C-Spine Anatomy Flashcards
Nuchal Ligament
lower c-spine
from external occipital protuberance and medial nuchal line to C7 spinous process
expansion of supraspinal ligament
PLL in Upper C-Spine
continuous with tectorial membrane to occiput
ALL in Upper C-Spine
starts from anterior tubercle of atlas
Vertical Ligament
deeper upper c-spine (cruciform)
foramen magnum to post body of axis
Transverse Ligament
deeper upper c-spine (cruciform)
thick and strong ligament from small tubercles on lateral masses of atlas (behind dens of axis)
holds dens to C1
Alar Ligament
deep to cruciform
B from dens upward and lateral to occiput near ant foramen magnum
limits flex and rot
Apical Ligament
deep to cruciform
apex of dens to ant margin of foramen magnum
Post Muscles
traps, lev cap
erector spinae (long - to mastoid process, iliocostalis - lower only)
transversospinalis, multifidus, rotatores - ends at C2
splenius cap and cerv - neck ext, rot same
semispinalis cap and cerv - neck ext
Suboccipital Muscles
occiput to C2 - connect atlas and axis to each other and to head
superior oblique - B ext head, SB same
inferior oblique - rot same atlas and head
rectus cap post major and minor - ext
Ant and Lat Muscles
SCM - B flex, SB same, rot opp
scalenes - SB same
infrahyoids - stabilizes hyoid
Deep Ant
longus colli - stabilize neck for flexion; C2-T3 along ant vert bodies
longus capitus - assists in head and neck flex; t-processes C3-C6 to in front of foramen magnum
rectus cap ant - flex head (atlas to occiput)
rectus cap lat - SB same (lateral masses of atlas to occiput)
Occipital Nerve
greater - C2 dorsal ramus traverses suboccipital triangle, pierces semispinalis cap to scap
lesser - C1 dorsal ramus within suboccipital triangle
Brachial Plexus (Roots and Major Nerves)
upper C5-6
mid C7
lower C8-T1
radial C5-T1
musculocutaneous C5-7
ulnar C8-T1
median C6-T1
Vascular Structures
vertebrobasilar artery - through vert artery foramen
subclavian arteries
carotid arteries
vert artery traverses c-spine through forman in t-processes
- can be impinged here cause artery makes two 90 deg turns at C1
- symptoms - dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea
OA Motion
10 flex, 25 ext
rot min, < 10 SB