C5 Investigation Techniques Flashcards
What sort of prior research can a Business Analyst complete before starting a new project / starting with a new client?
- Simplest way to get a view on what the organisation does, what it’s values are and how it wants to be percieved.
- To confirm the health of the company. Ltd Liability companies are required to file statutory documents re their financial position.
- Give an idea of the expected ‘as-is’ process (for domain knowledge).
- Sets out the management structure of the organisation and can offer insights into the style and culture of the organisation.
What are qualitative and quantitative investigation techniques?
Qualitative - understanding what is needed,
Quantitative - concerned with the volumes and frequencies.
The interview is a key tool in the Business Analyst’s toolkit. ADVANTAGES?
Interviews can:
- establish a basis for BA work,
- help to develop rapport with key business stakeholders,
- help to acquire information about a business situation,
- discover different stakeholder perspectives and priorities.
- Provides an opportunity to build a relationship with the users or clients,
- Great for understanding perspectives (viewpoints and attitudes),
- Enable chance to collect documentation,
- Highlight any underlying political factors.
The interview is a key tool in the Business Analyst’s toolkit. DISAVANTAGES?
Interviews can:
- establish a basis for BA work,
- help to develop rapport with key business stakeholders,
- help to acquire information about a business situation,
- discover different stakeholder perspectives and priorities.
- They can take time and can be expensive,
- Only one perspective.
What is the STOP organisation model?
Strategic - strategic level management to confirm TOR / agree alignment with business objectives.
Tactical - CSFs and KPIs and any associated reporting requirements.
Operational - The people who perform the actual tasks of the department.
What framework could you use when preparing for interviews and what’s a good format for an interview?
THINK - Why? What? When and Where?
Open with: Introductions and setting the scene.
Body: Questions and answers.
Closure: Summarise points covered and actions agreed,
Observation ADVANTAGES?
- Access to situations where interviews and questions are difficult to use.
- Access to people in real life situations.
- Good for explaining meaning and context,
- Can be strong on validity and in-depth understanding,
- Can be strong on validity and in-depth understanding.
- Can be viewed as too subjective,
- Time consuming,
- Depends on the role of the researcher,
- May influence findings, people changing how they do things under pressure,
What is Protocol analysis?
Asking the users to carry out a task and describe each step they perform. It’s a way of eliciting information about the skills required to complete a task that cannot be described in words alone.
What is Shadowing?
Involves following a user for a period, such as one or two days, to find out what a particular job entails.
WORKSHOPs are a key tool in the Business Analyst’s toolkit. ADVANTAGES?
Workshops can:
- Provide an excellent collaborative forum in which issues can be discussed, conflicts resolved and requirements elicited.
- Gain a broad view of the area under investigation,
- Increase speed and productivity,
- Obtain BUY IN and Acceptance,
- Gain a consensus view or group agreement
WORKSHOPs are a key tool in the Business Analyst’s toolkit. DISADVANTAGES?
Workshops can:
- Provide an excellent collaborative forum in which issues can be discussed, conflicts resolved and requirements elicited.
- Can be time consuming to organise,
- Forceful participants can over shadow the less forceful if not properly organised,
- Difficult to ensure participants have the required level of AUTHORITY.
What should be considered when preparing for a workshop?
- The objective of the workshop,
- The people invited to the workshop,
- The structure and techniques used,
- Arranging a suitable venue.
What techniques can be used in workshops?
- Round robin (round the table),
- Brainstorming,
- Post-it exercise,
- Break-out groups.
- Process models,
- Rich Pictures,
- Mind maps,
- Context diagrams,
- Use Case diagrams,
- Task scenarios,
- User stories.
SCENARIOs are a key tool in the Business Analyst’s toolkit. ADVANTAGES?
Scenarios: telling a story of a task or transaction. Useful when analysing or redesigning business processes as they help both the staff member and the analyst work through the steps required of a business process / system.
- They require the user to include each step and the transitions between steps, and as a result remove the opportunity for omissions,
- helps to ensure there are no taken-for-granted elements and tacit knowledge is addressed.
- Top down approach helps the business user to visualise all possible situations and removes uncertainty.
- Good for creating test scripts / developing prototypes.