C Verbs Flashcards
cado, -ere, cecidi, casum
I fall
canto (1)
I sing
capio, -ere, cepi, captum
I take, capture
cedo, -ere, cessi, cessum
I go, I give away
celo (1)
I conceal, I hide
clamo (1)
I shout
coepi, coepisse, coeptum (defective)
I begin, I have begun
cognosco, -ere, cognovi, cognitum
I get to know, I find out.
cogo, -ere, coegi, coactum
I compel
colligo, -ere, collegi, collectum
I collect
colo, -ere, colui, cultum
I cultivate, I worship
comparo (1)
I prepare, I gain, I obtain
conficio, -ere, confeci, confectum
I finish, I wear out
conor (1 dep)
I try
consilium capio
I think of a plan, I have an idea
conspicio, -ere, conspexi, conspectum
I catch sight of, I see
constituo, -ere, constitui, constitutum
I decide
consumo, -ere, consumpsi, cunsumptum
I eat, I use up
contendo, -ere, contendi, contentum
I hurry, I stretch, I fight
convenio, -ire, conveni, conventum
I meet, I gather, I come together
credo, -ere, credidi, creditum + dat
I believe, I trust
culpo (1)
I find fault with, I blame
cupio, -ere, cupivi, cupitum
I desire
curro, -ere, cucurri, cursum
I run
custodio (4)
I guard