C-Programming Flashcards
ASCII of a-z is
The output window of c prigram is
80 cols x 25 rows
What is expression in clang?
Any statement that has value associated with it
Assignment has associativity
Right to left
What must be the datype when % is used?
Both nume and denomi must be type int else error
Priority of relational operators
«=»= high
== != low
Return types of scanf function
0 -if no matching input scanned
-1 if any exit key clicked in terminal
>0 no of values successfully copied into their variables
Left shift of a is
a x 2^n
Right shift if a is
Size of operator takes input
in most compilers the evaluation of printf statement is from
right to left
Can the if condition be empty
No never it should not be empty
Can there be any statement between if and else?
No neber
All the 3 expressions in a for loop can be
Empty,if exp2 (condition) not specified it is assumed to be true
The sign of the modulo operator is
The sign of first operand
is it mandatory to specify the condition in the while loop
Yes ,true