C - I OUGHT TO/ I MUST... Flashcards
i ought to…
i should that…
il faudrait que
i ought to fill up the tank
i should that i do the full
il faudrait que je fasse le plein
i do
the full (tank of a car)
je fasse
le plein
i ought to confirm my flight
i should that i confirm my flight
il faudrait que je confirme mon vol
we ought to be at the station at seven
i should that we is at the station at seven o clock
il faudrait qu’on soit a la gare a sept heures
we ought to get some more petrol
i should that we take more of petrol
il faudrait qu’on prenne plus de carburant
petrol (carburetor)
i must…
je dois
i must collect the car before three
i must go seek the car before three o clock
je dois aller chercher la voiture avant trois heures
i must catch the bus at 530 tomorrow morning
i must take the bus at 530 tomorrow morning
je dois prendre le bus a 530 demain matin
you must show your driving license (vous)
you must present your license of drive
vous devez presenter votre permis de conduire
you must print out your e-ticket (vous)
you must print your ticket electronic
vous devez imprimer votre billet electronique
to print
i’d like to (politeness)
je voudrais
i’d like to hire a bike
i’d like to rent a bike
je voudrais louer un velo
i’d like to take the train
je voudrais prendre le train
my friend would like to report his luggage missing
my friend would like to signal the loss of his baggage
mon ami voudrait signaler la perte de ses bagages
to report
the loss
la perte