C172 M Flashcards
Engine Failure on Takeoff Run
Throttle - Idle
Brakes - Apply
Flaps - Retract
Mixture - Idle Cutoff
Master Switch - Off
Engine Failure Immediately After Takeoff
Airspeed 60 (flaps down) - 65 (flaps up)
Mixture - Idle cutoff
Fuel Selector - Off
Ignition Switch - Off
Flaps - As Required
Master Switch - Off
Engine Failure During Flight
Airspeed - 65
Carb Heat - On
Fuel Selector Value - Both
Mixture - Rich
Ignition Switch - Both (start if prop is stopped)
Primer - In & Locked
Emergency Landing without Engine Power
Seats, Belts, Shoulder Harness - Secure
Airspeed 69 (flaps up) - 65 (flaps down)
Mixture - Idle Cutoff
Fuel Selector Valve - Off
Ignition Switch - Off
Flaps - As Required
Master Switch - Off
Doors - Unlatched before touchdown
Touchdown - slighly tail low
Brakes - Apply Heavily
Landing with Flat Main Tire
Approach - Normal
Touchdown - Good Main Tire First, hold airplane off as long as possible
Fire During Start on Ground
Craking - Continue until Engine Starts
After Start - 1700 RPM for 3 min
Engine - Shutdown and Inspect for damage
Throttle Full Open
Mixture - IDLE Cutoff
Cranking - Continue 2-3 Min
Fire Extinguisher - Obtain
Engine - Secure
Master Switch - Off
Ignition Switch Off
Fuel Selector Valve - Off
Fire - Extinguish
Fire Damage - Inspect
Engine Fire in Flight
Fuel Selector Valve - OFF
Master Switch - OFF
Cabin Heat and Air - OFF
Airspeed - 100 KIAS (airspeed that will put the fire out)
Forced landing - Execute
Electrical Fire in Flight
Master Switch - OFF
Vents / Cabin Heat & Air - OFF
Avionics Master Switch - OFF
All Switches (except ignition) - OFF
Fire Extinguisher - Activate
Rough Running Engine in Flight
1. Throttle - FULL
2. Carb Heat - ON (Wait 30 sec) if fixed skip to 5
3. Mags - Leave on best power (left, right or both) if fixed skip to 5
4. Mixture - leave on best power (leaner or richer
5. Throttle - set for optimal condition for phase of flight
6. Flight - TERMINATE as soon as practical if not fixed, monitor engine instruments
Inadvertent Icing encounter
Pitot Heat - ON
Turn back or change altitude
Pull cabin heat control full out and open defroster outlets
Flight - Divert to nearest airport
Approach 65-75 KIAS
Static Source Blockage
Static Pressure Alternate Source Valve - On
Ammeter Shows Excessive Rate of Charge
Battery / Alternator - OFF
Battery / Alternator - ON
If over voltage light illumitates again:
Alternator Circuit breaker - Pull
Flight - Terminate ASAP
Ammeter Shows Discharge
Avionics Master Switch - OFF
Alternator Circuit Breaker - Check In
Master Switch - OFF
Master Switch - ON
Low Voltage Light - Check Off
Avionics Master Switch - On
If ammeter shows a continous discharge:
Alternator - Off
Nonessential Electrical Equipment - Off
Flght - Terminate ASAP
Wing Fire
Navigation Light Switch - Off
Pitot Heat Switch - Off
Keep Flames away from the fuel tank and cabin and land ASAP