C Tier Cards Flashcards
Dark Swoop
Target fastest enemy
Triple Threat
Attack twice if this axie has any debuffs
Night Steal
Steal 1 energy from your opponent when comboed with another card
Self Rally
Apply 2 morale+ to this Axie for 2 rounds
Single combat
Guaranteed critical strike when comboed with at least 2 other cards
Why so serious
Heal this axie by damage inflicted with this card to aquatic targets
Kotaro Bite
Gain 1 energy if target is faster than this axie
Sneaky Raid
Target the furthest enemy
Healing Aroma
Heal this axie for 120 HP
Gain 1 energy when comboed with a plant card
Turnip rocket
Target a bird if comboed with 2 or more cards
Shroom’s Grace
Heal this axie for 120 HP
Bug signal
Steal energy from your opponent when chained with another “Bug Signal” card
Mystic Rush
apply speed- to target for 2 rounds
Smart shot
Skip the closest target if there are 2 or more enemies remaining
Upstream Swim
apply speed+ to this axie for 2 rounds when comboed with another aquatic class card
Chitin jump
Prioritizes furthest target
Gerbil Jump
Skip the closest target if there are 2 or more enemies remaining
Fish Hook
Apply Attack+ to this Axie when attacking Plant, reptile, or dusk targets
Death Mark
Apply Lethal to target if this axie’s HP is below 30%
Ivory Stab
Gain 1 energy per critical strike dealt by your team this round