C4101 Flashcards
illness medication stress alcohol fatigue eating
CRM Crew Resource Management
NATOPS 8-2-1
FTI 1-8
specific behavioral skills that improve mission effectiveness while minimizing mishaps. starts from before brief to after debriefing DAMCLAS Decision Making Assertiveness Mission Analysis Communication Leadership Adaptability Situational Awareness
Sandbag syndrome
other crew member has situation under control
breakdown of situational awareness, assertiveness, and leadership
“along for the ride”
Ejection Seat FTI 4-5 & Natops 1-48
Respect the Seat
always be conscience of the handle
Martin-Baker fully automatic
a. 0/0 to 35,000/370
b. Process
i. Gas pressure ejects seat when handle pulled
ii. As seat rises, CFS initiator activates CFS
iii. Near end of rails, rocket motors ignite
iv. Emergency oxygen activated
v. Drogue parachute stabilizes and reduces forward speed
vi. Automatic deployment of parachute and separate pilot from seat (Altitude sensor delays until between 14k-16k altitude)
1. Over 8k, MOR handle should be used
vii. MOR (manual override) in case auto sys fail
c. Leg Restraints
i. As seat travels up guide rails, leg restraint lines drawn through snubbers
ii. Attachment shear rings break when load is attained, or shear rivet
d. Emergency oxygen system
i. Inner left of each seat
ii. Charged if in black 1800-2500
iii. Supplies for 10 min or seat/pilot separation
iv. Automatically initiated during ejection
v. Can be manually activated with green ring
vi. Pull force may be as high as 40 pounds
vii. Must be used if OBOFS lost and cockpit altitude exceeds 10,000 feet
e. Shoulder Harness Reel and Control
i. Reel secures shoulder harness and ensure pilot brought to and locked in correct position for ejection
ii. Shoulder harness control lever left side of seat
iii. Aft (locked) forward (unlocked), restrained in forward if large amount of deceleration
Inspect canopy and inflate LPU
Release raft by pulling SSK manual release handle (don’t release over land so it doesnt get tangled)
Options - visor, mask, gloves on for land up for water
Connections - release upper Koch after PLF ground, release as soon as feet touch water
Land Procesure
steer into wind, feet and knees together, 5 point PLF
Over Water Procedure ADR avoid chute disentangle chute release SSK
ISS - interseat sequencing system
connected with gas transfer tubes
Solo - no gas between seats
both - gas signal transfers between and rear ejects first
CMD fwd - if aft handle bulled, only that seat goes, .17 sec for shoulder harness reel to retract, and .54 second timer to provide second seat to go
Seat Survival Kit (SSK)
seat pan
ADU and radio attached by 2 cables
AUTO - ssk lowered auto 4-6 sec after seat seperation and raft deployed
Manual - handle on left side of seat must be pulled
CFS Canopy Fracturing System NATOPS 1-43/44
a. Provides clear path for ejection seat (Automatic – ejection handle, manual – CFS handle)
i. Automatic – motion of ejection seat initiates CFS through initiator connected to seat by CFS attach bolt
b. Piezoelectric crystals fire electric charge that shoots fire plungers into acceptor assemblies
c. Flexible Linear Shaped Charge (FLSC) (Front Cockpit)
d. Mild Detonation Cord (MDC) (Rear)
e. Each Seat fitted with canopy breaker if CFS Fails
Abnormal Starts (NATOPS 3-4)
a. PMU should terminate
b. Manually terminate if
i. ITT likely to exceed 1000 C (hot start)
ii. ITT appears likely to remain 871-1000 > 5 sec
iii. Normal N1 halted (hung start)
iv. No rise in ITT after 10 sec (no start)
v. Red BAT BUS warning, may happen before MFD failure 12.88 V
vi. PCL moved out of ST READY, ST READY will illuminate for 3 seconds even if PCL moved out of ST READY
vii. If out of ST READY, PMU does not provide automatic protection
viii. No automatic protection for airstart
c. PMU activates starter, boost pump, igniters, and adds fuel at proper N1 speed. At 50% N1 starter and igniters are deenergized and boost pump deactivated if fuel PX greater than 10 psi
PMU abort if ITT > 940 for 2 sec > 870 for 4 sec > 840 for 19 sec N1 acceleration to IDLE < 50% normal no rise in ITT after 10 Sec
Brake Failure NATOPS `3-54
