C4 Flashcards
Line to Line (Facing lines)
- Centers Turn Thru as Outsides Pass In
- Clover and Pass Thru
- All Pass In
Rotary Circulate (Parallel Waves)
Leaders 1/2 Split Circulate, Circulate twice, 1/2 Split Circulate as Trailers Extend, Hinge, Box Circulate twice, Hinge, Extend
By Golly (Facing Couples)
Those closest to the flow direction Sweep 1/4 as the others Dodge and Any Shoulder Wheel Thru
Pitch < Direction >
(Tandem dancers)
Leaders Right Zing as Trailers Circulate and Turn 1/4 toward the given direction
Pitch Anything call (Tandem dancers)
Leaders Right Zing as Trailers Circulate and do the Anything call
Contour The Line (Line)
- Hinge
- Box Circulate twice
- Hinge
Magic Line/Wave
Distorted Line/Wave in which the Ends of one Line work with the Centers of the other Line
Magic Diamond
Distorted Diamond in which the Centers of one Diamond work with the Points of the other Diamond
Anchor the < anyone >
Do the anything call with the designated dancer remaining on the same floor spot throughout the entire call
Reverse Echo
- {anything}
- Concept {anything}
Insert the given call at the given point.
Nice and Easy (Parallel Waves)
Outsides Zing as Centers Trade and Roll
The Difference
- (Any Hand) Cast Off 3/4
- Centers Trade
- Cast Off 3/4
Split the Difference
- Box Circulate
- (Any Hand) Cast Off 3/4
- Centers Trade
- Cast Off 3/4
< anything > the Difference
Do the < anything > call and then full The Difference
1/4 (3/4) the Alter (Mini-Wave Box)
- Arm Turn 1/4 (3/4)
- Centers Arm Turn 1/4 (3/4) as Ends U-Turn Back
- Diamond Counter Rotate 1/4 (3/4)
- Flip The Diamond
I-J-K (Quarter) The Alter (Mini-Wave Box)
- Arm Turn the first fraction
- Centers Arm the second fraction as Ends U-Turn Back
- Diamond Counter Rotate the third fraction
- Flip The Diamond
I-J-K Alter and Circulate (Parallel Waves)
- Arm Turn the first fraction
- Centers Arm the second fraction as Ends U-Turn Back
- Outsides 4 Circulate and very Centers Trade
- Diamond Counter Rotate the third fraction
- Flip The Diamond
Do the < concept > first part of call, then reevalute formation, do the < concept > second part of the call and so on.
(1/4) (3/4) Wheel To A Diamond (L-H or R-H Two-Faced Line)
- Left Cast 1/4 (3/4) Full
- As one movement Cast an extra 1/4 and Centers Hinge
(1/4) (3/4) Wheel To An Hourglass (Parallel L-H or R-H Two-Faced Lines)
- Left Cast 1/4 (3/4) Full
- As one movement Cast an extra 1/4 and Centers 1/2 Circulate
(1/4) (3/4) Wheel To A IL Diamond (Parallel L-H or R-H Two-Faced Line)
- Left Cast 1/4 (3/4) Full
- As one movement Cast an extra 1/4 and Centers Hinge
- Very Centers Slither
Single File
Do the anything call with Centers acting as the dancers who would be first to reach the Center of the 2x2 and the Ends doing the other part of the call
Single Concentric
Is a 4-person version of Concentric. Only 2-person calls.
Single Cross Concentric
Is a 4-person version of Cross Concentric. Only 2-person calls.
Grand Single Concentric
Very Centers work together, the next 2 work around them and so on.
Grand Single Cross Concentric
Very Centers work together, go to very outside, the next 2 work and go out and so on.
Centers do the call Mirror while the ends do it normally.
Invert Mystic
Centers do it normally while the ends do it Mirror.
Inrigger, Outrigger, Letfrigger, Rightrigger
Peel the Deal (Tandems in Pair or Mini Wave)
Loop and Tag Zero
Trail the Deal (Tandems in Pair or Mini Wave)
Cross Loop and Tag Zero
Peel and Trail the Deal (Tandems in Pair or Mini Wave)
The Leads do their part of Peel the Deal while the Trailers do their part of the Trail the Deal
Peel the Wave (Parallel Waves)
- Extend twice
- Peel Off
Trail the Wave (Parallel Waves)
- Extend twice
- Trail Off
< anything > the Wave (Parallel Waves)
- Extend twice
- Do the anything call
Connect the Diamond (Diamond)
Centers Hinge and Extend as Points Fold or Cross Fold to unoccupied spot
Create a Diamond (Two-Faced Lines)
Slant Touch and 1/2 Tag
Walk the Plank (Column)
- Circulate
- Centers Walk and Dodge while End looking out Run around the other End
The Plank (Column)
Centers Walk and Dodge while End looking out run around the other End
(Any Call) the Plank
- Any call
- Centers Walk and Dodge while End looking out run around the other End
Turn On (Box)
- Split Counter Rotate
- Extend
The Action (Trade By)
- Ends Hinge and Trade while the Centers Right-hand Star 1/4
- Those who meet Cast Off 3/4 while the others Move Up.
Magic Quickwrap (Magic Column)
1 and # 2 Split Counter Rotate while # 3 and # 4 Magic Column circulate and Reset 1/2
Quickwrap (Column)
1 and #2 Split Counter Rotate while
#3 and #4 Circulate and Reset 1/2
Presto (2-Faced lines)
Centers Scoot Back and Press Ahead while Ends do Tandem Cross Fold
Outpost (Parallel Lines - in which each Line has at least one Out-Facing End)
- 1/2 Out Roll Circulate (1/2 Here comes the Judge)
- Triple Trade
- Centers Ah So while Ends do two Phantom “O” Circulates
Open Ups (Any Call)
Open Up and Centers Cast Off 3/4 and then do the < anything >
Circle the Tag
Circle Left 1/4, With The Flow to the Tag.
Circle to a Wave (= Circle the 1/2 Tag)
Brigde the Gap ( před Double Pass Thru)
Beaus individually Press Left, Belles press ahead + left loop zero
< anyone > Advance to a Column (Eight Chain thru or 1/4 Box)
- Those designeted Walk, others Dodge
- Circulate
- Centers Trade
- Circulate
Make a Pass (1/4 Tag)
- Those facing directly Pass Thru
- Centers Cast Off 3/4 while the Ends Trade and Roll
Cross Make a Pass (1/4 Tag)
- Initial Pass Thru is diagonal
- Centers Cast Off 3/4 while the Ends Trade and Roll
Make a Pass But Any Call (1/4 Tag)
- Those facing directly Pass Thru
- Centers Any Call while the Ends Trade and Roll
Double Down (Waves)
Trailing End and adjacent person do two Split Circulate while the others do one All 8 Circulate
(Right/Left) Anchor < Fraction >
As a Couple turns the indicated Fraction in the indicated direction. Right is Anchor the Belles and Left is Anchor the Beaus.
< Anytagging Call > to a Diamond/Interlocked Diamond/Hourglass/Z
- Do Anytagging Call to the 1/2 Tag formation
- To a Diamond -> 1/2 Box Circulate
To a Interlocked Diamond -> 1/2 Box Circulate, very centers Slither
To a Hourglass -> 1/2 Box Circulate, very Centers Snake (= Quarter in and step to a new miniwave with opposite handhold)
To a Z -> Trailers extend, Leaders Fold behind the Trailers