C3.4 Electrolysis Flashcards
What is electrolysis?
Electrolysis is a process in which an electric current is passed through a compound, causing a chemical change.
How does electroplating work?
During electroplating, metal ions from the electrolyte are discharged on the surface of the object (cathode). These ions are replaced by metal ions leaving the surface of the anode. Overall, metal leaves the anode and is deposited on the object. The process continues until the anode is used up.
What three complements do you need for electrolysis to work?
An electrolyte - a compound in its liquid state or in solution, which contains mobile ions and conducts electricity.
Two electrodes - made from a metal or graphite, which conduct electricity to the electrolyte
An electric supply such as a power pack or battery
What is an anode?
A positively charged electrode
How can you test if hydrogen is produced?
Hydrogen makes a ‘squeaky pop’ when burnt with a lighted splint
What happens at the cathode?
Positive metal ions are reduced to atoms at the cathode
In an aqueous solution, at the cathode if hydrogen ions and metal ions are present…
Hydrogen gas will be produced if the metal is more reactive than hydrogen. If the metal is less reactive than hydrogen then a solid layer of the pure metal will be produced instead.
In an aqueous, at the anode if halide ions are present…
Molecules of halogen elements will be formed. If no halide ions are present then oxygen will be formed from the hydroxide ions
How can you test if chlorine is produced?
Chlorine bleaches damp litmus paper so it goes white because solution of chlorine is acidic.
What are inert electrodes?
Inert electrodes are made from unreactive metals. They are not changed during electrolysis.
Inert electrodes can be used for the electrolysis of many ionic compounds in their liquid state or in aqueous solution.
What happens during the electrolysis of water?
Water is naturally partially ionised
Contains small concentrations of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions
During electrolysis, hydrogen ions are discharged at the cathode as hydrogen in its gas state and hydroxide ions are discharged at the anode framing water and oxygen in its gas state.
List the reactive series of metals with hydrogen shown for comparison from most reactive to least reactive
Potassium Sodium Calcium Magnesium Aluminium Zinc Iron Tin Lead (hydrogen) Copper Silver Gold Platinum
Give examples of inert electrodes
What is electroplating?
Electroplating is a type of electrolysis that uses non-inert electrodes
What are non-inert electrodes?
Non-inert electrodes change during electrolysis
They react
In electroplating what is the cathode, anode and electrolyte?
Cathode - object you want to coat
Anode - piece of metal you want to coat the object with
Electrolyte - solution containing ions of the coating metal
As the reaction continues…
…the mass of the anode will decrease and the mass of the cathode will increase because the ions are transferred from the anode to the cathode.
Surfing electroplating with silver what happens at the anode and at the cathode?
At the anode silver atoms lose electrons to become ions
Silver ions gain electrons at the cathode to become an atom.
How is copper purified?
Copper is purified in a similar way to electroplating, except both electrodes are made from copper. The anode is impure copper and the cathode is very pure copper. Copper(II)sulphate solution is commonly used as the electrolyte. During electrolysis, the cathode gains copper atoms and increases in mass, while the anode loses copper atoms and decreases in mass. Impurities from the anode fall off and collect underneath it.
What happens at the anode?
The negative ions are oxidised to atoms at the anode.
What are cations?
Positive ions
What are anions?
Negative ions
What is a cathode?
The negatively charged electrode