C7 Human Dependence + Impact on Ecosystems Flashcards
ecosystem services
benefits supplied to humans by ecosystems, whether they be natural or man-made
ecosystem services
- what?
- categories (4) and examples
benefits supplied to humans by ecosystems, whether they be natural or man-made
- Provisioning: products/resources obtained (wood, metals, wool, medicinal products)
- Regulating: benefits supplied by ecosystem regulation (pollination, erosion/flood control, climate regulation)
- Cultural services: non-material benefits (bushwalking, boating, religious activities, enjoyment)
- SUPPORTING SERVICES: overarching, necessary for entire ecosystem function (nutrient cycles, water cycle, Phs)
Explain the problem with ecosystem services in today’s society.
- there is a clash between short term individual benefits, and long term ecosystem/societal benefits due to: undervaluing of ecosystem services, overvaluing of material products
- there is rapid, unsustainable human growth due to an increasing pop size and a larger per person consumption rate
- a lack of awareness leads to: decrease in biodiversity, alteration of ecosystems
- often human-caused disruptions are hard to reverse
renewable vs non-renewable resources
- naturally replenish over time and can keep up with the rate of human consumption
- wood, wind, solar energy, water
- do not renew themselves rapidly enough to keep up with the rate of human consumption
- coal, oil, gas, nuclear energy
ecological footprint
- is a measure of the total ecological area that is required to sustain a person/population
- how much productive land/water something requires in order to produce all the resources it consumes, and absorb all the waste it generates
- measured in GHA (global hectares)
- the capacity of an ecosystem to regenerate everything we use/demand from that area
- a measure of how much an area can sustainably provide to society
- 6 demand categories: cropland, fishing grounds, carbon, grazing land, forest products, built-up land (cities)
ecological deficit/reserve
deficit/reserve are the difference between biocapacity and ecological footprint. (take one away from the other)
- a regions ecological footprint is higher than its biocapacity
- the region is using more than is sustainably available to them
- a regions biocapacity is higher than its ecological footprint
- the region is using less than what is sustainably available to them
State the factors affecting the ecological footprint.
- resource intensity in production of goods/services (how much is needed to produce something)
- consumption of goods/services per person
- population size
Describe the relationship between a region’s GDP and ecological footprint.
- countries with higher GDP have larger ecological footprint per person
- they can afford more, and therefore consume more per person (buy more food/goods, live in larger houses, use more energy, use more water)
pollution vs contamination
- always human caused
- a substance introduced into an environment causes harm
- not always human caused
- there are higher lvls of a substance than usual
- doesn’t have to cause harm
- there can be contamination w/o pollution, but for pollution to occur, contamination has also occurred.
- sources (2)
- forms (5)
- impacts (3)
- human (deliberate or accidental)
- natural (volcanic ash, faeces)
- organic (e.g. animal waste)
- inorganic (e.g heavy metals)
- organisms (invasive)
- nutrients (e.g. fertiliser)
- energy (light, heat, sound)
- death to organisms
- decreased health (humans, organisms, ecosystems)
- reduced quality: soil, air, water
categories of pollutants (3)
- Point: one single location that pollution is coming from, easier to identify and control (e.g. pipe)
- Non-point: multiple, dispersed source of pollution, harder to identify and manage (e.g. city air pollution)
- Primary: active/harmful on emission (plastic, CO2, fertilisers)
- Secondary: not necessarily harmful on emission, must react to cause harm (formation of acid rain and photochemical smog)
- Persistent: cannot be decomposed, leads to build-up of pollutant, is passed along food chains, majorly affects high trophic lvls (heavy metals, DDT)
- Degradable: can be decomposed by enzymes or bacteria, does not lead to build up/passed along food chains (modern pesticides, bioplastics)
- what?
- describe process
when water becomes enriched with nutrients due to runoff of artificial fertilisers used in farming (nitrates/phosphates)
- excess nutrients causes algal blooms
- algae block out the sunlight for plants underneath: without Phs, they die
- death of plants + the algae creates thick layer of dead biomass on bottom of waterway
- biomass must be decomposed by large amounts of bacteria, which through CR, use up all the dissolved O2 in the water
- without access to plants or oxygen,
bioaccumulation vs biomagnification
- the buildup of persistent chemicals within an organism, due to ingestion/absorption of a toxin
- most affects organisms with a longer lifespan, which have a longer time to accumulate the toxin (higher trophic lvls)
- poisoning occurs once toxin lvl gets too high
- the buildup of persistent chemicals within a food chain, leading to higher concentrations within higher trophic lvls
Most affects high trophic levels:
- as the organism size increases, it must eat larger quantities of food to survive (due to trophic energy loss)
- leads to magnification of the pollutant due to a higher pollutant conc
- tuna, swordfish, shark etc
State the abiotic factors that the impact of pollution can be measured through.
- pH
- nitrates/ammonia
- dissolved O2
- conductivity (ability to pass electric currents could indicate heavy metals)
- turbidity (how clear)
- faecal coliform tests (bacteria from animal guts)
Describe how dissolved O2/BOD can be used to measure the impact of pollution.
- gets into water via: diffusion from atmosphere, movement of water, Phs by autotrophs
- it is often reduced in the presence of pollutants due to many decomposing bacteria (eutrophication)
Can be measured indirectly through BOD
- biochemical oxygen demand
- the amount of O2 consumed by bacteria + other organisms when breaking down organic matter
- when pollution occurs, more bacteria are required to break down the dead matter, increasing respiration, increasing the demand for O2
Describe how biotic factors can be used to measure the impact of pollution.
- species that are very sensitive to environmental conditions
- absence/presence/abundance of these will suggest the level of an ecosystem’s health
- the absence of several indicators of similar tolerance lvls may equal pollution
wild harvest fishing
- global production of fish/seafood has quadrupled in the last 50 years in order to feed the growing population
- wild harvest is fish that are taken from the sea (pots, nets, trawling, dredging, traps, longline)