C Operators Flashcards
What is the C type cast operator
An operator that converts the type of a value to another specified data type
What is the C sizeof operator
An operator that returns the size of a data type or value in bytes
What is the return type of the C sizeof operator
C Operator: (type)
Type cast operator
C Operator: =
Assignment operator
C Operator: >
Greater than
C Operator: >=
Greater than or equal to
C Operator: %
Modulos operator
C Operator: &
Address of operator and bitwise AND operator
What is the operator in the C compound assignment operator
Any one of the arithmetic operators
C Operator: ==
Equals to
C Operator: <
Less than
C Operator: <=
Less than or equal to
C Operator: !=
Not equal to
What are C binary operators
Operators that have two operands
C Operator: +
Addition operator
C Operator: *
Multiplication Operator
C Operator: /
Division Operator
C Operator: -
Subtraction operator
C Operator: ++
Increment operator
C Operator: –
Decrement operator
What does the prefix form of the C increment and decrement operator do
Alters its operands contents by 1 first, before the value is used in an expression
What does the postfix form of the C increment and decrement operator do
Alters its operands contents by 1 after it has been used in an expression