C3- Structure And Bonding Flashcards
A mixture of two or more elements, at least one of which is metal
Covalent bond
The bond between two atoms that share one or morenpairs of electrons
Covalent bonding
The attraction between two atoms that share one or more pairs of electrons
Delocalised eectron
Bonding electron that is nonlonger associated with anybone particular atom
Dot and cross diagram
A drawing to show only the arrangement of outer shell electrons of the atoms or ions in a substance
Form of the element carbon that can exist as large cage -like structure, based on hexagonal rings of carbon atoms
Substances tha have no fixed shape or volume and can be compressed easily
Giant covalent structure
A huge 3D network of covalently bonded atoms
Giant lattice
A huge 3D network of atoms or ions
Giant structure
A huge 3D network of atoms or ions
Intermolecular forces
The attraction between the indivdual molecules in a covalently bonded substance
Ionic bond
The electrostatic force of attraction between positively and negatively charged ions
Substances that have a fixed volume, but they can flow and change their shape
Particle theory
A theory that explains the properties of solids, liquids and gases bases on the fact that all matter is made from tiny particles. It describes the movement of particles and the distance between them.
A substance made from verylarge molecules made up of many repeating units