C3 Skill Acquisition Flashcards
motor skills
a complex, controlled muscle movement that is learnt and practiced to complete a pre-determined task
the components that make up a motor skill
motor program
the whole plan of a motor skill, including all subroutines
When is a skilled movement performed?
when all subroutines are performed effectively, with correct sequencing and timing
Describe the 2 types of movement classification for motor skills.
- small muscle groups used
- greater precision in movements
- eg. darts, archery
- whole body, large muscle groups
- less precision
- eg. soccer, high jump
Describe the 3 other types of motor skill classification
- have a distinct beginning + end
- brief duration
- eg. javelin, tennis serve, free kick
- no distinct begin/end
- rhythmic, flowing movements
- eg. running, swimming, rowing
- a number of discrete skills in a sequence
- form a more complicated action
- eg. gymnastics routine, triple jump
Describe the 2 types of environmental predictability for motor skills.
- variable + unpredictable environment
- externally paced (outside factors)
- requires adaptation of skills
- eg. battling in cricket, soccer, hockey, sailing
- more difficult to learn
- more decisions to be made
- stable + predictable environment
- internally paced (self-timed)
- replication of skill
- eg. hitting ball off a tee, golf driving range
- better for teaching skills
- less decisions to be made
Describe the teaching continuum between closed and open skills.
- skills should be taught on a continuum moving from closed to open
- eg. on cones passing, follow pass, add defender, 3v3 passing, match game
1. Cognitive phase
- developing initial understanding of how to do a skill
- trial + error
- very inconsistent, little success
- lots of self talk
- high attentional demand
- poor timing/sequencing of movements
- frustration
Coaching strategies
- repetitive demonstration
- clear instruction
- don’t overload info
- slow step-by-step
- give feedback
2. Associative phase
- practice of the skill, familiar w sequence + timing
- length of this stage based on: motivation, complexity, coaching ability
- most never progress past this stage
- self-recognition of error
- refiine accuracy, consistency + efficiency
- less self-talk
- develop correct timing
- smoother + quicker movements
Coaching strategies
- more specific + technical feedback
- increase difficulty - more open-style practice
3. Autonomous phase
- skill becomes automatic, little attention needed to perform correctly
- high speed + efficiency
- multitasking
- repeatable, consistent success
- identify + correct own error
- selectively attend to relevant cues
5 factors affecting skill acquisition
- children have < capacity to process info, and lower motor control
- people mature at diff rates
- performance usually peaks at a specific age (over 30)
- differences in physiology
- men advantaged in strength/power
- women greater ability to utilise fats, increasing endurance
- body type/muscle fibre composition is based on genetics
- impacts persistence + effort
- professional teaching is better presented + taken in
- massed vs distributed
- repetitive, continuous practice w/o breaks until skill is learned
- more suited to highly skilled + motivated athletes
- eg. kicking 50 penalties in a row
- short, frequent practice sessions
- w regular breaks, in which feedback can be received/practice something else
- generally deemed more effective
- especially when learned is inexperienced, lack of motivation, skill is complex
- whole vs part
- learning entire skill, whole process
- good for skills that are highly complex + difficult to break down
- teaching a skill in its subroutines
- progressive - builds up to make whole
- good when skill has clearly defined components
- fixed vs varied
- same skill practiced repetitively in same enviro conditions
- good for closed skills
- differing enviro conditions
- good for open skills
- develops schema
- drill vs problem solving
- traditional approach - learning through repetition
- controlled practice for closed skills
- eg. netball shots from set points
- learning through discovery
- application of a skill set to suit a situation
- teaches creativity + game intelligence
- eg. netball game with moving defence line requiring adaptation from attackers
- schema is the ability to apply a skill to a range of different situations.
- every time a movement is conducted, information is gathered + applied to future performance of the skill
- therefore, it is developed by practicing in quantity + large number of different enviro conditions
- VERY important for open skills where conditions are changing + unpredictable
- eg. playing on turf, muddy pitch, good quality grass = schema is developed to play in all conditions
1. Sensory Input
cues obtained using the senses:
- vision
- hearing
- proprioreception (kinaesthetic sense that gives awareness of muscular movement, through muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin)
- equilibrium (the positioning + balance of the body, important to maintain control - eg. gymnastics, diving, dancing)
- touch
- smell
pieces of information obtained from the environment
- irrelevant info from enviro
- eg. crowd noise, opposition taunts
- the ability to direct attention to the correct part of the environment to detect cues
- eg. opponent body position, referee whistle, ball movement
selective attention
- a performer’s ability to block out irrevelvant cues (noise) and respond only to the relevant
- cuts down length of info processing time, making for quicker reactions/decision making
- caused by correct orienting
- can be aided by: making relevant cues stand out, using as few cues as possible in initial practice, directing player attention to cues
- predicting what will happen based on detection of relevant cues
- developed by experience
List 3 ways in which detection of visual cues can be enhanced.
