C4 IAS 16 PPE Flashcards
IAS 16 PPE definition?
Tangible assets
- Held by the entity for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental to others, or for admin purposes.
- Expected to be used during more than one period.
IAS 16 Recognition?
- It is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the entity;
- Cost can be measured reliably.
IAS 16 additional guidance for small items
May be classified as consumables and expensed rather then capitalized
IAS 16 additional guidance for large and complex assets
Should be broken down into composite parts and each depreciated separately.
Expenditure to renew can be capitalized
IAS 16 measurement at recognition
Purchase price less trade discount/ rebate
Direct costs of bringing the asset to working condition for intended use
Finance cost
Measurement after recognition
- Cost
- Revaluation
Year end.
- Cost: carry asset at cost less depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses
- Reva: carry asset at reva amount, FV less subsequent accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses
Things to do If the revaluation model is applied
- Regularly revalued;
- Using FV hierarchy in IFRS13
- Whole class
- Surplus credit to OCI
- Losses is an expense in PL after cancelling a previous reva surplus.
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Disposal or no future eco benefits
- Gains or losses are calculated by comparing Net Proceeds with Carrying Amount = Income/expense in PL
- A reva asset, should transfer the reva surplus to Retained earnings
Exchanges of assets
Measure at FV, unless no commercial substance
Or can’t be measure reliably