and the will to act.
the inspection of banks under section
35 of B.R. Act
RBI set up the Board for Financial Supervision (BFS), a sub-committee of the Central Board of RBI, in
Board for Financial Supervision
Chairman of the BFS
The Governor, RBI
Vice chairman of BFS
Deputy Governor in charge of banking supervision,
ex-officio members and non-official directors of BFS
The other deputy governors of the Reserve Bank and four non-official directors from the Central Board of the RBI are co-opted as members for a term of two years
non-official directors from the Central Board of the RBI are co-opted as members of BFS for a term of
two years
Secretariat of the BFS
DoS acts as the Secretariat of the BFS, which normally meets ___________________
once every month
Prior to 1993, the ____________ was responsible for the supervision and regulation of commercial banks.
Department of Banking Operations & Development (DBOD)
In ________ , the Department of Supervision (DoS) was carved out of the DBOD, with the objective of segregating the supervisory role from the regulatory functions of RBI.
DoS was split into
Department of Banking Supervision (DBS), Department of Non-Banking Supervision (DNBS) and Department of Co-operative Bank Supervision (DCBS).
In ____________ it was decided to integrate the supervision function into a unified Department of Supervision (DoS).
November 1, 2019
An effective system of banking supervision requires the supervisor to develop and maintain a forward-looking assessment of the risk profile of individual banks and banking groups, proportionate to their systemic importance; identify, assess and address risks emanating from banks and the banking system as a whole; have a framework in place for early intervention; and have plans in place, in partnership with other relevant authorities, to take action to resolve banks in an orderly manner if they become non- viable.”
Principle 8 of Effective Banking Supervision issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS)
Capital Adequacy, Asset Quality, Management, Earnings, Liquidity and Sensitivity to Market Risk) Model
In the Indian context, S in the CAMELS acronym stood for
Systems and Control
Under CAMELS model, onsite examination is carried out on an ___________ basis supported by offsite surveillance
The CAMELS approach was focused on
solvency and liquidity of the banks and primarily aimed at limiting the risk of loss to depositors.
a risk-based approach to supervision was implemented from
2013 onwards in a phased manner
Risk-based Supervision
substantive objectives of supervision, risk-based or otherwise, are two-fold:
Ensuring safety and soundness of the individual banks and thereby protecting the interest of depositors; and Safeguarding the stability of the financial system
Capital Adequacy, Asset Quality, Liquidity, Compliance, Sys and Control) was the supervisory rating model used for foreign banks