- using larger objects
- using bright/contrasting colours
- slowing down objects
2. Processing (stim ID, resp selection, resp programming)
- cues are received + organised through memory
- signal detection is affected by: 1. ability of sense organs, 2. strength of the cue, 3. noise, 4. speed of the cue, 5. level of arousal (must be optimal) - RESPONSE SELECTION
- an action/movement is assigned to the identified stimulus/cue
- a motor program is formed as the most effective response - RESPONSE PROGRAMMING
- the relevant MP is retrieved from long term memory
- a sequence of muscular contractions is initiated
3. Output
- the actual movement/motor program is conducted
- info is conveyed to the muscles by the brain through the motor neurons
4. Feedback
- received about the skills performance after or during, can be:
- Internal: the feeling in muscles + joints, within body
- External: visual, auditory + verbal cues from enviro
reaction time
- the amount of time between when a stimulus is presented, and the first movement initiated in response to it
- total amount of time for athlete to collect + process info from senses, formulate a response, + transfer this to muscles to react
- it is more important in open skills
movement time
- the time taken to complete the task after it has been initiated
- from when body starts physically reacting, to when the movement is finished
response time
- reaction time + movement time
- presentation of stimulus -> finish of movement
simple reaction time
- 1 stiimulus, 1 correct response
- eg. starting gun = run
- results in faster reaction time
choice reaction time
- multiple stimuli, and/or multiple possible correct responses
- more info processing to be done
- results in slower reaction time
- Hick’s Law
- as the number of stimulus-response alternatives increases, so does reaction time
- a player can deliberately increase no. of stimulus alternatives available to their opponent, delaying their reaction time (eg. being unpredictable)
- set plays for a given situation can decrease number of stim-response alternatives = decrease reaction time
- age
- for <10 and >60, RT is slower
- at its fastest b/w 19-30
- > during mid 20s
- gender
- males generally faster
- however, females RT increase due to age is slower
- intensity of stimulus
- > intensity of stimulus (eg. noticeable size, colour, volume) = < RT
- probability of a stimulus occurring
- unpredictability/uncertainty makes anticipation difficult, > RT
- when a stimulus has a high probability of occurring, RT is <
- presence/absence of warning signals
- recognising warning signals indicates a movement is about to occur
- eg/ hand signals/cues by opposition, ‘on your marks’
- signal detection
- ability to detect cues/stimulus
- previous experience
- prior experience increases signal detection + means more feedback has been received on performance
- t/f, RT < with experience
- selective attention
- reduces processing time, t/f < RT
- Psychological Refractory Period (PRP)
- the delay processing a signal while the preceding signal is being processed
- athlete cannot process a 2nd cue until the initial cue has been processed
- this takes up to 0.5 seconds
- if a 2nd cue is presented before then, athlete will be delayed
- eg. a player feints, then changes direction
- this PRP time cannot be improved: can only improve ability to recognise fakes through experience
- stimulus-response compatibility
- the degree of correspondence between a stimulus + its correct response
- > the compatibility, the shorter the RT
- it is based on how expected a stimulus is, in comparison to a specific response
- eg. a swimmer is expecting a starting gun. A beep is used instead. This stimulus is incompatible with the response of starting the race. T/f, RT is delayed.
- selecting the most compatible response is difficult, can be improved with experience and coaching feedback
- Practice
- more practice = decreased choice RT
- a well-practiced athlete will not > their RT as much with each added choice.
- Anticipation
- an athlete initiates a particular response before the appearance of the appropriate signal
- the only way to effectively reduce RT
- athletes can be trained to look for cues in an environment
2 types of anticipation
- SPATIAL/EVENT: prediction of WHAT will happen in an enviro
- TEMPORAL: prediction of WHEN an event will occur. Less useful. eg. BB ball toss
advantages and disadvantages of anticipation
- if RIGHT, RT is decreased = faster response
- combined spatial/temporal anticipation creates ultimate advantage
- allows both what + when to be predicted
- if WRONG, RT is increased = slower response
- (0.4 seconds to stop original action + begin to process new)
3 sites of memory storage (durations)
- short term sensory storage (STSS): 1 sec
- short term memory (STM): 1 min
- long term memory (LTM): permanent
short term sensory storage (STSS)
- receive lots of info
- retain for brief period (1 sec)
- allows athlete to make split action/decisions
- selective attention selects only the relevant info to relay to STM
short term memory (STM)
- also referred to as ‘working memory’
- gives the ability to recall info immediately after exposure to it
- after this, it is either lost, or relevant info is transferred to LTM
- info overload: too much info in STM, meaning not all of it is retained to LTM (eg. too detailed game plan, learning a new skill)
- in STM
- capacity of the STM is around 5-9 items of info
- chunking is putting single pieces of data together into groups of larger info
- many related items are stored ‘as one’
- this increases the volume of info that can be stored in the STM
List the factors affecting STM (5).
