C6.1 - Improving Processes And Products Flashcards
What are the essential elements for plants to grow?
Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Plants do not grow well if there are limited supply in the soil - may show symptoms of mineral deficiency. Quality and yield of food will also be reduced.
What are fertilisers?
Substances that replace the elements used by plants as they grow.
What form do fertilisers need to be in to be absorbed by plants?
Fertilisers need to be in a water-soluble form in order to be absorbed by the plant roots.
What are the typical symptoms of deficiency when a plant lacks an essential element?
What is the Haber process?
The Haber process manufactures ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen:
What are the raw materials for the Haber process?
Air, natural gas, steam
How is nitrogen manufactured for the Haber process?
It is manufactured by the fractional distillation of liquefied air (air is 78% nitrogen).
How is hydrogen manufactured for the Haber process?
It is manufactured by reacting natural gas (mostly methane) with steam.
What are the conditions needed for the Haber process?
Temperature of 450C
200 atm pressure
Iron catalyst
What are the steps for the Haber process?
In the Haber process:
- nitrogen (extracted from the air) and hydrogen (obtained from natural gas) are pumped through pipes.
- the pressure of the mixture of gases is increased to 200 atmospheres.
- the pressurised gases are heated to 450 Β°C and passed through a tank containing an iron catalyst.
- the reaction mixture is cooled so that ammonia liquefies and can be removed.
- unreacted nitrogen and hydrogen are recycled (improves yield to around 97%).
What factors determine the pressure chosen for the Haber process?
If the pressure is increased, the equilibrium position moves to the right and the yield of ammonia increases as it is the side that has the fewer number of moles. However, it would be hazardous and expensive to choose a very high pressure. The higher equilibrium yield would not justify the additional costs, so a compromise pressure is chosen.
What factors determine the temperature chosen for the Haber process?
The backward reaction of the Haber process is endothermic so if the temperature is increased, the equilibrium position moves to the left and the equilibrium yield of ammonia decreases. Hence, a high equilibrium yield is favoured by a low temperature. The temperature chosen is low enough to achieve a reasonable yield, but high enough to achieve a reasonable rate of reaction. Iron catalyst also works more efficiently above 400C.
What happens in a fertiliser factory?
A range of compounds are made in a fertiliser factory which will be used to create fertilisers for different needs.
These include:
Raw materials and processes in fertiliser manufacture.
How do you make potassium sulfate in the lab?
How do you make ammonium sulfate in the lab?
How are industrial processes different to lab processes?
When you make a substance in the school laboratory, you usually make a small amount at one time, using a batch process. On the other hand, many industrial processes are continuous processes. They make large amounts and go on all the time.
Compare batch process to continuous process.