a. If landing with known wheel brake failure in one wheel, land on side of runway corresponding to failed brake, then use other brake and rudder/aileron to aid in directional control
b. If landing with known brake failure in both wheels, land on-speed and firm touchdown in center of runway
c. Warning
i. If landing and brake fails, use other brake and rudder/ailrones. If other cockpit has effective braking, other cockpit brakes. If departing runway surface, execute Aircraft Departs Surface procedure
d. Braking system
i. Non-boosted, mechanically actuated, hydraulically operated separate of aircraft hydraulic system
ii. Two master cylinders (one for left brake and one for the right brake) are interconnected with the front and rear cockpits
iii. Caution
1. If brake pressure fades or not responding, both cockpits release brakes and then reapply
Strike of Ground Object NATOPS 3-4
a. Emergency engine shutdown on the ground
i. Procedure
1. PCL – OFF
2. Firewall Shutoff Handle – Pull
3. Emergency ground egress – as required
Takeoff FTI 5-3
Takeoff roll
right rudder, TAD works > 80 kts and weight off
elevator first thing to become effective
apply back stick pressure at 90 KIAS and 8 deg nose
Initial Climb
“2 positive rates, GEAR”
“Airspeed above 110, Flaps”
“Gear up, flaps up, at ___ knots”
a) 200 feet prior to hold short, switch to tower
b) call tower
c) acknowledge clearance
d) clear left, right, and above. pcl. lineup checklist, exterior lights on, transponder active, probes anti-ice on, NWS off, EICAS display checked checked. Lineup checklist complete
e) 30% torque and brakes “instruments checked” instruments checked
f) select reference point, elevator aft neutral, compensate crosswinds, release brakes, MAX power
g) 60 knots, 100% torque, fuel flow less than 800
h) 90 knots, rotate, add 1/2 gust factor to rotate speed
I)”2 positive rates, GEAR”
“Airspeed above 110, Flaps”
“Gear up, flaps up, at ___ knots”
Departure FWOP 6-6
Over upwind numbers 05/14 - 010, 23/32 - 340
level 700-800 MSL
Clear, climb, click, call, change, check
23/32 must be > 2700 at 6.5 DME
Basic Transitions
Cruise-to-climb Power - MAX Attitude - 12-15 deg Trim - For power, right forward (clearing turns if climbing greater than 1000 ft Airspeed 180knots, 8 deg high retrim and center ball
200 feet prior begin lowering nose
trim for acceleration left forward
power - normal (50 +) or fast cruise (80 + )
Attitude - set level flight
Trim - out control pressures and center ball
Cruise to descent power - 20% attitude - 5deg down trim for power reduction - left back and clearing turns retrim and center ball
Descent to cruise 100 feet prior simultaneously power - normal or fast attitude - set level trim - for power addition right forward retrim
secondary flight controls that relieves pilot pressure
Rudder, elevator, aileron
airspeed trumps power
Turn Pattern
Normal or slow cruise
two 30 deg AOB turns for 90 heading change
two 45 deg AOB turns for 180 heading change
two 60 deg AOB turns for 360 heading change
Altitude +/- 200 feet
Airspeed +/- 10 KIAS
Heading +- 10 deg
Level Speed Change
- Normal Cruise (50+) on any numbered heading
- reduce power idle - 10%, trim decel, Below 150 gear, clear
- airspeed approaches 120, add 31% torque
stablize - landing flaps, 54% torque, trim
- before landing checklist
- power max, gear and flaps up, “gear up, flaps up at ___ knots”
- accelerate to 200 knots and reduce power to 50+
Slow Flight
Config: slow below 150 and gear down
checklist: before landing checklist and prestall spin aerobatic
clear area
1. lower landing flaps, 85 knots, 45% torque
2. coordinated 30 deg AOB turn for 180 and then another to the other direction adding power trim as necessary
3. power to max, raise gear then wait for 110 for TO flaps, “Gear up, flaps up at ___ knots”
4. accelerate to 200 knots then reduce power to 50+
5. retrim
see and avoid principle FTI 3-3
best defense against midair collision
most happen in day during VMC
majority of midair is when faster AC overtakes slower
scan 60 deg to either side and up down 10 deg
Cloud Clearances
Class A - VFR not allowed
B - 3 SM clear of clouds
C - 3 SM 1k above, 2k horz, 500 below
D - 3 SM 1k above, 2k horz, 500 below
E < 10k - 3 SM 1k above, 2k horz, 500 below
E > 10k - 5 SM, 1k above, 1sm horz, 1k below