"C" To "ZC" Flashcards
To Grow
Crecer Creciendo Crecido
Crezco Creces Crece Crecemos Crecéis Crecen
Totally regular in the Past
To Offer
I offer to help my grandmother
Ofrezco ayudar a mi abuela.
Totally regular in the Past
To obey
To disobey
C changes to ZC
only in 1st person singular.
Obedecer – obedezco
Desobedecer– Desobedezco
Totally regular in the Past
To translate
I translate the book from English to Spanish
Traduzco el libro de inglés a español.
Like Conducir in the past
Traduje etc.
To drive
I don’t drive my father’s car.
Conducir Conduciendo Conducido
No conduzco el coche de mi padre.
To know, as in, not a fact, but rather to know a person (always add an “A”), or be familiar with a place , or aquatinted with. To know a fact use Saber.
Do I know all of your cousins.
He knows New York well.
Conozco a todos sus primos?
Él conoce bien Nuevo York.
Totally regular in the Past