C# GUI Forms / Operator Overload / Interfaces Flashcards
What are menus and what do they look like?
Menus provide groups of related commands for Windows forms apps and organize commands without “cluttering” the GUI.
How do you create menus?
To create a menu, open the toolbox and drag a menustrip control onto the form. To add menu items to the menu, click the type here textbox and type the menu item’s name.
How do you make menu items have shortcut keys?
Set the ShortcutKeys property.
How do you remove a menu item?
Select it with the mouse and press the delete key
How do you group items by separator bars?
Right click and select Insert>Separator or by typing - for the text of a menu item.
What types of menu items can you add?
Visual studio allows you to add TextBoxes and ComboBoxes as menu items. Before you enter text for a menu item, you are provided with a drop-down list.
What is the convention for menu items that require the user to provide more information?
What are the common menustrip and toolstrip properties and events?
How would you show a message box in code?
How code would look for checked menu item types look?
What is the month calendar control?
The MonthCalendar control displays a monthly calendar on the form. Multiple dates can be selected by clicking dates on the calendar while holding down the shift key.
What are the month calendar properties and events?
What is the link label?
The link label control displays links to other resources, such as files or web pages.
What are the common link pabel properties and default event?
How would you use a link label to browse the C: drive?