- Relevance/meaningfulness: greater importance of task/goal = easier to retain + transfer to STM
- Interference (distractions): noise interferes with information transfer to STM
- Chunking/coding: improves storage
- Rehearsal/practice: info must be rehearsed for it to be transferred to STM, should be done asap after cue appears
- Overloading: greater volume of info than capacity (5-9) results in overload, some info is lost
long term memory (LTM)
- permanent, limitless storage
- affected by meaning/relevance + amount of practice
- info must be repeated/rehearsed to ensure LTM storage, and taught in a way that develops importance
encoding (practice)
- in LTM
- involves creating similarity between acquiring a piece of info, and performing/recalling it later
- easier in closed skills (same environment)
- open skills will need match-like simulation to develop schema
all information an athlete receives about the result or process of an activity, either during the performance or at its completion
roles of feedback (3)
- motivate
- reinforce efficient/correct performance
- regulate/change the performance during the activity + in the future
sources of feedback
- kinaesthetic feedback
- received from internal senses (vision, hearing, touch, proprioreception, forces, smell)
- both during and after a skill is performed
- received from an external source
- best received directly after
- divided into two main categories:
Knowledge of Results (KR)
- feedback provided from the outcome of a performance
- eg. match score, successful goal, first place
Knowledge of Performance (KP)
- feedback provided on the technical quality/execution of the skill
- often verbal (eg. from coach), or video analysis
timing of feedback
- continuous (concurrent): given throughout performance from many sources
- terminal (discrete/delayed: given after performance
- the science concerned with the internal and external forces acting on a human body or object
- aims to develop technique in motor skills to enhance performance
List 8 important anatomical positions.
- Flexion: joint movement DECREASING the angle between two bones (flex muscles)
- Extension: joint movement INCREASING the angle between two bones (extend)
- Abduction: movement AWAY from the body
- Adduction: movement TOWARD the body
- Posterior: back of body
- Anterior: front of body
- Dorsiflexion: toes upwards
- Plantar flexion: pointed toes, lengthen foot
the study of the body in motion, including how fast, far and consistently the body moves
linear motion
- movement of the body in a straight line
- eg. ice skater gliding, the upper body of a cyclist moving in a straight line
angular motion
- motion of an object around a fixed point known as an AXIS OF ROTATION
- an axis can be internal (eg. shoulder joint) or external (gymnastics bars)
- eg. somersault, arm movement in cricket bowl
general motion
- most common type of motion
- a combination of linear and angular
- eg. cycling: upper body in linear motion, legs in angular motion
- a body that moves through the air, human or object
- due to gravity, follows the shape of a parabola
factors affecting projectile motion
- Velocity of release: the harder something is hit/thrown, further it will travel (momentum)
- Height of release: a higher point of release to ground = further travel
- Air resistance: projectile through air creates a drag behind it
- Shape: streamlined objects travel more effectively due to drag
- Spin: top spin, back spin, side spin alter the parabola of the projectile
Angle of release
- 45° generally ideal (equal vertical/horizontal force)
- Larger angles than 45 = shorter distance, greater height (longer to reach ground)
- Smaller angles than 45 = shorter distance, lower height (faster time to reach ground)
- the force gained by motion
- M = mV (mass x velocity)
the study of the forces associated with motion
mass and inertia
- the amount of matter that makes up an object
- directly measures INERTIA: the resistance of any physical object to any change in its state of motion, including speed and direction
- the pushing or pulling effect of a body that can cause change
- measured in Newtons (N)
- applied when one object comes in contact with another
- required to initiate, slow down, + stop movement
- forces are produced from within the body by muscular contractions, or applied to objects eg. a racquet/ball
Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion
- law of inertia
- a body continues in its state of rest or motion unless acted upon by a force
- f = ma
- the rate of change of acceleration of a body is proportional to the force applied
- greater mass = more force must be applied to move it
- for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
levers within the body
- the human body is made up of levers (bones), with axis (joints)
- levers increase the amount of force applied, and generate greater speed in sports
- Centre of gravity
- Base of support
- Stability
- How do you enhance stability?
- the point in an object at which its body is in balance in reference to gravity
- lower centre of gravity = increased stability
- eg. stance of a surfer
- the area of the supporting base of an object
- greater base area = greater stability
- the body’s ability to remain in a state of balance
- can be static or dynamic
Enhancing stability:
- widen base of support (usually leg stance)
- lower centre of gravity
- keep COG directly over BOS
Describe the 6 steps of Biomechanical Analysis.
- Determine specific objective of the analysis
- Observe
- Naked eye: ideally first time observation. Real time viewing, for timing + sequence
- Vid analysis: allows pause, replay, slow-mo - Identify movement patterns
- place the skill within patterns of movement (eg. running, striking, throwing, lifting, jumping) - Divide into skill phases: break down and observe in subroutines
- Detecting errors: identify the specific component of the skill causing misperformance
- Identify starter mechanisms
- the mannerisms/mechanisms done prior to a movement
- can be used to initiate the skill
- eg. small jumps done before a high jump.